...but just one hit against Lucasarts. Yesterday, SOE rolled out their second "mega" update from the game and they, essentially, broke things. All the servers were down or locked to all but SOE staff and, as is more and more the norm, the patch broke more things than it fixed.
Some classes, like my bio-engineer wookiee, are still waiting for fixes for launch-day issues. Meanwhile, the customer service is lacking more and more, there is no real communication, problems are ignored, and players are blamed for game issues.
As I posted before, stay away from this game.
Having a
Viewtiful Joe bobble-head thanks (?) to Gamestop,
10-03-03 at 10:24 PM: My mother, Deborah Lynn Marden, passed away.
http://users.ign.com/collection/RayMardenI love you, mom.
Everything is awesome!!!
http://www.kindafunny.com/I love you, mom.