Does anyone find it comical that Halsy doesn't even specify whom he's addressing? He may as well be talking to everyone, it wouldn't surprise me.
heh yeah.
But, I didn't come here (this time) for political discussion, but I would just say something about voxels:
I think the problems were several:
1)Early 3D accelerators set a trend for accelerating polygonal graphics, along with all the subsequent bells and whistles we are used to. Had voxel accelerators (which do exist!) become the norm we might be in a different place.
2) Early voxel engines had serious aliasing issues, and therefore looked ugly (whatever people thought of Outcast, it suffered terribly) in comparison to polygonal engines. Also, engine licencing became a big deal, and Carmack and Sweeney (among others) went off down the polygon route.
3) This was made worse by the fact that because voxels are quite computationally (if that's a word) expensive, resolutions had to be kept low. Outcast ran at a max of 512x384, IIRC (actually, I don't recall that sort of information at all, I looked it up). Of course,
had accelerators taken off, this might not have been. But they didnt.
That is so much more information than anyone asked for, and I'm no graphics programmer, but it's a brief respite from the Israel/Palestine conflict I'm sure many are tiring of.
Anyway, carry on!!
Insert funny quote here