That sniper rifle thing is the most arbitrary, unfounded complaint I've EVER heard. Try this: fov (low number) then walk around. *shock* ZOOMED IN AND MOVING! Quake3 has a zoom too, and you can move to your heart's content convincing me that you know nothing about engines. They have access to the ENGINE source, so they can change it, even if the sniper rifle really was in the engine (although it's not)
The per-monster AI is also equally retarded. By the way, you can't click in the save menu, it's all keyboard driven in Q1 and Q2, and Q3 didn't have one, leading me to think again you don't know what you're talking about.
There's so many other factual inaccuracies, I don't even know where to begin. How the hell can a save menu be unintuitive? Engine licences only make a fraction of sales? Have you even ever played an id game, it sure looks like you haven't!
This comment was edited on Mar 27, 14:05.