The most violent movie in history has been released across the nation, titled "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre."
Sporting all sorts of weaponry, mutiliations, outright torture and scenes of grisly suffering, this Hollywood blockbuster has made millions and continues to sell off shelves at a medium pace.
It was at one point blamed for loss of sleep in some viewers, for it's sheer lack of straight forward entertainment, seeking profit margins through SHOCK rather than story.
Released long before Doom ever graced the planet, and (loosely) based on a true story that occured long before Doom ever graced the planet.
Fuck anybody who says different.
And as far as the title 'most violent game'
S'funny, I thought Postal 2 was worse than Doom could ever hope to be... and Postal 2 was straight fun.
Also, what about Resident Evil, Grand Theft Auto, The Suffering, Manhunt, Painkiller, etc...
The media really needs some new material.
What's next? Cher's 'farewell' concert?