I would have gone through with the invasion of Afghanistan and proceeded to rebuild the war torn nation. None of this Iraq ballogna.
I've been doing a lot of research on Afghanistan for a personal project and I think the US should have not diverted their attention to Iraq but rather finish the job they had started in Afghanistan. Afghanistan requires a lot of aid and attention, but the people of the country would be much less hostile to the US helping them and in the long run, it would boost our image a little bit. With a lot of international support and input, a good sum of money and some compassionate nation building, we could turn the nation around from its war torn history. Instead, the country is once again drifting into lawlessness. The US seems only interested in finding Osama. I guarntee you, if we find Osama, we will pick up our stuff and leave, just like we did after the Russians took off.
The story of Afghanistan is a sad one. The nation has been a battleground for almost 5000 years. Now, we have an opprotunity to give it a chance for peace. But with little natural resources or strategic importance, it will probably fall to the side.
Afghanistan could have been a been a shining example of humanitarian care and an excellent example of what can be achieved in the Middle East with the proper amount of compassion and pressure. We could have repaired their country and given them a starting point for growth. But now I fear it is too late.
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