It was pretty clear to me after DX:IW and T3 that Eidos is headed toward dumping PC games completely. Both games seemed to have only grudging support for PCs. They didn't even feel the PC was important enough to change the UI ferchrissakes. Let alone higher resolution textures, larger levels, etc. So we were stuck with enormous TV-sized fonts, obtrusive loot glitter and arrow trails that you could see on a TV screen 6 feet away, no rope arrows cause they were too hard on an XBox control ... They didn't want to spend one extra red cent more than they had to for the worthless PC port. And who bitched the most about any of it? PC players.
I think the whole "consumer-focused" comment means consoles only from now on. And you know what? Good. Thief died with Looking Glass, let it rest in peace as far as I'm concerned.