Stay away from this version of the game! It is not a real demo. This game is protected with Trymedia's ActiveMARK copy-protection system. This copy-protection is particularly draconian because it is tied to the hardware of the PC on which it is activated/registered (Think Windows XP retail activation only worse.). So, if you upgrade your PC/replace components or replace your entire PC, you must request a new activation from Trymedia. When Trymedia goes out of business or refuses to give you a new activation, then you are sh*t out of luck if you want to play the full game for which you paid.
I strongly recommend that people avoid buying games from like this one because of this copy-protection scheme. In addition, many games from are NOT the same as the retail CD-ROM versions in content either. They have more in common with "ripped" versions of games (missing movies and audio tracks), and given that ActiveMARK encrypts many of the game files, creating mods with these games is not possible even if mods can be made with the retail version.
This comment was edited on Jul 10, 22:53.