...but it's interesting it never seems to happen with NVidia cards.
Ha-hem... from the patch description on avault (read the last bit):
NOTE: There are known issues with the v1.3 patch. Some of the more notable ones are that: v1.2 save games are not compatible with v1.3; those using ATI's v4.9 Catalyst drivers may have some graphical anomalies when lighting is set to High, it can be fixed by either turning down the lighting quality or using the v4.3 Catalyst drivers; and non-NV40 cards from NVIDIA may have water reflection bugs when detail is set to Ultra High.
And by the way, I have a 9700 Pro and had no problems whatsoever running Far Cry or Doom 3 with it. Apparently, you milleage will vary...
This comment was edited on Oct 26, 00:01.