Out of the Blue

Hey! It's 06/05/04 today, at least in typical American notation... What say we all wait until exactly 3:21:00 and all simultaneously shout "blastoff!" Oh well, maybe not... especially since that would have been more appropriate at 3:21 a.m. Well, appropriate is probably the wrong word to use there either... Hmmm, nevermind.

Play Time: SpaceWander Roundtrip First Class. Thanks javagrrl9.
Links of the Day: ImplosionWorld.com Thanks Ant and memepool.com.
Camouflage Duct Tape ~ Camouflage Gaffers Tape.
Stories of the Day: Man Driving Armored Bulldozer Rampages Through Town. Thanks Kar.
Elderly woman awarded $1.2 million for ant attack at nursing home. Thanks Bronco (and not Ant?).
How it feels to get shot.
Science!: Cassini spacecraft closing in on Saturn.
Ocean explorer returns to Titanic.
Drowning in an Ocean of Plastic.
Media of the Day: Outlet Industries four-cross wheelchair. Thanks Jim Chaney.
Auctions of the Day: Baldur's Gate II Premium Golden Ale & Glass Tankard.
Star Wars Episode 3 - ILM - RARE - Crew Lint. Thanks Gordon.
Follow-up: Transit of Venus.
Thanks Mike Martinez
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55 Replies. 3 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: Halsy
Jun 7, 2004, 02:44
Re: Halsy Jun 7, 2004, 02:44
Jun 7, 2004, 02:44
You guys are wasting blues bandwidth.

Re: Halsy
Jun 6, 2004, 18:40
Re: Halsy Jun 6, 2004, 18:40
Jun 6, 2004, 18:40
Why, because I work hard in college and graduate and make just 2x time as much as you, due to a flat tax it cost me 2X the amount of you as the same rights and privileges?

Ok, two theories here. First is your theory - there is no fairness. How is it efficient to take away from those who create value in an economy and hand it out to those that don't. This point is further backed up - rich people often don't use the tangible products of their taxes - they don't use Medicare (or Medicaid), they send their kids to private schools, etc. A valid point, for sure.

On the other hand, there are arguments that the allocation mechanism that got you (for instance - this is by no means a personal comment - it could equally be me) to the position where you can earn twice what Joe Steelworker earns is an imperfect system, in some cases is plain unfair.
By and large, societies like American believe in equality of opportunity, not of outcome. Those that believe opportunity is far from equal argue that in order to narrow the gap, rich people (who have better opportunities) should pay more, to help those that may not have such good opportunity. That is not to say that hard work does not enter the picture, nor is it to take anything away from those that work their ass off for $5 an hour. Both theories have problems, like so much else, there are no answers, just sides.

On another note, in reality, taxes are set at such a level so that they are not a disincentive. As someone said, you'd rather be in the high tax bracket than the low tax bracket, simply because you are still taking home more money than you were before. Even moving between tax brackets is usually ok, there are mechanisms for reducing the so-called 'fiscal drag' disincentive to someone earning £39,999 and paying 30%, and someone earning £40,001 and paying 40%, for instance.

That doesn't answer your question.

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Re: Halsy
Jun 6, 2004, 16:06
Re: Halsy Jun 6, 2004, 16:06
Jun 6, 2004, 16:06
Again, I was able to do all this without personal attacks so this conversation is over. Feel free to attack me more, though...

Please read my post again, I said this was not a personal attack and said I did not truly think that. It is a way of pointing out how you are behaving in a silly manner to change the argument. Or in other words, attacking the way in which I stated it in order to avoid the actual message. I thought I made it clear I was not trying to attack your personally nor did I actually believe that, I apologize if I did not emphasis that part enough (though it was clearly there).

Also, I am talking about a tax that is levied on people, not an individual's rights - those are two different things.

No it is not, your taxes are what pays for your individual rights.

Again, you have yet to tell me why someone should have to pay more for
  • Equal representation in the government
    • Equal legal rights and privileges
      • Equal access to government funded help programs incase something bad does happen
        • Equal (theoretical) police protection
          • Why I should have to pay more for water, garbage collection, etc.

          These are all rights and privileges that we have, that our taxes pay for.
          Why, because I work hard in college and graduate and make just 2x time as much as you, due to a flat tax it cost me 2X the amount of you as the same rights and privileges? Am I not still a single person deserving the same basic rights and privileges as you? Because I make more money, even if it is 1/5th more money then you, I am now somehow less of an individual, I now count less so I have to pay more for the same rights and privileges?

          Enahs If you can read this - congratulations - You have won!!! Just e-mail with your CC# to claim your prize!
          This comment was edited on Jun 6, 16:13.
          I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
          - W. C. Fields
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Re: Halsy/SmyTTor
Jun 6, 2004, 15:43
Re: Halsy/SmyTTor Jun 6, 2004, 15:43
Jun 6, 2004, 15:43
Twisting ideas? What am I twisting? I'm saying Halsy has just as much right to express his thoughts as anyone else without getting jumped for it.

Wow...what are you talking about? IT's called FREE SPEECH (liberals usually like it.) And what it means is that if Halsy says something (which he has every right to say) and we don't agree or think it's mean or whatever, then WE have the right to be able to tell him he's wrong, insensitive, whatever! Where in the world did you get the idea that anyone has a right to express an opinion and not get negative responses about that idea?

Nobody told Halsy he was breaking the law for giving his opinion...aren't we entitled to the same thing without you crying victim? Sheesh...

This comment was edited on Jun 6, 15:44.
Re: Halsy
Jun 6, 2004, 15:41
Re: Halsy Jun 6, 2004, 15:41
Jun 6, 2004, 15:41

Guess this is over then. You have reverted to personal attacks even though I have proven the problem with your equal monetary value idea, yet you claim I have somehow twisted your idea around.

You want to focus on the hardship, but not look at the ease offered on the higher income.

I have pointed out the consistency and statistical equality of a flat rate tax.

Also, I am talking about a tax that is levied on people, not an individual's rights - those are two different things.

Lastly, do not try mixing the orange of statistic equality with the rotten apple ;D of captalistic markets.

Again, I was able to do all this without personal attacks so this conversation is over. Feel free to attack me more, though...


"You're worried about morals? Beat them senseless and steal their clothing, dammit! Steal! Steal!!"
I love you, mom.
Everything is awesome!!!
I love you, mom.
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Re: Halsy
Jun 6, 2004, 13:21
Re: Halsy Jun 6, 2004, 13:21
Jun 6, 2004, 13:21
Everyone just shut-up. People have to pay for this bandwith.

Re: Halsy
Jun 6, 2004, 13:12
Re: Halsy Jun 6, 2004, 13:12
Jun 6, 2004, 13:12
Ho Chi Minh wasn't the bad guy American history books made him out to be. Even LBJ said we misunderstood him. He wanted to free his country from French rule and unite it, much like Lincoln wanted to keep the US united, thus the civil war. Read a few books from southern asian historians and you'll get a very different view of Uncle Ho.
I definately have to agree with you on this point. He's made out to be a villian by American historians. Not so. He might not have become communisty if only America hadn't ignored him. Vietnam was such an incorrect war in so many ways. We never should have gotten involved.

Oh well. This was a very long and unproductive arguement. I guess someone has to feel sorry for Halsy

Lose it? I didn't lose it. It's not like, "Whoops! Where'd my job go?" I QUIT.
Who knows but that, on the lower frequencies, I speak for you?
http://citizenb.com/ - Now at v1.1
Re: Halsy
Jun 6, 2004, 13:03
Re: Halsy Jun 6, 2004, 13:03
Jun 6, 2004, 13:03
You make personal comparisons and use vague, subjective terms like "well off." What is well off? Is that well off? Am I well off? What if my well off is less? Do you take less well off? What if your well off is more? Do I now have to support your wasting?

Well off is not, as you pointed out killing your self for $5 bucks an hour.
I am sorry I made the mistake that you where and adult and comprehend a conversation with out having everything explained in detail to you, things that are obvious. I did not realize your thinking was so limited to equal percentages. (BTW, this is not trying to insult you nor do I really think that about you, I am just making a point. Harping on something like that and ignoring my main point –which follows in italic- is pointless)

You still have yet to explain why you think someone should pay more for equal rights, privileges and representation.

I am going to go buy my groceries now, and I am going to pay $25 for a weeks worth of food. Since we are not humans and do not deserve equal rights at the same expense as everyone else (be it monetary or emotional), I declare you shall have to pay $2,500 for a weeks worth of food. As that is what you are saying, because we are different in some small way, we do not deserve to same rights in the same way.

Everything is relative (aren't you "filthy rich" at $70K to the person making $11K?), so how do you deal with that? You apply a constant statistical amount to that, hence the flat percentage.

Yes you are, but not if you are supporting a family of four while that one person in supporting just him or her self. But then again you can say the $11k person is supporting a family also. This is all pointless to the main idea. This country was founded on the principal that everyone is equal (ok, so it was founded on slavery but it has evolved to the ideal that everyone wants to be equal). All emotions and ideas of who is better off, and who is still better off after having X amount taken from them, all do not matter. Because you make more money, be it from hard work or given to you, you end up paying a whole hell of a lot more for equal rights, privileges and representation? You have

I did cover your entire point - you just do not like the answer.

No, you did NOT! You covered all the examples of my point, and twisted them to something else. Almost everything can be rearranged to the other side, that is what politicians do. You can not change the fact no matter how many examples you give, that someone who makes $100,000 a year on a flat tax will pay 10 times the amount of money as someone who makes $10,000 a year. All to be treated and given the rights as the person who makes less.

Why should I, or anyone have to pay more money to be treated equally as a person?

definitely not dancing; having two left feet

Bah, I got a left foot and a cankle, I got ya beat!

Enahs If you can read this - congratulations - You have won!!! Just e-mail with your CC# to claim your prize!
This comment was edited on Jun 6, 13:04.
I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
- W. C. Fields
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Re: Halsy
Jun 6, 2004, 12:55
Re: Halsy Jun 6, 2004, 12:55
Jun 6, 2004, 12:55
I did like that post, Bronco, we definitely would have a hell of a time at a bar!

I am not sure what group I did or did not claim, but hey, what do I know? Just wonder if you can point me to these talking points. Perhaps I can sue for them stealing my schtick!

I don't agree with a lot of Halsy's comments, actually But it was like 20 vs 1 and without him explaining why he feels as he does about his comments, I jumped right in and decided to add a little perspective. I think it worked quite well!

Carter, yeah, goober doesn't just explain what he gre on the farm. You must admit, though, he was a lame duck due to lack of political support. I'm definitely not saying his ideas were any good

Now what did Reagan do to bring down communism? The same thing Nixon and Ford did. They fed the military machine billions and the Soviet Union went bankrupt, except that was just a pleasant side-effect.

I'll answer your question if you can give me some reference points, like foreign policy towards...?

Talk about twisting Ho Chi Minh wasn't the bad guy American history books made him out to be. Even LBJ said we misunderstood him. He wanted to free his country from French rule and unite it, much like Lincoln wanted to keep the US united, thus the civil war. Read a few books from southern asian historians and you'll get a very different view of Uncle Ho.

Now if I had said Pol Pot...

And I did think of another thing I liked about Reagan, but it went away before I could get to it. Oh wait! I re-read your post and thought of it again! He did very well with the UN and raising the reputation of the US throughout the world, until the South America and Iran debacles came up at least

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Re: Halsy
Jun 6, 2004, 12:44
Re: Halsy Jun 6, 2004, 12:44
Jun 6, 2004, 12:44
For fuck's sake some of you people are so skewed in your views its ridiculous.

I am not saying anyone is unpatriotic. I am saying that there's a time and a place to go hurling insults that probably 50% find untruthful (facts, these days, seem universally marred by perspective). I personally did not like Reagan's policies one iota, but he doesn't deserve to be equated with Hitler.

The world appears to have gone rabid with politcal fervor on both sides. What the fuck.

Lose it? I didn't lose it. It's not like, "Whoops! Where'd my job go?" I QUIT.
Who knows but that, on the lower frequencies, I speak for you?
http://citizenb.com/ - Now at v1.1
Re: Halsy
Jun 6, 2004, 12:41
Re: Halsy Jun 6, 2004, 12:41
Jun 6, 2004, 12:41
They are paying $@#%$ much more taxes because they made $@#%$ much more.

I did cover your entire point - you just do not like the answer. Besides, how many times do the higher/highest paying jobs have less/the least amount of hard work to do?

Nothing like literally killing yourself for $5 a hour. I guess you could counter with the "I am better" argument, but where does that lead? Again, to avoid the fighting and "I am better than you," we all pay the same statistical amount. Everybody is better/worse than everybody else in some way.

I gave an example of how broken your equal dollar idea is. Likewise, you continue to harp on how terrible the extra monetary (but not statistical) amount is, but seemingly pay no heed to the benefits of the larger income.

You make personal comparisons and use vague, subjective terms like "well off." What is well off? Is that well off? Am I well off? What if my well off is less? Do you take less well off? What if your well off is more? Do I now have to support your wasting?

Whereas 10% is, well, 10%.

Edit: Everything is relative (aren't you "filthy rich" at $70K to the person making $11K?), so how do you deal with that? You apply a constant statistical amount to that, hence the flat percentage.

Definitely not dancing; having two left feet :),

"You're worried about morals? Beat them senseless and steal their clothing, dammit! Steal! Steal!!"
I love you, mom.
This comment was edited on Jun 6, 12:48.
Everything is awesome!!!
I love you, mom.
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Re: Halsy
Jun 6, 2004, 12:41
Re: Halsy Jun 6, 2004, 12:41
Jun 6, 2004, 12:41
I love that reasoning, though. Why should I go to college and earn more money if I have to pay more taxes? Hehe. Philosophy and critical thinking really needs to be taught in schools today

You still did not respond to the ISSUE.

Yes, so what if someone with flat tax, or 999999X tax of someone who does not make a lot of money still have more then enough money to life a ridiculous life style.

Why does that person have to pay soo much damn more money for the same rights, privileges and representation?

And I am going to college to get an education, because I enjoy learning. And because I will move on to a job that in all likely hood will involve cancer research which will benefit humanity, rich or poor.

That is just a dumb-ass attack to try and discredit what I said, because you can not argue with the facts. You immediately saw me disagreeing with you so you started thinking of ways to respond, instead of reading. As I made the point I was not really concerned with the filthy rich, just the well off that more then deserve what they get for all their hard work, yet they are punished for it.
Again, explain to me why when I graduate college and go to a job starting at $70,000 a year why I should pay 15X more in taxes then this guy I knew in high school that was incredibly smart but was lazy and decided to waste his multitude of opportunities and now makes minimum wage? And why all my extra money I am paying for equal rights and privileges and representation as some crack head is not being spent on giving people like him another chance, but being waste on stupid and pointless things?

Enahs If you can read this - congratulations - You have won!!! Just e-mail with your CC# to claim your prize!
I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
- W. C. Fields
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Re: Halsy
Jun 6, 2004, 12:30
Re: Halsy Jun 6, 2004, 12:30
Jun 6, 2004, 12:30
I guess it comes down to your viewpoint. I like the mUn33z , but I only need so much and I think it should be the responsibility of everybody to help out one another rather than continuing this "ME ME ME!!!11111" cycle. I will pay X percent, if you will pay X percnet. I make Y percent more than you and I expect to pay Y percent more taxes.

Can I have a HUZZAH for the equality of percentages???

Yes, I completely agree that everyone should want to help each other out, and when I am rich I would not care to be filthy rich. The fact is I have done more for charity then most people that make $100,000 a year, and yet I am a broke ass college student barely getting by (for now).

And my point was less concerned with the filthy rich. As you said, you can take half away from them and they are still filthy rich.

My point is more towards the people who are just well off, say the average college graduate that gets a good job in his or her field. The people that make $40,000 to around $200,000. People that worked hard to get to where they are (ok, sometimes not!) and deserve rewards for all the work they did, but it is taken away because of a flat tax.

To avoid fighting, you just make one constant, flat percentage.

No, to avoid fighting, you just make one constant dollar amount per person per year. Unfortunately that would not work, as it would take billions and billions away in tax income that the “rich” are paying.

But you still danced around the issue.

How it is supposed to work, one person now matter how much they make should get the same equal rights, privileges and representation as someone who makes less. Why should someone have to pay 10X+++ times someone else for equal rights? That is the problem I have, and it is a HUGE freakin problem. If you can say that because someone makes more via working their asses off or having it handed to them, they should have to pay more money for equal rights, how in the freak does that even approach fair? Please explain that to me?

Enahs If you can read this - congratulations - You have won!!! Just e-mail with your CC# to claim your prize!
I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
- W. C. Fields
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Re: Halsy
Jun 6, 2004, 12:29
Re: Halsy Jun 6, 2004, 12:29
Jun 6, 2004, 12:29
Here we go again. 'It takes a whole lot of courage to insult a dead man'.

Because someone dies does not erase what they did with their lives. This falls into that "unpatriotic" club neo-cons like to bash everyone with who doesn't blindly toe the line. I don't care how many football movies you make, secretly funding the deaths of thousands is a bit more prominent on the character scale.

I also assure you that I criticized Reagan all through the eighties as my father, brother, mother, friends, and neighbors lost their jobs, homes, and barely survived. You know, Bush Jr will die someday and I will still hold him responsible for what he has done to the US.

I guess I should forgive Hitler for killing millions of people; he IS dead after all.

Remember guys, perspective. Better yet, re-read the theory of relativity.

And I promise, when I die I won't hold it against anyone that is glad ;D

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Re: Halsy
Jun 6, 2004, 12:28
Re: Halsy Jun 6, 2004, 12:28
Jun 6, 2004, 12:28
It may be an intangible but Ron made the people believe in themselves again. I know that probably doesn't mean much...

I do think that my age was a limiting factor in this..., but I never have been able to truly appreciate the seemingly self-imposed mythology that many people have for presidents, Reagan in particular (he is, by far, the one that seems most prominent in my lifetime.)

I think, mayhaps, it is just the way my mind ticks in general :o, but I never truly understood the self-indentification that people impose on power figures. I can certainly understand how we warp our own perception and limit our realities to such perceptions, I have certainly done this before, but I fail to comprehend the enamor of the "president" position.

Ultimately, I tend to view it solely as a position filled by another hairless ape type for another 4/8 years, but that is about it. I tend to view many things this way, though; looking over the course of only four or eight years, none of it looks particularly profound. Certainly, some seemingly large changes can be made, but that seems to happen nearly every year and, in all reality, any "large" change has been previously brewing for years and years and years.

What am I failing to see when I just note it as a (current) person or position?

Still aiming for that planetary or universal viewpoint %),

"You're worried about morals? Beat them senseless and steal their clothing, dammit! Steal! Steal!!"
I love you, mom.
Everything is awesome!!!
I love you, mom.
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Re: Halsy
Jun 6, 2004, 12:16
Re: Halsy Jun 6, 2004, 12:16
Jun 6, 2004, 12:16
Where did I -ever- claim to be left-wing whatever?

You lay out the talking points in a nice little row then claim not to be a part of that group? Cool.

On the 'Edge'? I didn't realize you knew me so well.

We only know you based upon what you type here. Aligning yourself with Halsy pretty much places you on the edge. Sorry.

I'm saying Halsy has just as much right to express his thoughts as anyone else without getting jumped for it.

Halsy is a big boy and can defend himself. For the record I like him. Don't agree with many of his views but I do like him.

I'd like to see you list all the great things Reagan actually did that didn't benefit his friends in the defense industry so we can contrast it with the things he should have been jailed for.

So. Discount everything he did in Eastern Europe an his effectiveness in dealing with the Soviets becuase his cronies in the defense industry benefitted? Cool.

I don't know how old you are but thing were pretty boogered up around here after four years with Carter in office. The overall morale of the US was pretty low.

It may be an intangible but Ron made the people believe in themselves again. I know that probably doesn't mean much...

In turn, I would love to know just what course of action you would have a US President take with respect to foreign policy. Is isolationism what you are looking for? Is it better if the states remove themselves from the world stage? It seems to me that if you get involved in world politics you have to choose a side. Some times it will be the wrong side. I don't see how you get around that.

You know, Ho Chi Minh was a nice guy. He was a great Confucian teacher before his political life, loved by the Vietnamese because of all that he did for them, he became a communist (after his time in the Soviet Union after lobbying the US for support failed) to help all of his countrymen gain independence from France. When Uncle Ho died, his country wept. I don't think a great deal of people in the US and Europe exactly mourned when he died.

Yup. Stalin was cool too. That Hitler guy, boy could he make the trains run on time.

Waiting for a communist label now!

Not from me. You just said you aren't left wing.


The way the music died:
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Re: Halsy
Jun 6, 2004, 12:14
Re: Halsy Jun 6, 2004, 12:14
Jun 6, 2004, 12:14
Well, for starters, since when does basic math apply to the tax codes?

There is no such thing as a flat tax, so no, it's not even close to even taxation. Right now, people with salaries up to around $120k pay roughly 33% to taxes. The majority of people with income of $1+million pay on average 6% with all of Bush's tax cuts.

Let's take you example of minimumish wage $12kish a year. Not exactly a liveable wage, is it? Now take out $3500 for taxes. That's $8.5k net. Now we contrast that with say a $5million income. If that person were to recieve all the Bush cuts, they would owe only around $300k. Now take the costs of day-to-day living and think about $8k vs $4.7million. If the $5mil person had been taxed at an equal amount then the taxes they have to pay would be around $1.5million. That's a lot of cash to pay out, but it's exactly the same percentage as a minium wage earner who can't even survive the current cost of living index even if they pay no taxes at all. We're talking poverty level.

Without the lower wage earners the higher wage earners would not be able to earn what they do. It's the way things work. You think if the 90+ percent of under $120k earners stopped working all the high wage earners would continue to reap large salaries? Rich or poor, everyone uses the infrasturctes in the country, every needs health care, domestic and national security, etc.

I'd start whippin out the exact numbers from the IRS reports, but since this is still Saturday's messages, not going to bother because the new ones will be up soon.

I love that reasoning, though. Why should I go to college and earn more money if I have to pay more taxes? Hehe. Philosophy and critical thinking really needs to be taught in schools today.

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Re: Halsy
Jun 6, 2004, 12:10
Re: Halsy Jun 6, 2004, 12:10
Jun 6, 2004, 12:10
'Cuz it is a percentage?

Look at taxes in a narrow scope...say, roads. Do you get better roads than I do? Do I get better roads than you do? Do I drive them more - do I have to pay a higher amount? Do I drive them less - do I have to pay a lesser amount? What if I do not drive that road there; do I get discounted that road and pay less per year. Does that mean a new road, driven by many people, gets bajillions of dollars while that older street, driven by only a few yet in crappy condition, gets no money?

To avoid fighting, you just make one constant, flat percentage.

Things work in reverse as well. You complain about the extra burden (yet identical tex percent) of the higher income, but you make no mention of the increased ease of living with the extra income.

For instance, lets take two people, completely strip them of everything, and send them on their merry way. For person one, I give $5, but levy a 20% tax - that person now only has $4. Good luck, sucker.

For person two, I give $1,000,000,000 and levy a whopping 50% tax - that person now only has $500,000,000. Wow, what a tough break that second person has. Er...can I sign up for this second deal, though?

Mind you, these are very generic and exaggerated, but consider which of these two people has things easier? And that is with completely uneven tax percentages. If you hate percentages and the statistical equality that they can provide, what would you consider fair? How about we all pay the same monetary tax that the $10,000,000 pays. Enahs, did you make over a $1,000,000 last year? If not, you are seriousl f00k3d - you worked your ass off last year and it was all for naught. You actually owe the government some $900,000 now.

I guess it comes down to your viewpoint. I like the mUn33z :o, but I only need so much and I think it should be the responsibility of everybody to help out one another rather than continuing this "ME ME ME!!!11111" cycle. I will pay X percent, if you will pay X percnet. I make Y percent more than you and I expect to pay Y percent more taxes.

Can I have a HUZZAH for the equality of percentages???

As a single person, I am tired of paying an extra amount of taxes because I am not in some (as are the majority in this country) sham marriage, but I know the U.S./people are not ready to look into that. Hell, the people still have trouble with certain people even being allowed to become married.

Realizing most people have t3h gr33d,

"You're worried about morals? Beat them senseless and steal their clothing, dammit! Steal! Steal!!"
I love you, mom.
Everything is awesome!!!
I love you, mom.
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Re: Halsy
Jun 6, 2004, 11:56
Re: Halsy Jun 6, 2004, 11:56
Jun 6, 2004, 11:56
At least I use history and fact in what I say and not some limp bravado to strike down a comment someone had the courage to make.
It takes a whole lot of courage to insult a dead man.

Lose it? I didn't lose it. It's not like, "Whoops! Where'd my job go?" I QUIT.
Who knows but that, on the lower frequencies, I speak for you?
http://citizenb.com/ - Now at v1.1
Re: Halsy
Jun 6, 2004, 11:28
Re: Halsy Jun 6, 2004, 11:28
Jun 6, 2004, 11:28
Record tax breaks for the rich (sound familiar?)

Ya know, I hear people whine about this ALL the time, especially some of the people on here. I do not get it? Maybe you people forget basic math.

So, here ya go, some math for you (and we will use factors of ten to make it simple).

Let us say the entire nation gets put on a 10% tax rate, everyone pays 10%.

That means, if you make :
  • $10,000 a year you will pay $1,000 in taxes
    • $100,000 a year you will pay $10,000 in taxes
      • $1,000,000 you will pay $100,000 in taxes
        • $10,000,000 you will play $1,000,000 in taxes

        • For the fun, minimum wage is around $5.50 over the entire us, at a 40 hour work week that is $11,440. Someone fresh out of college going into an IT job we will say gets $50,000+ a year. At 10% the minimum wage person is paying $1,144 in takes while the IT person will be paying $5,000+.

        Now, how the system is supposed to work, one person, one vote, same rights as everybody. I know it does not work that way, but it is supposed to. We all know the super rich buy more votes and legal rights. But not everyone who makes 2-10x minimum wage does, yet they will have to pay 2-10x more if we have a flat tax.

        If you make $1,000,000 a year, you would have to pay .001% to pay the same as the guy making $10,000 a year.

        Now, why should someone who busts their ass off in college like me and the countless others have to pay more taxes? Why should I be punished for 7-8 years of hard work to get a job I enjoy and will more then likely be benefiting the human race too-boot?

        Yes, not everyone can go to college and “better” them selves, so I think more time and money should be spent on giving people opportunities and stop wasted and whining on the rich paying less tax!

        Please explain this whining to me about tax cut for the rich then? As with all the cheats, sneaks, payoffs and such, they still pay a shit load of more taxes then any of us here.

        It is 10:30 here and I just woke up, and I saw this guy say that, but I remembered how EVERYONE here just about whines about it, I have never said anything because eh! I guess because I have not woken up good I am annoyed by it slightly and decided to say something……I need to learn to drink coffee I guess.

        Enahs If you can read this - congratulations - You have won!!! Just e-mail with your CC# to claim your prize!
        This comment was edited on Jun 6, 11:30.
        I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
        - W. C. Fields
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