The optimal code path for ATI and NVIDIA GPUs is different - so trying to test them with the same code path will always disadvantage one or the other. The default settings for each game have been chosen by both the developers and NVIDIA in order to produce the best results for our consumers.
In addition to the developer efforts, our driver team has developed a next-generation automatic shader optimizer that vastly improves GeForce FX pixel shader performance across the board. The fruits of these efforts will be seen in our Rel.50 driver release. Many other improvements have also been included in Rel.50, and these were all created either in response to, or in anticipation of the first wave of shipping DirectX 9 titles, such as Half Life 2.
We are committed to working with Gabe to fully understand his concerns and with Valve to ensure that 100+ million NVIDIA consumers get the best possible experience with Half Life 2 on NVIDIA hardware.
I know this sounds confusing, and is the opposite strategy of America, but some governments try to provide for their people.
If they suddenly announced it had gone gold and was available on steam i think steam would ground to a halt with all the people downloading 1.2gb each off it (i assume 2 cds worth).
wasnt HL2 due to go gold today? id have thought some sort of news on the subject would be out before now whether it is or isnt.
have you noticed how not one logitech product has improved in five years?
"It is that simple. What is it with Irish gov't ruining perfectly good hardware companies (creative, now nvidia)? This is starting to stink like logitech"
Maybe because they think its ok to pay their employees with potatos. Then shoot them in the kneecaps when they complain.