When you have burning and flames shooting out of your throat, that is not your body telling you to take a pepcid, it is your body telling you not to do that stuff in the first place
When you have trouble seeing things at a distance, that's not your body telling you to wear glasses, it is your body telling you not to try and look at anything more than 10 feet from your face.
The human body isn't perfect. We've found ways to help fix or alleviate a lot of those conditions though, and to say that you shouldn't take advantage of modern medicine is foolish. Should you try to avoid things that cause problems? Sure. But that's not always possible.
For instance, my daughter has been on Zantac for nearly 4 months now (she's almost 6 months old). Oh sure, she could've gone without it... but she was screaming in pain before and after every feeding until she was diagnosed with acid reflux and given Zantac twice daily. She's now one of the mellowist kids around. She still spits up tons, but at least she's not in pain doing so. And yes, she's on 100% breast milk. She should grow out of acid reflux in the next 1-7 months, but until then she's much better off on the meds than without.
I think they are poisonous but when you are young your stomach just takes the pain. You keep eating them because the MSG is addictive
Yes, because we've all heard of long term Dorritos poisoning. The FDA likes to approve things like that too.
And there's no freaking MSG in them either. My body cannot process MSG (as many people of European descent cannot) -- give me some and I'll have a migraine headache within the hour. Never had a migraine or any other ill side effect from eating Dorritos, Cheatos, or other processed snack foods. I avoid them now, but purely because of the calories, not because they make me sick.
Great... now I have a craving for the hot and spicy Dorritos...