Star Wars Battlefront Server

A new dedicated server for Star Wars Battlefront is now available, paving the way for an upcoming client patch for Pandemic's Star Wars first-person shooter. The 68 MB download is available on 3D Gamers, FileFront, FilePlanet (registration required), GameSpot DLX (registration required), and Worthplaying.
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Difficulty tweaks
Nov 3, 2004, 01:07
Difficulty tweaks Nov 3, 2004, 01:07
Nov 3, 2004, 01:07
While they're still patching, some difficulty tweaks would be nice. Medium on many levels is far too easy and Hard is pretty much impossible on some of the same maps. Either that or fix the lag issues. I'm hoping the new dedicated server will help. Science fiction needs a decent mission oriented multiplayer game with a little thought or strategy involved. Deathmatch does nothing for me at all.

Another map would be nice. I'm surprised that none of the mp mapmakers for either Lucas Arts or the assorted mods to other games never made a map for the opening scene for the first movie made. The stormtroopers are boarding the ship and the crew has to hold them off long enough as the person who has to record the message dodges areas where the storm troopers are and then sends the droids off in the pod. Then again, maybe someone did make this map and it sucked so bad that they didn't release it.

I heard a t some point that ID got some of the RTCW mapmakers to work on DOOM3. Was this true ? If so, it's too bad they weren't allowed to make any mission based multiplayer maps. I played DOOM3 mp for about 2 minutes and got bored pretty quickly.

No subject
Nov 2, 2004, 18:02
No subject Nov 2, 2004, 18:02
Nov 2, 2004, 18:02
if you played a demo of a shitty game, would you still want to buy it??


"They come as men, as graven images, as the White Stone, as a whirlwind and as a cloud;
it is a fire unfolding itself, the color amber; they are now in the Heavens looking over thee."
"When the bomb drops it'll be a bank holiday
Everybody happy in their tents and caravans
Everybody happy in their ignorance and apathy
No one realizes until the television breaks down..."

Re: How about..
Nov 2, 2004, 17:59
Re: How about.. Nov 2, 2004, 17:59
Nov 2, 2004, 17:59
Yes, demo please. People like demo's. Lucasarts, please tell Pandemic to make a demo.

Re: How about..
Nov 2, 2004, 16:32
Re: How about.. Nov 2, 2004, 16:32
Nov 2, 2004, 16:32
I'm just hoping this is the patch that makes the game playable.

You mean, in the sense that it will work, or that it will be a good game? Cause I don't think any patch can make a good game outta that steaming pile...err...mediocre pile.

Re: How about..
Nov 2, 2004, 16:06
Re: How about.. Nov 2, 2004, 16:06
Nov 2, 2004, 16:06
I'm just hoping this is the patch that makes the game playable.

How about..
Nov 2, 2004, 15:28
How about.. Nov 2, 2004, 15:28
Nov 2, 2004, 15:28
a dedicated demo.

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