Out of the Blue

I was already running a little behind this morning, and a little plumbing problem set me even further back. According to our friendly neighborhood plumber, the pipe to the radiator in our second-floor bathroom, which had apparently been rusting for years, finally failed, causing a (thankfully minor) flood in the basement. Turns out this is sort of good news that this finally came to a head, as he says this was impeding the heat on the second floor as well as my office above, so having the pipe repaired may well help us keep our house warmer.

Stories of the Day: They Don't Come Any Dumber...
Spaniards hammer out work stress. Thanks MrWolf.
Former janitor leaves millions to school.
Science!: 'Self-cleaning' suits may be in your future.
Persistent coughs melt away with chocolate.
New effort to crack nutty problem.
Image of the Day: Best graphics bug ever?
Media of the Day: Rainbow - Twangers Clip. Thanks Pete.
Auction of the Day: 'Virgin Mary' sandwich sells on eBay for $28,000.
Thanks Mike Martinez and Ant.
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Re: Must defend against troll accusations
Nov 23, 2004, 10:17
Re: Must defend against troll accusations Nov 23, 2004, 10:17
Nov 23, 2004, 10:17
Yay politics... Oh how I love reading about politics here on a gaming site. /sarcasm


This comment was edited on Nov 23, 10:17.
No subject
Nov 23, 2004, 10:08
No subject Nov 23, 2004, 10:08
Nov 23, 2004, 10:08
Ack, that post made me spill my morning coffee.

Hey dude, this is a games site.

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Must defend against troll accusations
Nov 23, 2004, 09:58
Must defend against troll accusations Nov 23, 2004, 09:58
Nov 23, 2004, 09:58
Noticed I was getting some mention as a troll in a few threads yesterday. On the off chance that someone might actually believe it, I must provide some more real world proof of the things I say.

Awhile back I was mentioning how Isreal controls the USA in one of the political threads talking about who runs the US. The usual suspects jumped in and called me names, suggested the thread be deleted, my posts be deleted, I be banned, I am a nazi, etc etc etc. You would think I was as powerful as Godzilla or something. All for writing an accurate reflection of reality.

One particularly insulting person I challenged. I said "instead of calling me names or saying I tell lies, prove that I am wrong that Isreal controls Bush and the White House". He then posted a paragraph by a man named William Krisol who worked at a think tank. The article was something like "those fools who believe in conspiracy theories think that Israel controls the USA".

I responded by telling him that William Kristol was one of them. One of the people who controls the USA. I don't know if he or anyone else believed me. People always want internet links or quotes. So here we go. A quote from a story in a major news site, Asia Times Online, that tells who William Kristol is and who he works for.

Describing what PNAC is, and describing all the traitors who are involved with it is another entire discussion. I can only respond to one idea at a time. The idea that William Kristol is an unbiased, respected journalist who can be believed when he says that "Isreal does not control the USA". He is a propagandist for the group of foreign nationals who control, run and direct the USA government and it's current foreign policy.

"That the hawks back in Washington are indeed mobilizing became clear on Monday when William Kristol, an influential neo-conservative who also chairs the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), faxed a statement titled "Toward Regime Change in North Korea" to reporters and various "opinion leaders" in the capital.

PNAC issues statements relatively infrequently, so its formal statements are carefully noted. PNAC boasts Vice President Dick Cheney, Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Cheney's powerful chief of staff, I Lewis Libby, among a dozen other senior Bush national security officials, as signers of its 1997 charter. "

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