Sims 2 =
SATANFable = I was thinking about it, but I would definitely prefer the potential PC version. I managed to just about get myself ready to buy the Xbox version anyway....when I realized that I had already packed up my Xbox. Seeing as how it will be about three weeks before I have that unpacked, I will hold off for now and decide what I want to do then. To be honest, the first reviews have tempered my bloodlust for it; it seems like a decent hack n' slash RPG, but still a hack n' slash RPG...
The game that I will definitely buy, though equally delayed due to packing, will be
Sly 2. I loved the original and I cannot wait to play the sequel.
I am still playing through
Neverwinter Nights in little bits. Baby j33bus is crying over how slow, rough, and dumb the game is.
It is like a bad
Diablo game stuck in tile-set tech demo. If I wanted to play a "Lone warrior" action RPG, I would much rather be playing
World of Warcraft. I am so %!@#$%#$% tired of babysitting the hired help; it is kind of sad how poorly even pathfinding works considering I have both expansions and am on whatever number patch. I know that people say the expansions really liven things up a bit, but the original game (I want to play through them in order) is a real pain in the ass...
Meanwhile, I am still waiting to be screwed by BlizzardThinking I may finally see
Collateral tonight,
A locked copy of Half-Life 2 is now on your computer. love you, mom.
Everything is awesome!!! love you, mom.