On WoW Release Dates

World of Warcraft coming in November? on IGN offers a revelation from deep within a VUG earnings report of some release dates they've listed for World of Warcraft, Blizzard's upcoming MMORPG. The report lists a November U.S. release date, a December date for Korea, Early 2005 in Europe, and later that year for China and Taiwan. They also point out that it is Blizzard, not Vivendi, that has the final say in the game's release, so these dates might not be accurate, though the staggered release over various territories is probably an indicator of how the game will actually be rolled out around the world.
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75 Replies. 4 pages. Viewing page 2.
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Not 2 impressed
Oct 3, 2004, 23:36
Not 2 impressed Oct 3, 2004, 23:36
Oct 3, 2004, 23:36
Yes i to played the beta and was a undead mage yes it was kinda cool being in the garb of worldcraft all 3d and what not but then i was fighting and casting spells killing stuff & leveling up and it hit me,
This is no different gameplay than 50 other mmorpgs on the market and mabey a little worse than the old crusty Everquest.

Yes that my opinion after playing undead mage and Taroun Warrior and Orc shaman its all good and all been done before. Yawn

You want a new game that has me kinda interested?
Well i hated the beta cause i didnt understand it but at least the beta was not a rehash but the launch of Saga of Ryzom is what I call refreshing and new.

Its far from perfect but you can make you own everything <moves, spells, combos, even crafting & harvesting can be tweaked to your hearts delight.

So there you have it from a person with too many mmorpgs to even be fooled into anything.
I want innovation and i want it now,
im getting sick of this industry repeating others success's WOW is a CLONE of EQ 1 not saying that is a bad thing but its just a waste of time for me.

Now i also have the character disk for EQ 2 and im not too impressed with the options for custom characters it seems kinda cheesy. So im crushed... heres hoping Ryzom will continue too impress me and i do hope D&D online wont get canceled...... MMORPGS IVE EATEN LATELY .Eveonline,Earth&Beyond,Horizons,DaoC+expansions,Everquest +Expansions,Asherons call 2, Anarchyonline + expansions,Neocron,..And the Regular RPGs Morrowind,Bauldersgate,Templeof ElemEvil,Gothic 1 & 2,and Fallout2,X2 beyond. whew nothing on the list is that bad but the only one on there even close to great is.. X2 .

This comment was edited on Oct 3, 23:47.
Re: rename them to just MMOG's please.
Oct 3, 2004, 23:34
Re: rename them to just MMOG's please. Oct 3, 2004, 23:34
Oct 3, 2004, 23:34
The ability to steal really shouldn't be part of your RPG criteria.

why not?

Because saying something is not an mmorpg because it doesn't have theft isn't really right.

However, I think what you meant is "if I do this action, will it have a consequence?". With MMORPGs, this is probably more true than any single-player RPG. Except instead of pissing off an NPC, you're pissing off a PC.

And yes, World of Warcraft provides the ability to steal.

Re: rename them to just MMOG's please.
Oct 3, 2004, 23:24
Re: rename them to just MMOG's please. Oct 3, 2004, 23:24
Oct 3, 2004, 23:24
The ability to steal really shouldn't be part of your RPG criteria.

why not?

Got an extra wow account?
Oct 3, 2004, 23:08
Got an extra wow account? Oct 3, 2004, 23:08
Oct 3, 2004, 23:08
Feel free to email me at wow.nix@gmail.com if you happen to have an extra WoW beta account and don't mind parting with it.

After playing the stress test I am going into severe withdrawal since I can no longer play.

And yes, giving away your beta account (or extra beta account) is perfectly legal. Checkout the blue posts on the official WoW forums.

Re: I've heard
Oct 3, 2004, 22:51
Re: I've heard Oct 3, 2004, 22:51
Oct 3, 2004, 22:51
I believe that level 60 will only be the maximum at launch, and that they intend to raise the level cap as time goes on.

Avatar 6580
WoW is fun
Oct 3, 2004, 21:39
WoW is fun Oct 3, 2004, 21:39
Oct 3, 2004, 21:39
Got a little taste in ST. It was a blast. Had a lvl 27 warrior. When they add the pvp changes it will be ever better.

Coming from 5 other mmorpgs I have to say this is the best to date (for me). See ya in the game.

This comment was edited on Oct 3, 21:40.
Re: I've heard
Oct 3, 2004, 21:22
Re: I've heard Oct 3, 2004, 21:22
Oct 3, 2004, 21:22
I've heard that while the game is great fun in low to mid levels, it really tapers off for higher level players, is that true?

Well, the game is still beta; so most of the end-game content isn't in the game at this point in time. (Like raid content and hero classes) Also, if they ever finish the PvP system the way they describe it, they'll definatly be at least one major incentive to continue to play the game once you hit level 60.


This comment was edited on Oct 19, 2024, 05:52.
Re: rename them to just MMOG's please.
Oct 3, 2004, 20:40
Re: rename them to just MMOG's please. Oct 3, 2004, 20:40
Oct 3, 2004, 20:40
Is the world alive?

More alive than any single player game, yeah..

Can I have an impact on the world?

The level of player impact depends mostly on the game. Eve-Online, for instance, is VERY heavily controlled by player corporations. EQ, less so, but it's an older game. The economy is still ultimately controlled by the player.

If I steal this item...

The ability to steal really shouldn't be part of your RPG criteria..

What if I attack this person & kill them .. faction

All MMORPGS have different factions affected by your actions (At least all the ones I have experience with (AC, EQ, DAoC, Eve-online, AC 2, AO)...

The rest of your questions are fairly inane. All persistent worlds require monster regeneration of some sort. Re-spawing is the most effective method. NPC's with character; maybe not as much as a traditional RPG like Baldur's Gate, but this is only because they play such an insignificant role in the game. As for freedom, it is unrivaled in good MMORPGs..

Final note: Make your name less annoyingly long and don't try and redefign the genre of "role playing" based on your apparently limited experience.
I eat pasta!
No subject
Oct 3, 2004, 20:37
No subject Oct 3, 2004, 20:37
Oct 3, 2004, 20:37
gothic is more RPG than most, but its no Fallout..

its more like an adventure/rpg game.. but yeh, its damn good - i just wish they would revamp the combat controls a bit for the next one

"I spat the silly formula of Man upon the waters and fashioned his spirit after the image of mine own,
for JHVH-1 is a vengeful god, and I urinate on the heads of men."
"When the bomb drops it'll be a bank holiday
Everybody happy in their tents and caravans
Everybody happy in their ignorance and apathy
No one realizes until the television breaks down..."

I've heard
Oct 3, 2004, 20:35
I've heard Oct 3, 2004, 20:35
Oct 3, 2004, 20:35
that while the game is great fun in low to mid levels, it really tapers off for higher level players, is that true?

Not that I'd play this tons anyways, but it's a bit of a bugger that once you finally reach a cool level, you get bored for anything to do.

Still not sure if I'm getting this though.


Avatar 15604
Serious Recommendation to Blizzard
Oct 3, 2004, 19:48
Serious Recommendation to Blizzard Oct 3, 2004, 19:48
Oct 3, 2004, 19:48
Release WoW in the next month or so, but DO NOT RELEASE PVP as a final product. Keep it in beta (with a playerwipe at the end of it). PvP has a LOT of potential to extend the depth of gameplay, but at the moment it isn't much better off than it was in Everquest 1.

Re: rename them to just MMOG's please.
Oct 3, 2004, 19:31
Re: rename them to just MMOG's please. Oct 3, 2004, 19:31
Oct 3, 2004, 19:31
I won't give you a definition, because that can be too broad. But this is what I look for from now on.

Is the world alive? Can I have an impact on the world? If I steal this item, will this guy get pissed? What if I attack this person & kill them...will it affect other NPC's reactions toward me? If I kill this monster, is it dead forever or will it respawn in 5 minutes? Do the NPC's have character, or are they carbon copies with different names & faces? Am I free to go & do whatever I want? Or am I adhering striclty to a set path and or character class?

After playing a game with such freedom, everything else seems so restrictive.
This comment was edited on Oct 3, 19:33.
Re: No subject
Oct 3, 2004, 19:27
Re: No subject Oct 3, 2004, 19:27
Oct 3, 2004, 19:27
Just so happens a friend gave me access to his EQ2 beta last night. I played it for 10 hours straight or so, I havent done that with an MMO in a very long time. Your comment has nothing backing it up. I bet you've never even played it.
It's alot of fun, the kind of fun I havent had since early days of the original EQ, and I've tried every MMO under the sun. Really looking forward to the realse of EQ2...and I told myself I wasnt going to play anymore MMO's, guess I'm breaking my word.

I would have to agree w/ this poster. Unless you've played it, you really have no ground to say it's 'boring'.

The major drawback (in my opinion) is that there is no PVP in EQ2. But, when I grow tired of WoW after a few months I am sure I will purchase EQ2 and try that out.

Re: rename them to just MMOG's please.
Oct 3, 2004, 19:24
Re: rename them to just MMOG's please. Oct 3, 2004, 19:24
Oct 3, 2004, 19:24
After playing the 2 Gothic games, none of these MMO's deserve to be called RPG's.

Err... You must have some twisted concept of what an RPG is. How about providing a definition for RPG and see if WoW (and other MMORPGs such as EQ/2) fits the description. I'll bet it does.

Re: rename them to just MMOG's please.
Oct 3, 2004, 19:22
Re: rename them to just MMOG's please. Oct 3, 2004, 19:22
Oct 3, 2004, 19:22
And there we have it - Contribution of the Year!

rename them to just MMOG's please.
Oct 3, 2004, 19:05
rename them to just MMOG's please. Oct 3, 2004, 19:05
Oct 3, 2004, 19:05
After playing the 2 Gothic games, none of these MMO's deserve to be called RPG's.

Re: No subject
Oct 3, 2004, 18:49
Re: No subject Oct 3, 2004, 18:49
Oct 3, 2004, 18:49
EQ2 is all graphics,and that's it. IMO, EQ2 has a realistic boring look with no style

Just so happens a friend gave me access to his EQ2 beta last night. I played it for 10 hours straight or so, I havent done that with an MMO in a very long time. Your comment has nothing backing it up. I bet you've never even played it.
It's alot of fun, the kind of fun I havent had since early days of the original EQ, and I've tried every MMO under the sun. Really looking forward to the realse of EQ2...and I told myself I wasnt going to play anymore MMO's, guess I'm breaking my word.

Re: No subject
Oct 3, 2004, 18:46
Re: No subject Oct 3, 2004, 18:46
Oct 3, 2004, 18:46
I played the stress test, and I can honestly say that I think people who claim WoW has anything new is talking out their asses.

Having said that, I absolutely LOVED it! I thought MMORPGs were dead for me, having played them all, and EQ for several years.

WoW just does everything so much BETTER than everyone else, I would think it impossible not to like it! It seems to fit just about every playstyle there is. You want to powerlevel and grind? Go ahead. You want to solo? Go ahead. You want to group? Go ahead. You want to log on for a short while and not have to sit and wait for a group for an hour? No problemo! This is one of the few games you can actually log on for a short amount of time and get something useful done. When you kill something, it's probably for one of the 30 quests you have in your quest log, so you never feel like you are wasting time, or that it's slow and boring.

I also liked the new group trend I seem to notice - You don't necessarily group with the same people for hours on end until one of you leave and the whole group is worthless without the cleric, or what have you - no, you group for certain quests and meet a whole lot more people. Maybe you want to take on a group that's a couple levels above you, and you group up with a few others for the duration of the quest. Then sometimes you decide the group was worthwhile and you figure out what other common quests you have.

Ok, enough ranting

I dunno, WoW just really re-ignited my MMORPG flame - I can't wait!

Re: You can say that again...
Oct 3, 2004, 18:30
Re: You can say that again... Oct 3, 2004, 18:30
Oct 3, 2004, 18:30
funnest [sic]

Alright, "most fun" might've been better, but if it's good enough for Merriam-Webster, it's good enough for me darnit!

Cause some destruction by killing some NPCs or players, then all you ride out on your mounts before they realize what hit them?
They added griefing? Lovely.

This isn't griefing. For those who want to engage in PvP (player vs. player) only when they desire to, there are PvE (player vs. environment) servers, where designated battlefields are the only place PvP can be initiated against you without your consent. If you're on a PvE server, you have full control over whether or not you want to engage an enemy in combat; no one can attack you unless you consent to it. In addition, all NPCs respawn shortly after being killed on both PvP and PvE servers.

This comment was edited on Oct 3, 18:45.
Avatar 6580
Re: No subject
Oct 3, 2004, 18:25
Re: No subject Oct 3, 2004, 18:25
Oct 3, 2004, 18:25
Just imagine...
you and a group of buddies hit over lvl 40 which allows you to buy mounts. Now you guys in like a pack of 10 or so can ride over to the enemy land. Cause some destruction by killing some NPCs or players, then all you ride out on your mounts before they realize what hit them? In the future patch they adding catapults and siege weapons as well. It's going to be great. This beta is a small taste. Oh yeah, they also said, they are adding titles that will be given to players. So lets say you do real good protecting a land. You will be given the title, Protector of the Land, etc.
Just imagine...
Dark Age of Camelot from 3 years ago, with mounts. woot?
not very different, but if it's fun who cares.

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