R.I.P.: Ramones Guitarist Dies at 55 in Los Angeles. Thanks Halsy.
Links of the Day: | Penisland.com. Thanks Scott. |
Stories of the Day: |
German radio starts Klingon service. Thanks
FPA. The future of coffee? Suspects end up behind bars -- at zoo. Thanks WhataMack. |
Science!: |
People on
Mars said possible in 20 to 30 years. Space habitat headed for Antarctica. Human genome hits halfway mark. |
Media of the Day: | Monday. Thanks Ant. |
Image of the Day: | Shawn Crosby's H-wing. Thanks John. |
Thanks Mike Martinez |
but in the end, I believe the genome mapping to be incredibly positive.eh, i think you forget basic human nature. Like every other technology, gene programming will be used for little more than to enhance crudeness. (hm, an oxymoron?)