Play Time: | SpaceWander Roundtrip First Class. Thanks javagrrl9. |
Links of the Day: | Thanks Ant and Camouflage Duct Tape ~ Camouflage Gaffers Tape. |
Stories of the Day: |
Driving Armored Bulldozer Rampages Through Town. Thanks Kar. Elderly woman awarded $1.2 million for ant attack at nursing home. Thanks Bronco (and not Ant?). How it feels to get shot. |
Science!: |
Cassini spacecraft closing in on Saturn. Ocean explorer returns to Titanic. Drowning in an Ocean of Plastic. |
Media of the Day: | Outlet Industries four-cross wheelchair. Thanks Jim Chaney. |
Auctions of the Day: |
Baldur's Gate II Premium Golden Ale & Glass Tankard. Star Wars Episode 3 - ILM - RARE - Crew Lint. Thanks Gordon. |
Follow-up: | Transit of Venus. |
Thanks Mike Martinez |
Why, because I work hard in college and graduate and make just 2x time as much as you, due to a flat tax it cost me 2X the amount of you as the same rights and privileges?
Again, I was able to do all this without personal attacks so this conversation is over. Feel free to attack me more, though...
Also, I am talking about a tax that is levied on people, not an individual's rights - those are two different things.
Ho Chi Minh wasn't the bad guy American history books made him out to be. Even LBJ said we misunderstood him. He wanted to free his country from French rule and unite it, much like Lincoln wanted to keep the US united, thus the civil war. Read a few books from southern asian historians and you'll get a very different view of Uncle Ho.I definately have to agree with you on this point. He's made out to be a villian by American historians. Not so. He might not have become communisty if only America hadn't ignored him. Vietnam was such an incorrect war in so many ways. We never should have gotten involved.
You make personal comparisons and use vague, subjective terms like "well off." What is well off? Is that well off? Am I well off? What if my well off is less? Do you take less well off? What if your well off is more? Do I now have to support your wasting?
Everything is relative (aren't you "filthy rich" at $70K to the person making $11K?), so how do you deal with that? You apply a constant statistical amount to that, hence the flat percentage.
I did cover your entire point - you just do not like the answer.
definitely not dancing; having two left feet
I love that reasoning, though. Why should I go to college and earn more money if I have to pay more taxes? Hehe. Philosophy and critical thinking really needs to be taught in schools today
I guess it comes down to your viewpoint. I like the mUn33z , but I only need so much and I think it should be the responsibility of everybody to help out one another rather than continuing this "ME ME ME!!!11111" cycle. I will pay X percent, if you will pay X percnet. I make Y percent more than you and I expect to pay Y percent more taxes.
Can I have a HUZZAH for the equality of percentages???
To avoid fighting, you just make one constant, flat percentage.
It may be an intangible but Ron made the people believe in themselves again. I know that probably doesn't mean much...
Where did I -ever- claim to be left-wing whatever?
On the 'Edge'? I didn't realize you knew me so well.
I'm saying Halsy has just as much right to express his thoughts as anyone else without getting jumped for it.
I'd like to see you list all the great things Reagan actually did that didn't benefit his friends in the defense industry so we can contrast it with the things he should have been jailed for.
You know, Ho Chi Minh was a nice guy. He was a great Confucian teacher before his political life, loved by the Vietnamese because of all that he did for them, he became a communist (after his time in the Soviet Union after lobbying the US for support failed) to help all of his countrymen gain independence from France. When Uncle Ho died, his country wept. I don't think a great deal of people in the US and Europe exactly mourned when he died.
Waiting for a communist label now!
At least I use history and fact in what I say and not some limp bravado to strike down a comment someone had the courage to make.It takes a whole lot of courage to insult a dead man.
Record tax breaks for the rich (sound familiar?)