Now if this were a limited edition 12" with orchestral versions of the Elfman music from Doom 1...
That'd be a
real collector's item.
Of course, taking this merchandising thing too far would be a little harder to do than Nintendo's done with Mario, Sega's done with Sonic, et al.
I mean, can you imagine Doom 3 bedsheets for kiddies? If you bought those, you'd have to buy Doom 3 diapers for them when they inevitably woke up screaming in terror, and lots of Doom 3 toilet paper for the aftermath cleanup.
...actually, that might go pretty well together. If iD were a little more ballsy, I could see 'em doing a limited tin edition with a bonus Doom 3 "for when you crap yourself" diaper. Just like Undying should've come with a coupon for $10 off some brown khaki pants or something.
Specs: |160 Gb SATA Barracuda|Home Theater surround sound|Playing X-Com and Commander Keen =)
This comment was edited on Jul 23, 18:18.