1079.2 on Psycho Penguin; liked the gameplay action of Antkendo.
Looks like I'm going to have to convince 'Kitty Mother' that that her kitties should not be on a vegan diet. I quoted something I read here a couple days ago about how dogs are biologically omnivores but cats have a digestive system that needs meat. Now I have to freaking research whether cat's can eat a vegan diet. Apparently there are a couple of web sites I'm supposed to look on about vegan diets for cats. [These cats get some awful looking/smelling friskies 'fish' composition occassionally so it's not all bad right now.]
I've had some success arguing in favor of a planned kitty parenthood project that would allow at least one kitty to experience kitty motherhood -- so they can be well rounded adult kitties -- instead of being spayed immediately. So, there is hope for pinkies, but, at least in my POST COLLEGE household, it will have to done on an objectively reasonable and informed basis.
Currently reading, "Then Again, Maybe I won't", by Judy Blume.