Yeh, because "The Incredible Hulk" is SUCH an intricately designed hero...
The Hulk is just a big green guy, possibly with shorts or something.
is doing their best to force any users with "Hulk" in their name to reset their names. The forcefully change teh character's name to "GenericHero
x" and give them a day or so to choose a new name. This happens even if their hero looks nothing like the Hulk (grey or green).
Oh well, I stopped playing the game a few weeks ago, and haven't realyl missed it. Sure, it was fun for a while, but it eventually turned into a grind-fest.
Personally, I think DC has more of a leg to stand on. They have more generic looking tights on their heros that are easy to replicate. Most marvel characters are hard to replicate, except for Wolverine and The Hulk.
"Space. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you."
-Fry, Futurmama
This comment was edited on Nov 12, 10:57.
"Space. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you."
-Fry, Futurama