Shawn Swift: "What do you mean by that? Can a company actualyl refuse to sell stock to anyone just because they don't want them owning a share? I've never heard of such a thing, but I'm not into trading stocks. Does something different apply if you buy enough shares?"
Selling is voluntary. They can't force you to sell. They can entice you to sell by offering more money of course. There are people, corporate raiders and the like, whom you would not want to own a piece of your company...
Shawn Swift: "Speaking of shares... Are shares like votes? When a company has a board of directors, do the shareholders vote them in, and for each stock option they own they get one "vote" thus the reason why someone can take over a company by buying enough stock? That's the way I always thought it was... That would explain why buying more than 50% means you get to kick everyone off the board and put your own people in place, as I saw in that move "The Secret of My Success" with Michael J. Fox."
There are various types of shares. Some come with voting rights, some don't (they just entitle you to a share of the profits). Generally voting stock is more valuable.
A link on stock types, etc.: comment was edited on Apr 25, 21:03.