well i feel a little guiily about my slightly snotty email to amazon now.
no, wait, actually i dont, but its the thought that counts.
I dont understand the way companies react to piracy though, staggered release dates which are then further componded by widespread lack of stocks is an event that is hardly going to be the best way to minimise the damage. Is it not more than a little obvious that amassing stocks and having simultaneous releases might be wise? I realise they want to be as quick as possible to start getting returns on the huge investment, but how many sales are they willing to forfeit to get an x-year project out the door a week or two sooner in one country?
Pirates were getting "their"* DOOM3 maybe 10 days ago? I pre-ordered a month ago, still havent got it - and the Amazon account page says a rather optimistic Sept 27th, (optimistic of course in them thinking that I'd actually wait that long).
* in fairness, about half the people i know who downloaded have since paid for it, not cancelling their pre-orders.
re: pikeys,
very forgiving description of the scottish version(s)
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=schemie A bit of patience with google can find some more amuzing and more accurate pages. If you see a comedy show called "chewin the fat", they have a regular humourous sketch.
Anyone in Edinburgh --not that you'll need any introduction-- can also read the Letters section of free rag Metro, theyve had taking the piss out of schemies as the constant theme for about the past year or three - dont worry, they dont get offended since few can read any paper that actually has more than an inch colunm of news per page anyway.
This comment was edited on Aug 13, 20:20.