Blizzard Entertainment® today announced that "World of Warcraft®," its eagerly awaited massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), is now available in North America, Australia and New Zealand. With a monthly subscription, players can experience the epic adventure of the "Warcraft®" series in an immersive and continually evolving online environment. "World of Warcraft" is already in Open Beta in Korea and Closed Beta in Europe, and further details regarding the Final Beta Test in Europe and additional beta tests in Asia will be announced in the near future.Update: On a related note, Slashdot | Vivendi Jilts WoW CE Pre-order Customers (thanks Mike Martinez) outlines problems some customers have experienced getting their pre-orders for the Collector's Edition fulfilled.
The honeymoon period begins, and the fans will rejoice.. until 2 weeks later they realise that WoW is just another treadmill MMO with a fancy interface, and they'll go back to playing CS.