>>"There is no legal "journalistic right to privacy", there are only legal precedents which a judge can either ignore or accept.
If you want to protect your source, you can only plead the 5th and then state your reason for doing so."
Sorry but wrong on both counts.
The protection of the source (thank you, my brain stopped working) clause does not count in a case where libel and slander are proven, correct. However, Infinium first would have to prove without a doubt that the article was done solely with the purpose to libel the people at Infinium. As HardOCP reported on facts as they existed at the time of the article, as well as have refused to comment on the article despite requests BY HARDOCP for corrections so they could supplement their article (according to HardOCP -- see this:
http://www.shacknews.com/ja.zz?id=9405301 ), Infinium is going to find it near impossible to prove this. And as they will not be able to do so, HardOCP has more than enough legal right behind them to protect their source(s)' confidentiality.
The fifth amendment protects against self-incrmination. Nothing more. This has nothing that would fall under that, because the HardOCP folks have done nothing that would be self-incriminating that would be presented in court. (It's not a murder trial, or anything of that nature.)