Out of the Blue

I know there are a lot of folks with mixed (or negative) feelings about the movie, but I have been looking forward to today's release of the Matrix Reloaded on DVD since the date was announced... there are a couple of questions about how things come together in relation to the first movie and the upcoming conclusion of the trilogy that it will be fun to try and work on, as well as general Matrix goodness to be explored.

Stories of the Day: Revellers Down Plane. Thanks John Nelson.
Fijians say sorry to eaten Briton's family. Thanks Jamie Sefton.
Martial arts expert kills two raiders. Thanks Kazmont.
Science!: Can Rain Be Bought Experts Seed Clouds and Seek Answers (registration required).
Reaping and Sewing From Corn.
Study: Marijuana smokers' sperm slow.
Follow-up: Report: Navy to limit sonar to protect whales.
Thanks Mike Martinez.
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Re: No subject
Oct 21, 2003, 12:47
Re: No subject Oct 21, 2003, 12:47
Oct 21, 2003, 12:47
Just wish he would of changed the cables

They should have gone for more of a Ghost in the Shell look. Like this:


Oct 20, 2003, 04:35
Tried Oct 20, 2003, 04:35
Oct 20, 2003, 04:35
I tried my damnedest not to like the giant rave scene, and will admit that the ten minutes could have been used to shed light on any one of the many scenes where it feels like I missed the first ten or so minutes of conversation. But really, sex, nipples, hot sweaty dancing on the edge of giant lava pits, what’s not to like. O, and if the damn machines are going to kill us all tomorrow you better well believe I'm at the little hoopla feeling up all the hot chicks.

This year! [concerning Doom 3's release in 2002] Are you out of your mind, if we see it next year I will eat - I will make someone I don't like eat my shoe.
--Zephersnazzen (17 August 2002,Gamefaqs)
Larry (The Architect)
Oct 19, 2003, 21:44
Larry (The Architect) Oct 19, 2003, 21:44
Oct 19, 2003, 21:44
I just wanted to say that anyone that see's the new DVD has to watch the MTV Matrix special...Will Ferrel as the Architect is hillarious. When I watched the movie again after seeing him do the architect, all I could think about was Ferrel saying, "ergo" "vise ve" "CONCORDANTLY!!!" lol, that guy is a funny bastard...Ok, I'm done.

I keep looking for that thing I've always been looking for...


Re: Kill Bill
Oct 18, 2003, 20:15
Re: Kill Bill Oct 18, 2003, 20:15
Oct 18, 2003, 20:15
Kill Bill was awesome, I could see how people wouldn't like it tho. I don't usually correct people, but since I love this movie, I had to make an exception. Kill Bill is only gonna be two parts, only because Tarentino didn't want to edit anything out of the movie and ended up with a 4 hour film. I believe he made the right choice of splitting it, I don't know of anyone that could sit through ANY movie for 4 hours, no matter how good.

P.S. and yes, the Uma vs. 88 Yakuza gang members scene does make the clones fight look like an episode of ... i don't know .. CRAP.

Kill Bill
Oct 18, 2003, 02:03
Kill Bill Oct 18, 2003, 02:03
Oct 18, 2003, 02:03
Has anyone seen Kill Bill? I think they're making this into a trilogy as well..and I must say, Kill Bill is definately up there with Pulp Fiction, The Big Labowski, and Boondock Saints as one of my fav movies. The kungfu action in Kill Bill is insane! Oh yea not to mention the absolute buckets upon buckets of blood in this movie! Tarantino makes many references to 70s kungfu movies and theres even a 15 min anime sequence that explains the story behind O-ren Isii (Lucy Lui)..very well done! The acting and action is superb...Tarantino one of the best directors out there, he LOVES movies, he does what he wants in his films...the one scene where Uma fights like 200 yakuza gangsters all w/samurai swords makes the Matrix Reloaded's Anderson-clones scene look like a joke

Re: Matrix Reloaded
Oct 16, 2003, 15:09
Re: Matrix Reloaded Oct 16, 2003, 15:09
Oct 16, 2003, 15:09
Being 32 years old, I was around when the original trilogy was, well, a culture in itself. I had the Millenium Falcon, no less than 30 action figures along with the Darth Vader carying case for them. I think I also had the "Star Destroyer" (no, not the death star) which featured a cool seat for Darth with a chamber that closed in around him. Had a blaster and a light saber too. Those were the days.

What's my point? I don't have one.

Oh yeah, I just wanted to confirm for some of you that the game Star Wars Galaxies is actually pretty god damn good. In fact, I am hooked on it like crack.

I have been a first person shooter player EXCLUSIVELY for 8+ years now. I have never EVER played an MMORPG (or any other type of RPG). With all the BS going on with Half Life 2, and delays of other games I decided, in a rage, to try something new. I originally went down to buy a copy of Eve, but bought SWG instead.

All I can say is "it kicks ass". I know many of you traditional RPG geeks aren't completely satisfied with it for whatever reasons, but I love it. I haven't played a game this much since I first purchased Quake 1 on it's release day. The graphics are sweet, the depth of the things you can do in the game is insane, and future releases like the "Space Expansion" next year will be mind blowing.

After playing this game I have been stoked to see Episode 3, even though I don't personally believe the story was written as well as the Original 3. I also want to watch the first 3 again.

Yes, my post is way OT, but I just wanted to say my piece. Those of you who are sick and tired of the BS going on with all the new shooters might want to check it out. It's addictive and fun as hell. SOE really should have kept more of the RPG stuff in PlanetSide that they were originally planning. Seeing the elements at work in SWG makes one wish they had tried a little harder on PS.

He cut the possum's face off then cut around the eye socket. In the center of the belt buckle, where the possum's eye would be, he has placed a small piece of wood from his old '52 Ford's home made railroad tie bumper. Damn, he misses that truck.
Re: Matrix Reloaded
Oct 15, 2003, 20:54
Re: Matrix Reloaded Oct 15, 2003, 20:54
Oct 15, 2003, 20:54
I was thinking Wild Boys yes nin - shame on you for knowing!
Everybody has one embarassing music purchase and this was mine...

I have at least a couple of Duran Duran cds...I'll stop now before I embarrass myself anymore.

The first trilogy is scheduled for release sometime after Ep3 -- Lucas has stated he wants to work on it himself and won't have time until then.

Lucasfilm is making a big announcement at the beginning of November. It should be Episodes 4-6 (Special Editions, not classic, dammit!) on dvd for the 2004 holidays. Retailers have also been advised of this...check out the rumor mill at www.thedigitalbits.com for more...

Also here...

Supporter of the "A fredster By Any Other Name Is Still The Same" fan club.

Re: Matrix Reloaded
Oct 15, 2003, 17:19
Re: Matrix Reloaded Oct 15, 2003, 17:19
Oct 15, 2003, 17:19
Well I guess I coulda squinted, but I already saw the movie once in IMAX, and squinting doesn't do much good when the movie is 3 stories tall.

In any case, the images move fast enough that, unless you're really looking, the CG is not overly apparent. I think it flows well. Those that go looking for CG and related "quirks" like changing backgrounds, will find them, especially with the DVD set in slo-mo. But considering that Reloaded has some of the most complex visuals ever created (right up there with LOTR), I'd say they did a bang-up job.

One of the things I found out from watching the extras was that there's more CG than you might think. For example, many of the vehicles on the freeway were CG, especially where Trinity is dodging them with the motorcycle. I had no idea.

Re: Matrix Reloaded
Oct 15, 2003, 14:19
Re: Matrix Reloaded Oct 15, 2003, 14:19
Oct 15, 2003, 14:19
red_420, yes, but did you squint when you watched it? Just kidding. I'm looking forward to checking out the 'extras' on the dvd. I love that stuff.
Re: Matrix Reloaded
Oct 15, 2003, 13:22
Re: Matrix Reloaded Oct 15, 2003, 13:22
Oct 15, 2003, 13:22
Just watched Reloaded for the third time (first two times were in the theater, once in IMAX). Overall I think it's a fucking amazing movie. Just keeps building up as the movie progresses, and the action scenes are long and complex which is a good thing. I also watched a couple of the documentaries, including the one about the freeway scene. Since I could see the set being constructed as I crossed the Bay Bridge every morning (about 2 years ago), but it was way off in the distance and I could not get close to it, it was really cool to finally see it up close and find out just how much work they put into it. And the actors looked like they had a lot of fun filming those scenes.

The downside of having the movie on DVD is that I can pause the action scenes and see little "errors". But it's kinda cool too. For example, during the freeway scene, there are some shots where you can clearly see the San Fransisco skyline (like the BofA building and the Bay Bridge, and even part of the Bay), and other scenes where they've spliced in a much larger Matrix city. But unless you're really looking, it's not obvious and doesn't ruin the action.

Re: Matrix Reloaded
Oct 15, 2003, 10:50
Re: Matrix Reloaded Oct 15, 2003, 10:50
Oct 15, 2003, 10:50
LOL! Squint!

Dude, you didn't enjoy the movie because you weren't squinting!

I'm not ragging on you, but I just thought that was funny.

Re: Matrix Reloaded
Oct 15, 2003, 10:24
Re: Matrix Reloaded Oct 15, 2003, 10:24
Oct 15, 2003, 10:24
I'm traveling for business and am staying in a hotel with on-demand movies so I watched the Matrix Reloaded last night (after the embarrasing Cubs loss) and I have to say after watching the rally/rave scene again that I really don't know why people dislike it so much. My thinking on this is that this is an important scene and very much in the spirit of the movie. I think it was included to show something very human (sex, sensuality, dancing, etc), a contrast to the machines. At several times the movie points out the interdependance of man and machine (images of 2001:A Space Odyssee come to mind) and so I think it is interesting that the film would also address how they are different.

I also didn't feel watching the movie this second time that because Neo is so powerful that there wasn't any tension in the battles, as I kinda did the first viewing. I thought the battles were awesome (except for the mini-duel with Seriph(sp?)). I spent less time looking for visual effects and more time watching the ebb and flow of the action. The Burley Brawl is very cool. If you squint just a bit you cannot tell when the CG stuff is operating and you just see the agents being picked off with the pole and flying through the air. Good stuff.
Re: Whew
Oct 15, 2003, 09:20
Re: Whew Oct 15, 2003, 09:20
Oct 15, 2003, 09:20
If only they'd release the original trilogy to DVD ... Last I heard, he has no intention of ever doing so.

The first trilogy is scheduled for release sometime after Ep3 -- Lucas has stated he wants to work on it himself and won't have time until then.

Of course, if you mean the original trilogy, without Lucas's rewrites and edits -- no. It won't ever appear on DVD, at least not from Lucas. If you have VHS copies of the original movies then keep 'em. If you have the Laserdisc copies, then they're quite valuable indeed (highest quality transfer out there). But Lucas has decided, in his infinite stupidity, that the true original theatrical releases will never be sold again. Screw him, if only for the bastardization of the Han/Greedo bar scene.

Re: Matrix Reloaded
Oct 15, 2003, 08:20
Re: Matrix Reloaded Oct 15, 2003, 08:20
Oct 15, 2003, 08:20
Dixons had it for £13.49 but I don't know if they're still doing that, and Game had it for £14.99

Re: Matrix Reloaded
Oct 15, 2003, 07:25
Re: Matrix Reloaded Oct 15, 2003, 07:25
Oct 15, 2003, 07:25
Heh. I tend to agree with some of your sentiments, but since there was nothing relating to solipsism in the Architect's speech, I enjoy the fact that you used the term to give your post a artificial lofty intellectual edge.

Okay, valid criticism, but it is there. Okay, solipsism is a doctrine that the self is the only thing known to exist (got that from a dictionary just). If you close your eyes the moon ceases to be. Everyone else could just be a dream. Questioning what is real and what is not. This is the philosophical guts of the matrix, and this is the way Neo 'the one' looks at the world, knowing that the world he'd lived in for so long isn't real which sounds like soliphism to me.

Okay, the Arcitect and Neo don't chew the cud over this point in particular but it's built into everything they are talking about. And into the films. Still, the old wheezbag architect goes on to talk about five 'ones' before him which is where I run out of brain juice and don't know what the hell was really going on.

In the end we're all working on interpretation on philosophy I guess. Maybe you are more right than me. But as none of you really exist it does not really matter ;p

I was thinking Wild Boys yes nin - shame on you for knowing!
Everybody has one embarassing music purchase and this was mine...

If I could find the fecking thing for less than £17 here in the UK I'd consider a purchase but as we pay more for everything here I doubt it. Anyone seen it for less?


Re: Star Warz
Oct 15, 2003, 01:55
Re: Star Warz Oct 15, 2003, 01:55
Oct 15, 2003, 01:55
Don't worry about it, he just gets worried when anyone doubts his intelligence.

Yeah, he's pretty high-strung, Noonsa. If he didn't freak out at you, I'd be worried that something was wrong.

Re: Star Warz
Oct 15, 2003, 01:31
Re: Star Warz Oct 15, 2003, 01:31
Oct 15, 2003, 01:31
Sheesh, stay off the offensive. Read the rest of my post. I was absolutely serious. So if you mispelled it, then I still have not seen this word in print. My "you said celebate" was an ode to the Beaver and Butthole, too. This was all meant lightheartedly. Sorry to have offended. I'll go 'troll' somewhere else, I guess.

Don't worry about it, he just gets worried when anyone doubts his intelligence.

Re: Star Warz
Oct 15, 2003, 00:46
Re: Star Warz Oct 15, 2003, 00:46
Oct 15, 2003, 00:46
I was also hungover. Gimme' a frickin' break and cease the trolling. Do you give us a complete diatribe for typos as well?

Sheesh, stay off the offensive. Read the rest of my post. I was absolutely serious. So if you mispelled it, then I still have not seen this word in print. My "you said celebate" was an ode to the Beaver and Butthole, too. This was all meant lightheartedly. Sorry to have offended. I'll go 'troll' somewhere else, I guess.

Edit - here is the rest of my post:
I don't recall ever reading anything using this word. Never wrote it either. This also means nothing to everyone but me It's just funny to me seeing the word in print for the first time. I always thought there would be an "i" in it somewhere.

That was all referring to the word celebate, and just now coming from dictionary.com (you made me look it up now) I have confirmed the spelling as celibate and now there truly is an "i" in there! As I always suspected. I can see how it looks as though I'm trolling, but it's pure truth, if you can understand. I never ever cried wolf before. I'm trying not to be offened by you taking offense to a non-offensive comment!

Edit2 - Fuck! For more clarification. The word celibate. I have heard this word used in media or just in conversation, I know it's definition. Until your post, I have never read any publication that used the term. It's not an attack on your mispelling, as I had no idea of the correct spelling before now.

This comment was edited on Oct 15, 01:16.
"The only downside to being better than everyone else is that people tend to assume you're pretentious."
Re: Star Warz
Oct 14, 2003, 23:19
Re: Star Warz Oct 14, 2003, 23:19
Oct 14, 2003, 23:19
If so, I DEMAND a Fallout logo.

Fucking A. It has set the bar for CRPG development that noone has passed in the six years since it's release.

Matrix: I actually enjoyed Reloaded more than the original. I guess I never really understood the hoopla regarding the Matrix. It had about 20 minutes of excellent action and another two hours of mediocre acting and dialogue. While the concept behind the movie was cool it just never did enough for me.
Reloaded on the other hand had quite a bit more action and despite the lack of guns that made the movie for me. The actual story and characters still didn't do a damn thing for me but the increased amount of action made it worth it. Anyway those are my rather incoherent thoughts on the Matrix.

Not to mention...
Oct 14, 2003, 23:04
Not to mention... Oct 14, 2003, 23:04
Oct 14, 2003, 23:04
A lot of people dump on Reloaded. But to be honest with you, I think the one thing people are not realizing is a reason 2 & 3 are being released to close to each other (other than production cost reduction) is the fact that the time frame between Reloaded and Revolutions was to keep the fans interested and talking throughout the whole wait. Not only that, the fact that they were essentially a joint continuation to an original story. With the time frames so close, it would be hard to pull off two believable climaxes. Either way, the only scene that really pissed me of in Reloaded was the sex scene. Having a sex scene is one thing, having to endure a five minute sex scene with Keanu Reeves is another. Especially when you don't see anything of Trinities ass or anything!!

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