EverQuest II Date

Sony Online Entertainment's Everquest(R) II Shipping November 8th (thanks Frans) is the press release announcing the official release date for the MMORPG sequel. Here's the deal on pricing:
EverQuest II comes in three versions, all of which include a 30-day subscription (excluding SOE All Access subscriptions) to the game's online world. The CD version and DVD versions of the game carry an SRP of $49.99 and include the game, an in-game item and an in-box item.

Limited quantities of the EverQuest II Collector's Edition (DVD) are available at an SRP of $89.99. The Collector's Edition includes a number of in-game items, including "paintings" of EverQuest II scenery to be hung on the walls of a player's house, magical talking statues of Antonia and Lucan (voiced by Hollywood talent Heather Graham and Christopher Lee), and an exclusive pet baby dragon. The Collector's Edition also includes an exclusive art book, bonus DVD with trailers, gameplay videos and behind-the-scenes footage, a soundtrack CD, a collector's coin with a velvet pouch, a cloth map of Norrath, and two posters.

EverQuest II carries a monthly subscription fee of $14.99 for continuing access to the game world. Players can subscribe using a credit card, or purchase SOE 30-day and 90-day Game Cards, which open the new world of Norrath to those who choose not to use a credit card.
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Re: EQ2 is just as bad in-game
Oct 26, 2004, 15:01
Re: EQ2 is just as bad in-game Oct 26, 2004, 15:01
Oct 26, 2004, 15:01
Um, because I mentioned those aspects of the games *specifically in a thread about WoW AND EQ2* should give you the clue that I wasn't saying EQ1 invented them, but rather, if WoW wanted to innovate or be so fantastic whizz bang omg on its own, why did it simply copy what EQ1 does. I didn't think it was necessary to break it down to that level, but hey I've been wrong before.

EQ2 is just as bad in-game
Oct 26, 2004, 12:26
EQ2 is just as bad in-game Oct 26, 2004, 12:26
Oct 26, 2004, 12:26
Don't be fooled by people that EQ2 looks better in action than it does on screenshots. It does not. Don't get me wrong, the game has some really nice and sometimes amazing graphics, but the artwork in the different aspects of the game does not match. The terrain is simplistic and barren even with flora turned on. The architecture can be amazingly detailed but so sterile. The humanoid characters and MOBs look freakish and more like mannequins with unnatural faces and strange skin tones. (Definitely in the uncanny valley) The hair styles are plain ugly. Some of the monsters do look very detailed and actually scary, but for the most part, they move like zombies or robots and they look so out of place in their habitats. Anyone who's played has seen just how stupid the player characters look; same as giants, gnolls, lizard men, skeletons. I'm serious... they're laughable. None of the art styles seem to mesh or go together, at all. Look at the screenshots people posted above and you'll see what I mean.

EQ2 is a lot slower paced game than WoW. Honestly, I wish WoW was a little slower paced and a little bit deeper like EQ2. Like many people have said, EQ2 is more for the "hardcore" gamer and WoW is more for the "casual" gamer. I consider myself somewhere in between.

MyRealName, you must be really new to RPGs if you think aggro, nuking, and tanking were invented, somehow, by EQ.

This comment was edited on Oct 26, 12:32.
Re: Shelf time? GTA:SA - Follow-up
Oct 26, 2004, 10:32
Re: Shelf time? GTA:SA - Follow-up Oct 26, 2004, 10:32
Oct 26, 2004, 10:32
Reading RedlineDrifter's assessment of WoW - did they come up with *anything* original? It sounds, from taunting to aggro drawing to nuking and tanking to "level 60", etc, that all they did was copy EQ1. I think that alone should say something. SOE's experience says the rest.

Re: Shelf time? GTA:SA - Follow-up
Oct 26, 2004, 05:43
Re: Shelf time? GTA:SA - Follow-up Oct 26, 2004, 05:43
Oct 26, 2004, 05:43
but to be fair, I think that EQ2's world is much better in action than the screenshots lead people to believe.

I'd agree with that. I used to think the screenshots from EQ looks boring and posed. Once you see those same textures in motion on animated models...wow.

Plus Flora is disabled by default and I havent seen it in any screenshots that I recall. It completely changes the look of the game, from smooth ground to grass, bushes, flowers, etc.

Zero Tolerance Games Counter-Strike: Source server.
Re: Shelf time? GTA:SA - Follow-up
Oct 26, 2004, 03:56
Re: Shelf time? GTA:SA - Follow-up Oct 26, 2004, 03:56
Oct 26, 2004, 03:56

I can definitely see myself playing EQ2 a year from now also. SOE has mastered getting the pain/pleasure ratio just enough to keep people addicted. The time sinks are enough to make you pull your hair out, but not enough to make you want to quit. I admit that I'm a sucker for it.

WoW, on the other hand, gives you lots of fun and gives it to you now. People will be over and done with the game pretty quickly after they've gone through all the content. This is good and bad. You're going to have lots of fun right away, but there's no real endgame.

Fanboi posts like "ZOMG!11 WOW PWNZ EQ2!!1!" and "OMG WOW IS 4 N00BZ KTHX EQ2 FOR TEH WIN!!11" are really pretty pointless. Weigh your choices, people. WoW is carebear and holds your hand. EQ2 is relatively masochistic and unforgiving. Pick the game that fits you.


Yes, WoW definitely has the "some-meticulous-artist-spent-time-on-every-square-inch-of-the-world" appeal. It does feel more lived-in than the EQ2 world, but to be fair, I think that EQ2's world is much better in action than the screenshots lead people to believe.

Re: Shelf time? GTA:SA - Follow-up
Oct 26, 2004, 02:14
Re: Shelf time? GTA:SA - Follow-up Oct 26, 2004, 02:14
Oct 26, 2004, 02:14
Sure, EQ2 has huge poly counts, mostly good textures. That's not the issue, the issue is that everything lacks a certain feel. It looks steryle if that makes any sense.

Re: Shelf time? GTA:SA - Follow-up
Oct 26, 2004, 01:33
Re: Shelf time? GTA:SA - Follow-up Oct 26, 2004, 01:33
Oct 26, 2004, 01:33
I'd say that is a pretty good analysis. I liked CoH, because it was soloable and groupable and benefited both types of players. But I got bored so fast because it was too easy and there was no reward.

This is one thing EQ has always managed to succeed at, rewarding the players and keeping them playing. EQ2 does this and more and its why I'll be playing EQ2 over WoW...simply because I can see myself still experiencing new things in 1 year, where WoW I'll have felt like Ive seen it all in 2 months.

Zero Tolerance Games Counter-Strike: Source server.
Re: Shelf time? GTA:SA - Follow-up
Oct 26, 2004, 00:35
Re: Shelf time? GTA:SA - Follow-up Oct 26, 2004, 00:35
Oct 26, 2004, 00:35
I've played both WoW and EQ2.

I can say without a doubt that WoW is fun, polished, and looks nice. It does have its problems though. WoW encourages soloing and discourages grouping. It's always faster to gain experience when you're solo. Collection quests (which make up a pretty significant percentage of the total quests) are far more tedious when you're grouped too. Also, combat is so fast and things die so quickly that there literally aren't enough things to kill when you're in a group.

It's a shame, really, that my friends and I really never got to hunt together as much as we'd have liked to. We formed a guild just so that we could all chat together while we soloed. Outside of instanced dungeons, there's really no reason at all to group. I felt like I was playing a single player MMORPG. When joining a pickup group, people rarely knew how to play their role. Healers would nuke instead of heal, mages would overnuke and draw aggro, and tanks would just deal damage instead of taunting. As bad as the original EQ turned out to be, the one good thing about it is that the game kicked your ass and made you learn your role the hard way. If you didn't learn, you would never get anywhere and you'd just end up dying all the time.

WoW truly is a casual MMORPG. There's no penalty for death, and you can effectively solo your way all the way to level 60. This could be a good or bad thing depending on what you're looking for in a game. If you enjoy doing things at your own pace without being dependent on other people, WoW is your game. If you enjoy teamwork (almost to the exclusion of being able to do anything solo) and enjoy a hard game that repeatedly hands your ass to you, then EQ2 may be for you.

Does EQ2 have its problems? Yes. Oh yes. The class differentiation is a joke (though arguably the lack of PvP makes this less of a factor), the game lags horribly in some outdoor zones, and it has a much more tedious leveling treadmill than WoW does. EQ2 is not a casual MMORPG. You will have to put in a lot of hours and you may not necessarily feel like you've accomplished anything after only having played for 30 minutes.

The game does indeed look nice, but the art may not be for you. Some people like the exaggerated cartoon look that WoW has, and some people like the attempted realism look that EQ2 has. It's a toss-up depending on what you're into.

If you're masochistic enough, playing EQ2 can be more rewarding than playing WoW simply because it's a harder game that requires more of a time commitment in order to achieve things. Unless you can work in a group and play well with others, you're going to have crappy gear and face a long road to level 50.

WoW is casual and doesn't require much of a time commitment. EQ2 is much harder and requires much more time. One is carebear, the other one is masochistic. Pick your poison. I tend to want more of a challenge than WoW offered, so I'll be going with EQ2 for that sole reason. Don't take this as my recommendation, though, because either game could be for you depending on what you're looking for.

Re: Shelf time? GTA:SA - Follow-up
Oct 25, 2004, 20:54
Re: Shelf time? GTA:SA - Follow-up Oct 25, 2004, 20:54
Oct 25, 2004, 20:54
Haha, buy EQ2 and prepare to shell out plenty more on expansion packs galore as the case with EQ1. I don't know about Blizzard though judging by the amount of time they take to make things and the size of their patches. I'm sure there won't be many expansions coming out. Plus every type of land is covered here and more. And for those that cancel WoW preorder, I laugh in your FACE! While your playing this no style game called EQ2, I'll be playing an incredibly detailed, full of style, badass game called WoW. My mammoth tauren will own any of your EQ2 characters

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Re: Meh
Oct 25, 2004, 20:18
Re: Meh Oct 25, 2004, 20:18
Oct 25, 2004, 20:18
Now is everyone's chance to raise their voice and refuse to pay rising monthly fees. Speak up with your wallet, and demand a return to lower costs. You can't pirate Everquest, so they can hardly claim they are losing squat on $5M a month subscription fees for EQ1.

Re: Meh
Oct 25, 2004, 20:17
Re: Meh Oct 25, 2004, 20:17
Oct 25, 2004, 20:17
I'd suggest anyone who is deciding between WoW and EQ2 to try the WoW open beta, if you live in North America. At least then you can dismiss WoW if you don't like it.

I forgot that WoW is going to release with "locked servers" and they're preventing Euros without North American billing addresses from playing until the Euro launch. It might explain some of the anti-WoW comments from some....

This comment was edited on Oct 25, 20:18.
Re: Meh
Oct 25, 2004, 19:58
Re: Meh Oct 25, 2004, 19:58
Oct 25, 2004, 19:58
"It can't be as bad as SWG..can it..no way"

Have you played EQ2?

I have a EQ2 beta key, if you want mine I would gladly trade you.

Feel free

You will regret that decision to cancel WoW...but I will bite my tongue till about 3 months from now when EQ2 is still being patched to get it to work right.

Haven't played many Sony Online games have ya?

Re: Meh
Oct 25, 2004, 19:23
Re: Meh Oct 25, 2004, 19:23
Oct 25, 2004, 19:23
I don't want to diss EQ2 because I haven't played it, but the human player faces look really odd. They don't look natural. They look like every person has exaggerated asiatic eyes and a sortof fat or bent face.

Re: Meh
Oct 25, 2004, 19:11
Re: Meh Oct 25, 2004, 19:11
Oct 25, 2004, 19:11
Fact my ass

Re: Meh
Oct 25, 2004, 18:46
Re: Meh Oct 25, 2004, 18:46
Oct 25, 2004, 18:46
Wow is a drag(been beta for about 2 months)...sorry thats just the fact. The graphics looked cool in screens but in game...the forest OMG is it ugly. But isn't that Warcrafts MO...cartoonish? well wait and see I guess.

From what I've seen of EQ2...wow! After watching all the movies (even the ones being done at http://eq2.ogaming.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11242

EQ2 looks allot better. Its doesnt look that good in game you say? Come on. Maybe you don't have the system. I have the recommended system I bet it looks that good for me.

Make up your own mind but I cancelled my WoW pre-order from Wal Mart online ($29.99 fyi) and am upping the extra $20 for EQ2.

It can't be as bad as SWG..can it..no way. EQ is Sonys baby.

Any EQ2 betas want to trade for a Wow beta key

Your milage may vary.

Re: Meh
Oct 25, 2004, 18:19
Re: Meh Oct 25, 2004, 18:19
Oct 25, 2004, 18:19
I'm not an RPG fan though I've tried repeatedly to get into them. Morrowind was entertaining for about half the game before it got repetitious. I tried the WoW beta and was bored to tears. I've been playing the EQ2 for about 3 days now and am having a ball (hold me, I'm scared) but no way is this thing ready for retail, not by the 8th of November.

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"Both the “left” and the “right” pretend they have the answer, but they are mere flippers on the same thalidomide baby, and the truth is that neither side has a clue."

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Re: Meh
Oct 25, 2004, 18:18
Re: Meh Oct 25, 2004, 18:18
Oct 25, 2004, 18:18
Does anyone else get SVGA vibes from the old DOS days with univbe and so, from EQ2s graphics?

Re: SOE Mods
Oct 25, 2004, 18:09
Re: SOE Mods Oct 25, 2004, 18:09
Oct 25, 2004, 18:09
Well Moonbender, once you play WoW, you will see that it actually has all that in spades, and it is done better than EQ2. Try to get into the WoW open beta in a week or so, I think you will never look back.
I wish I could, but it's only open to North American residents, and I'm from Europe. In a similar vein, they won't release WOW until February in these parts, and from what I gather importing the game isn't a good idea either since it's not certain whether you can play on N.A. servers from a European host or much less play on the EU servers with a N.A. version.

That said, I think we've established that we don't share a taste in MMRPGs when discussing Ryzom - I actually liked that. On the other hand, I'm sure I'll like WOW, the genre simply appeals to me, at least for a couple of weeks per game.

Re: Meh
Oct 25, 2004, 17:53
Re: Meh Oct 25, 2004, 17:53
Oct 25, 2004, 17:53
As usual I'm going against the grain. Maybe its just because I dont look for the negative in every single game like most of the trolls.

I've been in the EQ2 beta for close to a month now and have been having alot of fun. The game is gorgeous, anyone that tells you its not probably has a shit ass computer that has to turn everything to low detail.


Rolling waves, bump mapping, scalable flora, dynamic shadows on characters and environments...etc. WoW looks like a cartoon, its a well made game, but gets boring fast. EQ2 I was having a ton of fun just exploring and doing minor quests.

But to each his own. I've played both and I'll be getting EQ2.

Zero Tolerance Games Counter-Strike: Source server.
Re: Meh
Oct 25, 2004, 17:53
Re: Meh Oct 25, 2004, 17:53
Oct 25, 2004, 17:53
I've had even les fun playing WoW then I did L2. Atleast I had some fun playing Lineage2 for 2-3 weeks. I couldn't stand WoW after a few hours. The crappy graphics, the shitty combat, the awful quest (not that L2 is much better on the quest side of things). bleh

I didn't hold much hope for EQ2 has the first one was so bad (but then again, I played it way past it's prime time), but from what I'm reading here, it doesn't seem good. :/

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