Oh heck. I forget the latest on the vengeance of Karma.
Did you know that Japan has been hit by 8 typhoons this season? A record for however many years. And there is another one coming. Then they just had a 6.1 earthquake. And about 30 aftershocks.
Japan has troops in Iraq. They are in the midst of changing thier politics to allow them to have a miltiary force again.
You can't blame them. They see the world domination machine headed towards Asia. Once the muslims are taken care of, Asia is next. Seems like nature would support them in the battle against world domination.
I guess playing both sides, arming yourself for the coming conflict with evil, while simultaneously kissing the behind of the world dominators by sending troops to Iraq does not fool Mother Nature. You collaborate with evil, you pay no matter what other good acts you do.
It will be quite interesting to see how many more typhoons and earthquakes hit Japan.