...I am sorry to hear that things have become worse sine we last talked via e-mail. As you already know, my mother was in the hospital...and still is. I think that makes four months now.
Unfortunately, she is in a very similar situation; there are no other real treatments for her and her health is progressively becoming worse more due to smaller issues or having a weak immune system rather than as a direct result of her cancer which is still only 2cm in size.
Last week, we were told to put our papers in order.
It is...it's ridiculous. It just is.
Anyway, I am experiencing something very similar and am always here for whatever. Keep the faith, be strong, and aim for the best. Most importantly, I hope that your mother is ok internally; that things are not as bad as would be expected from such scale of a stroke or that, if they are that bad, she really is not aware of it.
It is never wrong to care for somebody.http://users.ign.com/collection/RayMardenI am not actually a wookiee; I just play one in Star Wars Galaxies
Everything is awesome!!!
http://www.kindafunny.com/I love you, mom.