Out of the Blue

Happy Groundhog Day!! Apparently the little rat saw his shadow today, so we're due six more weeks of winter, certainly not good news for those of us already tired of the bitter cold we've gotten around these parts this year.

That was a hell of a Super Bowl yesterday... it doesn't get much better than that. Though I am particularly pissed at the NFL for putting on so many annoying half-time shows over time that I stopped paying attention to that part of the broadcast years before it began featuring nudity. But of course, that was an accident. Uh-huh...

Link of the Day: ShardsO'Glass. Thanks Super Bowl.
Stories of the Day: Super Bowl surprises at halftime. Thanks Ant. A streaker too.
Engineering geek names son version 2.0. Bullies already plan first beating.
Retriever survives 11 days in snowbank.
Science!: For Science, Nanotech Poses Big Unknowns.
Living Machines.
A Gym for Geeks on the Go.
Media of the Day: IFILM Super Bowl Ads. Thanks Ant.
Thanks Mike Martinez.
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Re: Sound problems
Feb 3, 2004, 09:15
Re: Sound problems Feb 3, 2004, 09:15
Feb 3, 2004, 09:15
One time when I bought a CDROM drive a few years ago (back when one couldn't be had for less than $60 or so), I decided to go with a Creative 52x mostly for the brand name.

I had a creative drive eat one of my dvds...it spun up, sounded like it hit the side of the case (WHACK!) and then just started scratching the hell out of the surface...never again. Worst part? I had LITERALLY just unsealed the dvd, opened it for the first time, and put it in the drive. So long, $20...

Hey SMA, do you have Ministry's TLORAH? A friend game me that album in the early 90s and it changed the way I listed to music (I had no idea music could sound like that, and I needed more, immediately). Absolutely amazing...believe it or not, here in the U.S., it's only available on tape now, and not cd. When my old copy got one too many scratches, I had to import one from Germany...

Mind, and Psalm 69 are good, but TLORAH and Twitch are better...although Jesus Built my Hotrod (redline/whiteline mix) is a blast...

Jesus...built my car.
It's a love affair, mainly Jesus and hotrod.
Yeaaaah, f#$* it."

edit: Dammit...now I gotta go dig out all my Ministry cds tonight and jam...Thanks!

This comment was edited on Feb 3, 09:47.
Re: Frito Lays Cause Anal Leakage
Feb 3, 2004, 08:57
Re: Frito Lays Cause Anal Leakage Feb 3, 2004, 08:57
Feb 3, 2004, 08:57
Frito Lays Potatoe Chips contain a health advisory which states, among other things, "May cause anal leakage."

That's only on the low-fat chips that contain Olestra -- which is a fat substitute that can't be processed by your digestion tract. Essentially the fat molecule is too large to be absorbed and so it passes right on through. One of the side effects can be diarrhea, which they somehow thought would be better said with the above statement.

Regular Frito-Lay (or any other brand) chips don't contain Olestra and don't have that warning. IIRC, Frito-Lay has dumped their Olestra chips anyway.

Re: Sound problems
Feb 3, 2004, 08:55
Re: Sound problems Feb 3, 2004, 08:55
Feb 3, 2004, 08:55
And just think, at once point Creative was the ONLY way to go for peripherals if you wanted working drivers and good support!

Agreed. One time when I bought a CDROM drive a few years ago (back when one couldn't be had for less than $60 or so), I decided to go with a Creative 52x mostly for the brand name. After a couple of months it wouldn't read one of my game CDs. Few weeks later, another CD, then it stopped playing audio CDs, until one day it only read a single game CD I owned, and even then with hesitation.

Then I made the mistake of buying a SB Live 5.1. What a piece of shit junk. I have known other people that have gone through 2-3 of these cards and they're all junk. Download latest drivers didn't matter. I have an Audigy 2 now and have no problems with it, but I wish I could get rid of the dumn software pre-loader that causes the splash screen to come up evertime I boot. Annoying

Re: FCC to investigate Super Bowl breast
Feb 3, 2004, 08:50
Re: FCC to investigate Super Bowl breast Feb 3, 2004, 08:50
Feb 3, 2004, 08:50
Oh- very, VERY good! This might be my favorite post of the year so far.

Nice. Is there an awards banquet and do I get a trophy?

Re: Frito Lays Cause Anal Leakage
Feb 3, 2004, 04:14
Re: Frito Lays Cause Anal Leakage Feb 3, 2004, 04:14
Feb 3, 2004, 04:14
it's also the nasty chemicals they put into the chips to give them the taste of lays

Thats why I hate pringles, its the way they "ooze" in your mouth after a few. Nasty things.

Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Re: Sound problems
Feb 3, 2004, 00:53
Re: Sound problems Feb 3, 2004, 00:53
Feb 3, 2004, 00:53
Oh glorious day when I finally get myself an Nforce motherboard and a Soundstorm

When I got my A7N8X mobo, I originally planned on using it's built-in 5.1 audio, but I found that the surround feature didn't work on some games. I installed a Soundblaster Audigy card, it worked perfectly, and still does. I can't say that I'm sold on Soundstorm. I guess I'm just a Creative fanboy ...

There's no place like
Feb 3, 2004, 00:49
Re: Feb 3, 2004, 00:49
Feb 3, 2004, 00:49
As far as I can tell I'm the only person who has ever listened to KMFDM or Skinny Puppy or Ministry or any other industrial-related band.
Well, imagine my frustration wearing an At The Gates shirt to school. "At The Gates? Who're they?" "A classic death metal band." "Death metal, like KoRn?" And having to put up with people who thought Iron Maiden ripped off Pantera! Teenagers are stupid.

Avatar 13977
Feb 3, 2004, 00:27
Re: Feb 3, 2004, 00:27
Feb 3, 2004, 00:27
Damn it my High School sucks ass

Well I wouldn't say High School in general sucks it's just that the student body of my school is predominately white-bread, suburban, middle-class, mainstream, uh people. I've actually been to several high schools and this is the only one where everybody is so fucking generic, that's not to say that they arn't nice individuals. It's just that nobody has interests beyond the mainstream.

Feb 3, 2004, 00:03
Re: Feb 3, 2004, 00:03
Feb 3, 2004, 00:03
Damn it my High School sucks ass. As far as I can tell I'm the only person who has ever listened to KMFDM or Skinny Puppy

Hey, SMA! Man, I went to a UK school when punk was about ending it's long overdue bloodchoke on Britain. Then I came to the US and lo and behold, it was in the midst of making it's mainstream corruption of music here. Oh well, can't evade it forever, I suppose.

Feb 3, 2004, 00:03
Re: Feb 3, 2004, 00:03
Feb 3, 2004, 00:03
Damn it my High School sucks ass

Such a Universal Truth.


Avatar 15604
Re: Sound problems
Feb 2, 2004, 23:43
Re: Sound problems Feb 2, 2004, 23:43
Feb 2, 2004, 23:43
Yeah, before the Hundred Year War, or thereabouts…

The Hundred Year War was in the late 80’s early 90’s? wow…guess you learn something every day!

Enahs Secret Text!
I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
- W. C. Fields
Avatar 15513
Feb 2, 2004, 23:23
Re: Feb 2, 2004, 23:23
Feb 2, 2004, 23:23
That's quite alright, I'm not a fan of Garbage, but they were one of the two bands my girlfriend in high school listened to religiously (the other being KMFDM, so naturally we saw every KMFDM and Garbage concert that came to town during our "association").

Damn it my High School sucks ass. As far as I can tell I'm the only person who has ever listened to KMFDM or Skinny Puppy or Ministry or any other industrial-related band. There's this one guy who occasionally wears a NIN shirt but after talking with him I realized he's only been a fan for about three months and didn't have a fucking clue who Nivek Ogre, Al Jourgensen or Genesis P'Orridge are.

Everybody thinks Linkin Park is god though. *vomits*

Frito Lays Cause Anal Leakage
Feb 2, 2004, 22:54
Frito Lays Cause Anal Leakage Feb 2, 2004, 22:54
Feb 2, 2004, 22:54
While munching Que Pasa chips and watching the bowl, my friends told me that Frito Lays Potatoe Chips contain a health advisory which states, among other things, "May cause anal leakage." I'm concerned because Blue likes Lays, was wondering what people have against Lays, and may not know that's it not just industrialized monocrop potatoe cultivation, it's also the nasty chemicals they put into the chips to give them the taste of lays.

Avatar 11674
Re: Was it?
Feb 2, 2004, 22:43
Re: Was it? Feb 2, 2004, 22:43
Feb 2, 2004, 22:43
However, you do have my blessings to go after...


I seriously doubt Andy Reed is going to pick up a player of that 'type'.

I do think they may make a run at your guy.

Avatar 10139
Re: Sound problems
Feb 2, 2004, 22:35
Re: Sound problems Feb 2, 2004, 22:35
Feb 2, 2004, 22:35
Yeah, before the Hundred Year War, or thereabouts...


What's Voodoo Child about? I see Moby's name on the page in your link, nin, but is it his work (side project) or a sound-a-like? The tunes are darn good though.

Voodoo Child is just another name Moby records under. This is actually his second album under that moniker, the first being "The End of Everything" (usually only found on import)...

I've been more of a casual Moby fan since "Everything is Wrong" (great album BTW)...his early techno stuff didn't do much for me, buy the slow, ambient stuff (like "God Moving Over the Face of the Water") is f#$%ing awesome...his current trend (recording as Moby) of taking old music and setting it to beats (the albums "Play" and "18") is getting a little stale (I hate to say, as I do still enjoy it).

Re: Sound problems
Feb 2, 2004, 21:43
Re: Sound problems Feb 2, 2004, 21:43
Feb 2, 2004, 21:43
And just think, at once point Creative was the ONLY way to go for peripherals if you wanted working drivers and good support!

Yeah, before the Hundred Year War, or thereabouts...


Avatar 15604
Re: Sound problems
Feb 2, 2004, 21:23
Re: Sound problems Feb 2, 2004, 21:23
Feb 2, 2004, 21:23
Once again it seems Creative's fucked up drivers just basically stopped working. Oh glorious day when I finally get myself an Nforce motherboard and a Soundstorm, so I can stop using the shittiest product ever invented for PCs

And just think, at once point Creative was the ONLY way to go for peripherals if you wanted working drivers and good support!

Enahs Secret Text!
I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
- W. C. Fields
Avatar 15513
Feb 2, 2004, 20:46
LOL Feb 2, 2004, 20:46
Feb 2, 2004, 20:46
I just read my own profile:
I'm a flaming liberal currently living in ups
LOL. Oops. It's supposed to be Upstate NY. I think I'll leave it like that

Who's gonna play me? I think I should play me.
Who knows but that, on the lower frequencies, I speak for you?
http://citizenb.com/ - Now at v1.1
Re: FCC to investigate Super Bowl breast
Feb 2, 2004, 20:45
Re: FCC to investigate Super Bowl breast Feb 2, 2004, 20:45
Feb 2, 2004, 20:45

Who's gonna play me? I think I should play me.
Who knows but that, on the lower frequencies, I speak for you?
http://citizenb.com/ - Now at v1.1
Re: FCC to investigate Super Bowl breast
Feb 2, 2004, 20:37
Re: FCC to investigate Super Bowl breast Feb 2, 2004, 20:37
Feb 2, 2004, 20:37
It's called sarcasm

A poorly executed attempt, then. Bygones.

I'll try better next time.

Oh- very, VERY good! This might be my favorite post of the year so far.


Edit: just to be clear, I wasn't being sarcastic. That post made me laugh out loud.
This comment was edited on Feb 2, 20:47.
Computer over?
Virus = very yes?
That's not a good prize!
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