is now the second e-tailer to push the release date of Counter-Strike: Condition
Zero back to March 2004. Valve has not given any indications that the game is
delayed to that point, but their expected November 18 release date (
for the supposedly gold shooter has come and gone without comment, reminiscent
of the tight-lipped handling of the Half-Life 2 delay (thanks
Fed). Also on
Fed is a report based on this morning's conference call with Take Two
Interactive saying the publisher is passing along indications they have received
from 3D Realms that Duke Nukem Forever is heading for a release in "late
2004 or early 2005." Of course the game's release is entirely in the hands
of 3D Realms, and it's doubtful that their official release date for the game
has changed from their hard-line mantra of "when it's done."