Link of the Day: | ShardsO'Glass. Thanks Super Bowl. |
Stories of the Day: |
Bowl surprises at halftime. Thanks Ant. A streaker too. Engineering geek names son version 2.0. Bullies already plan first beating. Retriever survives 11 days in snowbank. |
Science!: |
For Science, Nanotech Poses Big Unknowns. Living Machines. A Gym for Geeks on the Go. |
Media of the Day: | IFILM Super Bowl Ads. Thanks Ant. |
Thanks Mike Martinez. |
One time when I bought a CDROM drive a few years ago (back when one couldn't be had for less than $60 or so), I decided to go with a Creative 52x mostly for the brand name.
Jesus...built my car.
It's a love affair, mainly Jesus and hotrod.
Yeaaaah, f#$* it."
Frito Lays Potatoe Chips contain a health advisory which states, among other things, "May cause anal leakage."
And just think, at once point Creative was the ONLY way to go for peripherals if you wanted working drivers and good support!
Oh- very, VERY good! This might be my favorite post of the year so far.
As far as I can tell I'm the only person who has ever listened to KMFDM or Skinny Puppy or Ministry or any other industrial-related band.Well, imagine my frustration wearing an At The Gates shirt to school. "At The Gates? Who're they?" "A classic death metal band." "Death metal, like KoRn?"
Damn itmyHigh School sucks ass
That's quite alright, I'm not a fan of Garbage, but they were one of the two bands my girlfriend in high school listened to religiously (the other being KMFDM, so naturally we saw every KMFDM and Garbage concert that came to town during our "association").
However, you do have my blessings to go after...
Yeah, before the Hundred Year War, or thereabouts...
What's Voodoo Child about? I see Moby's name on the page in your link, nin, but is it his work (side project) or a sound-a-like? The tunes are darn good though.
Once again it seems Creative's fucked up drivers just basically stopped working. Oh glorious day when I finally get myself an Nforce motherboard and a Soundstorm, so I can stop using the shittiest product ever invented for PCs
I'm a flaming liberal currently living in upsLOL. Oops. It's supposed to be Upstate NY. I think I'll leave it like that
It's called sarcasm
A poorly executed attempt, then. Bygones.
I'll try better next time.