I'll step up to the plate for nin (I like a challenge)
I think what he's trying to say is that you're not going to see a WTC recreation game coming out anytime soon because everyone who lost somebody in that disaster would be upset. The same goes for the JFK thing - imagine a game reacreating the death of one of your family members. WWII shooters don't have characters modelled after real people AND they don't attempt to recreate exact conditions of any one person's death. I wouldn't want Jackie Kennedy to see that screenshot of her husband in the crosshairs.
On the flip side, this all happened over 40 years ago and I'm sure she's been saturated with documentaries and other media. She's probably talked about it a lot too. Plus, it's a historical event and one of the largest conspiracy theories ever to occur sooo...
Arguments can be made for both cases, can't we all just get along?
This comment was edited on Nov 22, 10:13.