There are some EXCELLENT games on the XBox Nobody here is denying that. Ok everyone is denying that, I'll be a little more moderate, and say that there are some good games on Xbox. I quite liked Apex, myself. And it has KotOR, which by itself makes it a console worth buying. I also agree wholeheartedly with the statement below that says "Because they ruined the PC versions".
This does not mean that all games are dumbed down for the masses - there will always be a market for games for intelligent gamersMost of us also never said such a thing in regard to games in general. We are
specifically talking about Ex Deus : IW, which was so dumbed down it's not even funny anymore. Global settings only save in an in game save? (Where else will you save them on a console?) Menu items that you could only get out of by pressing the same key again, and you couldn't switch from one menu to another, you HAD to go back to your normal view first? (How else would you do it on a controller with only 8 or so buttons?)
Maps that fit in 64 megs of memory, when the last PC gamesplayer who only had 64 megs of memory died 7 years ago? (Well, the Xbox doesn't have more than 64, so what else are we going to do? Oh that's right, lie about it, nice going Warren.) Mouselag set to 75? Multiple .ini settings set to Xbox standards? What would you call it BESIDES dumbing down? (And yes, Scottish, we know you like it better than the original
DXIW, Return of the King, and several other games ALL played better on the XBox than the PC. Which means what, exactly? That doesn't mean that they are GREAT games. Just because my turd flushes better down one toilet than the other, doesn't mean it's not a turd.
It doesn't mean that the PC is somehow inferior to the Xbox. The Xbox contains hardware I threw out 3 years ago. I EXPECT games to look and play better on my PC than on the Xbox. Because they CAN.
It means that Ion Storm built an Xbox game and released it on the PC without ANY modifications whatsoever. Rumors of a second patch in which Ion will make some deeper, gameplay specific modifications have long since died out, and considering the game is selling like crap anyways, I doubt we'll ever see it.
Anyway PC-only gamers There is NOTHING wrong with being a PC only gamer. There is NOTHING wrong with being angry over the fact that MANY of the franchises that started on the PC are now switching to consoles, in some cases even exclusively. There is NOTHING wrong with being disappointed or even angry at certain development houses who piss on their fanbase, and then expect us to say thank you for the honor.
There WOULD be something wrong if we automatically bashed every game to come out for every console, but guess what, I own a PSX2, and think GTA3 is Teh Bomb, FFX is Teh Bomb, World Series Baseball 2k3 (and 2k4 presumably) is Teh Bomb, etc.
And now that I mentioned GTA3, see how it also can be done? Release it on the console, then take the time to make a BETTER game for the PC (although that's arguable, over which version someone prefers, but at least TECHNICALLY it's a lot better). Similarly to KotOR.
Ion Storm chose to go the easy way, and expected their 100.000+ fans that hold Deus Ex as the ultimate pinnacle in gaming to just accept this weak excuse for a PC game as the next evolution or something.
Sorry, it doesn't work that way.
And Thief is one of
THE most respected franchises on the PC, even though Thief and Thief 2 unfortunately sold like crap. After Ex Deus : IW, people are understandably weary about what Ion Storm is going to fuck up next. And so far they haven't given us ANYTHING that makes anyone believe differently than that this will be a similar fiasco.
Oh well, if Thief 3 bunks, Ion will close their doors, guys will move, three new studios will pop up, 2 games will get made, both of which will stink, all three studios will close, 8 new studios will come up, one of which will actually deliver the next holy grail of gaming. At which point that studio decides to streamline the experience and we goto 10.
There are some EXCELLENT games on the XBox
No again. Come on nin, KotOR is on the Xbox too, and it's almost as good as on the PC. We are the knights who say "KotOR", remember?
This comment was edited on Jan 23, 17:14.