It was just the usual, heavily scripted MOH game although with a great facelift. Everything turned up as far as it allows and it looks great but you better have the system for it. Intense battle but like I said scripted to death. That's my only real beef with the MOH series, they're more like playing a movie than a game. Considering that we've always seen the movies that they lift the scripted scenarios and dialogue from well before the game comes out I'm not surprised. The Pearl Harbor map is probably chock full of things right from the movie. Hell I'll bet you end up shooting down planes from a bombed out tower ala Tom Sizemore. Why not? You were Tom Hanks on Omaha Beach in Allied Assault and you even got to spend a little time as Jude Law in COD. They are always a fun ride though. More of the same really but it'll be fun to blast through nonetheless.
Still it's awful frickin big for a demo this short, but it looks like it'll be out in a DVD edition as well that looks to be pretty expansive, and probably expensive too.