I was interested when it was first announced, but after reading all the faqs and beta impressions, it sounds really really boring. [...] it sounds like your typical leveling treadmill.
Before the stress test, I really had no interest in WoW whatsoever. But I signed up for the heck of it, and as it turns out, it's by far the funnest MMORPG I've ever played. I'm not sure whose beta impressions you're reading, but everything I've read has been as positive as my experience in the stress test was.
I've been completely unimpressed with the MMORPG genre to date, even after beta testing about 8-10 different MMORPGs. But WoW... despite having what I would say is fairly typical mechanics as far as leveling goes, and typical fedex-type quests, is incredibly fun to play. I'd urge you to at least check out the beta when it goes open.
mmorpgs need to become more team-oriented
I think a good MMORPG should be able to accomodate different play-styles. It should be equally fun for those who prefer to solo and those who prefer to group. From what I've played, WoW at least offers a good balance between the two. (As an aside, I've never understood why some people think it strange or stupid that some prefer to solo in MMORPGs. I see nothing strange about people playing the way they want to.)
This comment was edited on Oct 3, 14:16.