Out of the Blue

Apologies for the non-update here. In brief, my mom, who has been receiving treatment lately for her second recurrence (third incidence) of breast cancer had what is described as a "massive" stroke last night. We're off to see her in the hospital, but her prognosis has been described as grim.

I just wanted to fill you in, as I'm not sure when I'll be back at this point. Thanks for your understanding, and for any good thoughts or prayers that anyone can muster on the occasion.

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No subject
Sep 18, 2003, 15:47
No subject Sep 18, 2003, 15:47
Sep 18, 2003, 15:47
Very sorry to hear the news. I hope things go as well as they can for you and your mom.

Sep 18, 2003, 15:45
Prayer Sep 18, 2003, 15:45
Sep 18, 2003, 15:45
May God be with you and your family through these tough times.

Go Away CANCER....Best wishes
Sep 18, 2003, 15:45
Go Away CANCER....Best wishes Sep 18, 2003, 15:45
Sep 18, 2003, 15:45
Family first, everything else is just something we do. The BluesNews family cares.


Our Prayers are with you!
Sep 18, 2003, 15:42
Our Prayers are with you! Sep 18, 2003, 15:42
Sep 18, 2003, 15:42
On behalf of the staff of Evilavatar (http://www.evilavatar.com/), our prayers are with you!

God Bless you and your Family
Sep 18, 2003, 15:41
God Bless you and your Family Sep 18, 2003, 15:41
Sep 18, 2003, 15:41
In times of difficulty, understand that tragedy can sometimes be with us. When Loved ones leave us such as Grandma Blue, the sadness may be that we can't join them in the Beautiful hereafter, but rather are stuck here on earth.

I hope all is well for your Mom and that she returns even healthier than before!

God Bless,

Jay K.

Re: sorry
Sep 18, 2003, 15:39
Re: sorry Sep 18, 2003, 15:39
Sep 18, 2003, 15:39
Just wanted to add my sympathies to the tremendous outpouring your fans and friends have expressed so far.

I appreciate all the work you have put into Bluesnews (the #1 gaming website) and this jaded gamer sends his thanks and hopes everything works out for you.

Best Wishes
Sep 18, 2003, 15:38
Best Wishes Sep 18, 2003, 15:38
Sep 18, 2003, 15:38
I hope all goes well for you and yours, Blue. Don't feel a need to get back to the site soon, as other things are more important.

Re: No subject
Sep 18, 2003, 15:34
Re: No subject Sep 18, 2003, 15:34
Sep 18, 2003, 15:34
I forgot to say, my prayers are with you.
Large mouth bass type with cheese ass. Mostly gin and salt with the nail, but otherwise pretty stinky.
Stay Strong!
Sep 18, 2003, 15:32
Stay Strong! Sep 18, 2003, 15:32
Sep 18, 2003, 15:32
My thoughts go out to you and your family. I hope things work out for the best.

This comment was edited on Sep 18, 15:32.
No subject
Sep 18, 2003, 15:30
No subject Sep 18, 2003, 15:30
Sep 18, 2003, 15:30
I can't imagine what you're going through right now Blue. Considering how upset I get just thinking about anything like this happening to my mom, I don't know if I'll be able to hold it together when and if it does.

I hope that everyone who reads these messages takes some time to be with their loved ones. I had managed to get in touch with my father whom I hadn't seen in many many years. We had a good visit and I learned a lot about him (he had divorced my mom just after I was born and I never saw very often growing up). A few months after my visit he died. I still had regrets about not talking with him as much as I could have when he was reaching out to me, but it really helped me knowing the last words he heard from me was "I love you dad", as I said goodbye over the phone.

Blue, I hope everything works out for your mom, my thoughts are with you.

This comment was edited on Sep 18, 15:32.
Re: Prayers
Sep 18, 2003, 15:27
Re: Prayers Sep 18, 2003, 15:27
Sep 18, 2003, 15:27
I am going through the same thing with my dad, who has throat cancer. We might lose him this year... Good luck, tell your mom that gutterhead said "hello" and get well soon.

Never stick anything sharp or pointy in your ear or you'll lose the part of your brain which helps you typeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee on a keyboarddddd....................fas aawerf
Large mouth bass type with cheese ass. Mostly gin and salt with the nail, but otherwise pretty stinky.
Sep 18, 2003, 15:24
Prayers Sep 18, 2003, 15:24
Sep 18, 2003, 15:24
My prayers are with you and your family.

Re: Thoughts are with you
Sep 18, 2003, 15:24
Re: Thoughts are with you Sep 18, 2003, 15:24
Sep 18, 2003, 15:24
my first post as well, have been reading bluesnews since 1996. hang in there, and don't worry about the site, there are more important things in life.

My Thoughts are w/ You
Sep 18, 2003, 15:22
My Thoughts are w/ You Sep 18, 2003, 15:22
Sep 18, 2003, 15:22
As a long time reader and very very occasional poster, I appreciate the work you've done on this site so much that I feel like you're one of my friends, someone I have a lot in common with. I'm prayin for your mom.

Sucks dude
Sep 18, 2003, 15:20
Sucks dude Sep 18, 2003, 15:20
Sep 18, 2003, 15:20
Prayers headed your way man. I pray that God will be with you and your family at this difficult time. I pray that he will ease the pain at this time, whatever that means in terms of what happens. I pray that the outcome will be the best possible in the circumstances. It's difficult to know what's best at times like this, so I pray that God can have his hand in this and solve things as best as possible.

I don't know what you believe, Blue, and I don't care what the rest of you guys here believe. Not here, not now, this is not the time. Right now, whatever faith you subscribe to, send some prayers up to your chosen deity. Blue and his mum need you now, so lets not bitch about stuff.

Take your time Blue, whatever you need.

This comment was edited on Sep 18, 15:22.
No subject
Sep 18, 2003, 15:19
No subject Sep 18, 2003, 15:19
Sep 18, 2003, 15:19
Just to echo the sentiments expressed a great many times already...

I've surfed your site since '97, but just registered so I could let you know that there are literally tens of thousands of people pulling for you and your mom right now.

Best Wishes.

No subject
Sep 18, 2003, 15:19
No subject Sep 18, 2003, 15:19
Sep 18, 2003, 15:19
Here's hoping everything turns out OK for your mother, Blue.
Please add my thoughts and prayers to the positive feelings that we're all sending your way.
Blessed be,

No subject
Sep 18, 2003, 15:18
No subject Sep 18, 2003, 15:18
Sep 18, 2003, 15:18
We all loves ya', Blue. And you have to know that if there's anything you need, or anything that we can do...

But yes, at the very, very least: well wishes, high hopes, and a private wish that all turns out well for you and your family. Our thoughts are with you.

Best of luck to you and yours...
Sep 18, 2003, 15:18
Best of luck to you and yours... Sep 18, 2003, 15:18
Sep 18, 2003, 15:18
While never good news, one can hope things have a better purpose for working out the way they do...

That said -- best of health to your mother, hope things turn out for the best.

non-update? you've got more important things to do (;

No subject
Sep 18, 2003, 15:17
No subject Sep 18, 2003, 15:17
Sep 18, 2003, 15:17
Likewise, this is my first post here, though I've been a regular reader of the site for years. Sorry to hear bout your mom, my sympathies.


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