Sounds like you're having a rough time of it Warhawk, my sympathies. One of the benefits of having twins is that they actually keep each other company and are less clingy than singletons. Thats not to say that they wont both hang on you at the same time but it happens less often
They've been pretty good at sleeping, one wont wake up unless the world is ending (or he hears the word 'breakfast' whispered from the other side of the house) the other is a pretty light sleeper but will go through the night. This means if I'm alone with them in the house I can safely go and put on headphones and game away, they can come and get me if there is a problem.
It sounds pretty heartless but when they went through the nighttime crying phase we just let them get on with it. Eventually they realised that we weren't going to come at their beck and call and that we would still be there in the morning.
I would definitely go and organise a formal date night though. Not only does this help the little one to realise that you have a life of your own but it also helps your wife to realise that its perfectly okay to leave the child for a period of time.. I remember the first time we went out my wife drove the babysitter wild phoning every hour or so.