Ships Ahoy - Half-Life 2

As noted on Steam News Half-Life 2 is now officially available at retail stores throughout North America. Though Valve's highly anticipated sequel has been available early at some over-caffeinated stores (story), the online activation process is now underway, and copies of the game purchased at stores or online via Steam can now be unlocked by restarting Steam:
Half-Life 2 is available now for purchase and to play. Those who pre-purchased their copy via Steam may access the game by restarting Steam, then double-clicking on the Half-Life 2 icon in their Steam Games directory. To purchase your copy via Steam, get Steam now.

We hope you enjoy it!
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Re: Ships Ahoy - Half-Life 2
Feb 25, 2022, 22:46
Re: Ships Ahoy - Half-Life 2 Feb 25, 2022, 22:46
Feb 25, 2022, 22:46
With all these resurrected threads I was hoping I'd gone back in time.
Avatar 58853
Re: Ships Ahoy - Half-Life 2
Feb 25, 2022, 22:12
Re: Ships Ahoy - Half-Life 2 Feb 25, 2022, 22:12
Feb 25, 2022, 22:12
Enjoy wrote on Aug 23, 2006, 15:40:

These were the good times.

Listening to:

Squirrel Count: Catch & Release: 11 Shot: 2
Yep. Wow, 2004. I remember buying The Orange Box from my local Best Buy store to price match!
Avatar 1957
Re: No subject
Nov 16, 2014, 20:32
Re: No subject Nov 16, 2014, 20:32
Nov 16, 2014, 20:32
Beamer wrote on Nov 16, 2004, 13:44:
I mean, realistic female models vs Hooters Girls exclusively? Which is more mature?

SJW 2K4!
Re: Ships Ahoy - Half-Life 2
Nov 16, 2014, 19:47
Re: Ships Ahoy - Half-Life 2 Nov 16, 2014, 19:47
Nov 16, 2014, 19:47
Dear past-self:
Team Fortress 2 finally came out in 2008, with the addition of custom party hats for your characters. There have been two expansions to Half-Life 2, but Valve software can't count to 3 so don't hold your breath on a third one. John Carmack briefly dabbled in rockets before leaving id software to focus on virtual reality headsets. Duke Nukem Forever finally came out in 2011 after 3d realms battled with feature creep, management issues, and eventual selling of the ip to Gearbox. It was bland even if you don't count the years and money dumped on it.
Also, the economy took a shit. Seriously rethink your racking up of student debt because you wanted to better your money-making opportunities. Also, stay away from Jean. She will rip your heart out, breath fire on it, and scatter the ashes like one blows on a white dandelion flower.
-Sincerely, your 2014 self.

This comment was edited on Nov 17, 2014, 14:56.
Love thy wookie.
Avatar 17031
I totally agree.
May 17, 2008, 15:29
I totally agree. May 17, 2008, 15:29
May 17, 2008, 15:29
This comment was deleted on Jun 3, 20:46.
No subject
Aug 23, 2006, 15:40
No subject Aug 23, 2006, 15:40
Aug 23, 2006, 15:40

These were the good times.

Listening to:

Squirrel Count: Catch & Release: 11 Shot: 2
Re: Man I hate Steam....
Nov 28, 2004, 00:01
Re: Man I hate Steam.... Nov 28, 2004, 00:01
Nov 28, 2004, 00:01
I agree. Fuck this shit company!! I just bought Half-life 2. Spent all day to try and get this shit to work. Still no luck. Can't play the game. YOU CANNOT PLAY THIS GAME WITHOUT CONNECTING TO THE INTERNET FIRST.

Wow, where have you been? Seriously, what's the problem? Where is it tripping up at? Have you created a Steam account and all that?
Re: Man I hate Steam....
Nov 27, 2004, 23:31
Re: Man I hate Steam.... Nov 27, 2004, 23:31
Nov 27, 2004, 23:31
I agree. Fuck this shit company!! I just bought Half-life 2. Spent all day to try and get this shit to work. Still no luck. Can't play the game. YOU CANNOT PLAY THIS GAME WITHOUT CONNECTING TO THE INTERNET FIRST.

Valve is intrusive!! I will complain to the Better Business Bureau please, everybody do the same thing. I've had an assfull of all these intrusive software companies.

Fuck Valve/Steam and whatever other crap company behind this turd.

Please, boycott all software that requires you to connect to the Internet before you can use it. Somebody should make a web site with a "Stink List" of all these companies.

Nov 23, 2004, 09:37
GOTY & WORST GAME OF YEAR. Nov 23, 2004, 09:37
Nov 23, 2004, 09:37
Love & Hate
Good & Evil
HL2 & Steam

You just can't have one without the other.

Nov 23, 2004, 02:37
GOTY Nov 23, 2004, 02:37
Nov 23, 2004, 02:37
well, I think it's a good bet but MY GOTY was PS/2 GTA:San Andraes - dispit it's crap platfrom I still belive it's the best emploment game design I've played, can wait for it to hit the PC

DOW post patch is Great and could be GOTY with some more Love

Re: Spoiler Alert
Nov 23, 2004, 02:11
Re: Spoiler Alert Nov 23, 2004, 02:11
Nov 23, 2004, 02:11
SST about the story:

No explanation for what happened in the past or what's happening now. Pretty disappointing on that front. Maybe they did it because the truth is just a terrible tired cliche.

Regarding Jedi Knight:

Nearly as fun as the force powers in the Jedi Knight games. Nothing beats picking a guy up off the ground with force choke and then dropping him off a cliff. Or jumping way up into the air and using force pull to slingshot storm troopers hundreds of feet into the air only to fall to their death. Or having an evil jedi jump up to attack you but stop in mid air when you force push him and he falls to his death. Now that never got old.

Wow that brings back some good memories, I would cackle with glee doing all those things and even make choking gestures while I found their lack of faith disturbing. I bet source would be great for another jedi knight game. I really hope the sabers are better implemented if a sequel is done. I understand why movement is tied to the way the saber swings, but it's too sloppy. Obi-wan for the xbox, while not much of a game, does a good job with the saber.

Spoiler Alert
Nov 23, 2004, 01:21
Spoiler Alert Nov 23, 2004, 01:21
Nov 23, 2004, 01:21
Spoiler... sort of.

Without getting into any spoilers, does the games story ever get explained? I'm more than half way through the game and besides seeing that we don't like the bad guys, I don't understand what happened while I was gone or what is happening now overall. I'm in Sand Traps atm and I'm getting pretty frustrated that the game hasn't at least brought me up to speed. Did I skip an intro sequence or miss a cut scene somewhere?

Re: No subject
Nov 23, 2004, 00:20
Re: No subject Nov 23, 2004, 00:20
Nov 23, 2004, 00:20
I cannot recall another game I was so immersed in, had so much fun and that had so many wow moments.

Sure there are a few faults if you want to nitpik but for me it in no way overshadows the overall brilliance.

It kept me enthralled from beginning to end and thats why it gets my GOTY vote and is one of the best games I have ever played.

Re: Farcry Vs. HL2
Nov 22, 2004, 23:26
Re: Farcry Vs. HL2 Nov 22, 2004, 23:26
Nov 22, 2004, 23:26
Don't confuse Half Life 2 with Doom 3

There is a difference here: I expected Doom 3 to be nothing more than a tech demo. This is *Half-Life*, however. I could give a shit about Source or Havok, I just wanted a damned fun game that would last a while, something I would want to play through ten times before eventually hitting up a fantastic and fun multiplay season.

“The closer you get to being a pro, the closer you can get to the client. The knife, for example, is the last thing you learn. Ok?"
Steam + PSN: PHJF
Avatar 17251
Re: Farcry Vs. HL2
Nov 22, 2004, 20:58
Re: Farcry Vs. HL2 Nov 22, 2004, 20:58
Nov 22, 2004, 20:58
1. AI - It's years since Halo, why did it take a step back? (especially "following squad" ai)
2. Multiplay
3. The entire Ravenholm section: booooring
**4**. Was I on a guided tour or playing a game?

Great points. I am still halfway into the game, in Ravenholm unfortunately.

I have to admit so far I'm feeling a little bored playing. I was really hoping for more straight up combat with great AI. Gun battles and grenades and rocket launchers. So far I've been running away from the enemy and have no idea what is going on. The second I stepped into ravenholm I groaned cause I knew it was going to be a snails pace level that involved lots of walking around. Game does feel pretty linear, it's hard not to see where to go next.

Completely forgot DOW 40k, that game really shot itself in the foot imo, I played it religiously until the exploits became general knowledge and playing online was pointless for about 1 month. That time waiting for the patch killed it for me. Haven't been back since.

Re: Farcry Vs. HL2
Nov 22, 2004, 20:46
Re: Farcry Vs. HL2 Nov 22, 2004, 20:46
Nov 22, 2004, 20:46
Only half way in so I had no clue about the crossbow

Re: Farcry Vs. HL2
Nov 22, 2004, 19:24
Re: Farcry Vs. HL2 Nov 22, 2004, 19:24
Nov 22, 2004, 19:24
After all the years of development a ten hour tech demo is all I got. That's being shafted

Don't confuse Half Life 2 with Doom 3

You cannot make anything fool-proof. The fools are too inventive
You cannot make anything fool-proof. The fools are too inventive

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Re: Farcry Vs. HL2
Nov 22, 2004, 19:20
Re: Farcry Vs. HL2 Nov 22, 2004, 19:20
Nov 22, 2004, 19:20
I agree totally with your summary of HL2. But i've already said that before in this post so im repeating myself.

At least i know now im not a loner in thinking this about HL2. Everywhere seems to be "bigging it up", and i just can't understand that.

Re: Farcry Vs. HL2
Nov 22, 2004, 19:02
Re: Farcry Vs. HL2 Nov 22, 2004, 19:02
Nov 22, 2004, 19:02
I didn't have a problem loading in HL2... ten to fifteen seconds, never more than that.

I won't delve into the real meat, I don't want to write a full fledged review. On the whole I did enjoy the game, but it wasn't game of the year.

1. AI - It's years since Halo, why did it take a step back? (especially "following squad" ai)
2. Multiplay
3. The entire Ravenholm section: booooring
**4**. Was I on a guided tour or playing a game?

That's the primary reason I don't think it deserves *game* of the year. After all the years of development a ten hour tech demo is all I got. That's being shafted.

“The closer you get to being a pro, the closer you can get to the client. The knife, for example, is the last thing you learn. Ok?"
Steam + PSN: PHJF
Avatar 17251
Re: Farcry Vs. HL2
Nov 22, 2004, 18:42
Re: Farcry Vs. HL2 Nov 22, 2004, 18:42
Nov 22, 2004, 18:42
I think that immersive all inclusive game COULD be in Sid Miers (i hate that guy's name. why can't he have a simple to spell one) Pirates!.

Ok the weapons would be the same, but the free form, the shaping of the world, the immersiveness could all be there. Hopefully it will.

Discussing other games, Rome was indeed a fantastic game. Although it did dissappoint in some areas. Mainly the supposedly "You decide where boundaries are drawn". Wasn't quite there really. Battles as well got tiresome. The AI was stupid as always since it would still marsh up to within a meter of your army, stop and wait all the while getting mauled by archers.

Also i never did get the grip of finances. But thats a problem on my end. Otherwise it was great. City sieges with multiple armies, battles happening depending on where you are on the map and all that was great. Just a few things could have been done.

Never played W40k. Heard a lot about it, but just never got around to playing it.

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