According to my calendar, today is Easter Monday... I was unfamiliar with that
one. My calendar also notes another one that's new to me, as it lists "Public
Holiday" in New Zealand and Australia, but in poking around the 'net this seems
to be Easter Monday as well... in searching for that info, I found that tomorrow
is also Easter Tuesday in Tasmania, so I wouldn't be surprised if Wednesday is
Easter somewhere as well. In addition today is
Cosmonautics Day (thanks Mike Martinez) in Russia, as
"Forty-three years ago, on April 12, 1961, Yury Gagarin
made the first space flight in humanity's history, which lasted 108 minutes.
Gagarin ushered in an era of the practical exploration of space and gave a
powerful impetus to technological progress, to the development of fundamental
and applied science across the world." More commemoration, though not
necessarily happy, comes as we celebrate today's
Happy spamiversary.
Man, the must-see TV on Sunday just gets better... The Sopranos and Deadwood
each get better every week. I think it's very telling about the heights that
both these shows achieve that the climaxes of each of last nights episodes were
inevitabilities that we've been waiting for all season, and it did not diminish
the impact from either. If they offered preorders for the Deadwood DVD today,
I'd order mine on the spot.