Far Cry Unpatched

The recently released version 1.2 patch for Far Cry can be reclassified back to eagerly anticipated, as 3D Gamers has news that the update has been "recalled" by Ubisoft, apparently due to "unexpected behaviour on specific hardware configurations." No word on when a patched version of the patch will become available.
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Re: Good luck...
Jul 26, 2004, 04:40
Re: Good luck... Jul 26, 2004, 04:40
Jul 26, 2004, 04:40
"Their game didn't sell very well at all "

Actually it sold very well. It's was in the top ten worldwide for some time. It's still in the top 10 on UK charts.

Re: LoL Figures
Jul 24, 2004, 14:05
Re: LoL Figures Jul 24, 2004, 14:05
Jul 24, 2004, 14:05
Uhhm, you are still a retard. How is it a coincidence? They have been stuggling with this patch for like 2 months. There is no coincidence, there is no relation with EA to Far Cry. Im sorry you are too fucking stupid to figure that out.

Re: LoL Figures
Jul 24, 2004, 12:42
Re: LoL Figures Jul 24, 2004, 12:42
Jul 24, 2004, 12:42

I said the second they start WORKING with EA. I didn't say that EA was helping them with the patch. I was making a joke about how it's a funny COINCEDENCE.

So go play on a freeway dickshine.

I'm glad some people like jayeffaar got the joke.

This comment was edited on Jul 24, 12:44.
Re: The Nvidia Effect
Jul 23, 2004, 21:24
Re: The Nvidia Effect Jul 23, 2004, 21:24
Jul 23, 2004, 21:24
Uh huh! And we live in the land of make believe!

Re: Good luck...
Jul 23, 2004, 20:28
Re: Good luck... Jul 23, 2004, 20:28
Jul 23, 2004, 20:28
So you're saying Cryteks engine is more capable than iDs? I don't think Crytek beat anyone to the punch, so to say. Their game didn't sell very well at all and Ubi is pulling the same patching bs they did when Pandora Tomorrow came out...recalling a patch? Like wtf

Re: This is just becoming a joke
Jul 23, 2004, 20:19
Re: This is just becoming a joke Jul 23, 2004, 20:19
Jul 23, 2004, 20:19

CryTek is far more ambitious than id has been save for the first doom and quake, with their one line of AI code and tiny, shoebox-size indoor levels.

I remember the patches and hacks when GLQuakeworld was released. Those were the days id was pushing the envelope. It seems that, in recent years, other developers beat id to the punch. Hi-res textures, single-player immersion, advanced AI, portals off BSP tree, large environments, bump mapping, realtime lighting, etc.

After Quake3, id really needs Doom3 to not suck.

Re: This is just becoming a joke
Jul 23, 2004, 19:04
Re: This is just becoming a joke Jul 23, 2004, 19:04
Jul 23, 2004, 19:04
Here Here: I also enjoyed playing through FarCry but CryTek will never see another cent from me. It looks as if the older and more mature companies such as id & Valve will recieve my hard earned dollars.

This is just becoming a joke
Jul 23, 2004, 18:51
This is just becoming a joke Jul 23, 2004, 18:51
Jul 23, 2004, 18:51
They delay and delay and delay for 1,847 months to do more testing, and finally release it, and it still fucking sucks.

Nice going Ubisoft. You're definitely taking aim at that "shittiest publisher ever" title. As for Crytek, they've got mitigating circumstances in that I love their engine, and thoroughly enjoyed playing Farcry. However, their lack of a savegame because of the simple fact that they can't figure out how to program one is a joke, and this patch fiasco is just burying them.

And now they're going to EA. EA with it's well known penchant for not releasing games until they are done, and then patching them almost immediately afterwards {/sarcasm}.

Another promising developer down the drain. Crytek, no more of my money for you!


Avatar 15604
Re: hah
Jul 23, 2004, 18:49
Re: hah Jul 23, 2004, 18:49
Jul 23, 2004, 18:49
their heads may not be into this game anymore. Resources have have been reallocated already

This still has nothing to do with EA. Every developer moves on to new projects when they complete their old one, usually leaving a few people behind to work on patches if necassary. They would have moved onto development of the next project even without having a publisher, and now they have signed on with EA as a publisher. EA has nothing to do with Far Cry, or their patch and SDK woes. Comments like these is just as bad as the idiots in the Crytek/EA thread that make comments about EA closing down Crytek or consolodating the resources to EA offices, etc. EA hasnt even bought Crytek for pete sakes. Use some common sense.

Re: hah
Jul 23, 2004, 18:39
Re: hah Jul 23, 2004, 18:39
Jul 23, 2004, 18:39
Not to bright are ya? This has nothing to do with EA. Ubi Soft is still the publisher for Far Cry. The deal with EA is for Crytek's NEXT game.

You like insulting people for no reason, don't ya?

Even if Crytek's deal with EA is for their next game, the other guy had a valid point that their heads may not be into this game anymore. Resources have have been reallocated already. Besides, that was a pretty funny comment, considering EA's track record. They may be contagious.

The Nvidia Effect
Jul 23, 2004, 18:38
The Nvidia Effect Jul 23, 2004, 18:38
Jul 23, 2004, 18:38
It's called Nvidia throwing there weight around and getting impatient after 4 months of the 6800 series not getting Pixel Shader 3.0 support and out-running ATI cards. I bet anything Nvidia pushed CryTek into a pre-mature release (and also into switching to EA since EA & Nvidia are really tight while Nvidia & Ubi aren't)!

Re: hah
Jul 23, 2004, 18:36
Re: hah Jul 23, 2004, 18:36
Jul 23, 2004, 18:36
Now, since the pre-patched save games won't work, I have to work my way back to some of those interior lighting sections where the game used to chug a bit, to see if those are fixed for me as well ...

Most of them do work (at least, they worked for me). From what I've read, the only old save points that don't work are on levels that include a forklift.

I wonder what they did to bugger up the forklifts...

Re: LoL Figures
Jul 23, 2004, 18:15
Re: LoL Figures Jul 23, 2004, 18:15
Jul 23, 2004, 18:15
The second they start working with EA all they have a problem with software and meeting deadlines roflmao.

Not to bright are ya? This has nothing to do with EA. Ubi Soft is still the publisher for Far Cry. The deal with EA is for Crytek's NEXT game.

Yeah, and they've been having problems meeting deadlines with this patch for a long damn time now...

See you in Hell! http://www.doom3.com/
Patch wonkiness
Jul 23, 2004, 17:36
Patch wonkiness Jul 23, 2004, 17:36
Jul 23, 2004, 17:36
Got same wave thingie going on ocasianly, what seems to happen is that the game puts your water quality into "custom", just try switching back to your original setting, (works for me.)

Thanks for the tip; I changed the water setting back to high and it was fixed. Now, since the pre-patched save games won't work, I have to work my way back to some of those interior lighting sections where the game used to chug a bit, to see if those are fixed for me as well ...

There's no place like
Re: LoL Figures
Jul 23, 2004, 17:36
Re: LoL Figures Jul 23, 2004, 17:36
Jul 23, 2004, 17:36
The second they start working with EA all they have a problem with software and meeting deadlines roflmao.

Not to bright are ya? This has nothing to do with EA. Ubi Soft is still the publisher for Far Cry. The deal with EA is for Crytek's NEXT game.

LoL Figures
Jul 23, 2004, 17:33
LoL Figures Jul 23, 2004, 17:33
Jul 23, 2004, 17:33
The second they start working with EA all they have a problem with software and meeting deadlines roflmao.

german craftsmanship
Jul 23, 2004, 17:21
german craftsmanship Jul 23, 2004, 17:21
Jul 23, 2004, 17:21
err....told ya so 2 days ago

Avatar 14092
Re: Save Anywhere
Jul 23, 2004, 17:21
Re: Save Anywhere Jul 23, 2004, 17:21
Jul 23, 2004, 17:21
The debate over save points: good or bad - is besides the point. Crytek has been promising save anywhere in a patch since the game was released.

Re: No subject
Jul 23, 2004, 17:09
Re: No subject Jul 23, 2004, 17:09
Jul 23, 2004, 17:09
Moonbender you really are an evil man.

Re: No subject
Jul 23, 2004, 16:41
Re: No subject Jul 23, 2004, 16:41
Jul 23, 2004, 16:41
"recalled due to 'unexpected behaviour on specific hardware configurations.'"

You know, for people who learned English as a second language, these guys learned to speak our Bullsh$t pretty fluently.

And I LIKED this patch too! Hope some MP servers stick with it...
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