Yea I only installed Steam to get those latest Half-Life Movies, and I didnt like having to do that at all, why have to install that software just to download some Bink Movies.
Yea listen up people better start complaining now, you let these companies start getting used to putting stuff like this on your PC and they will all start doing it. I think allot of times its the older guys that have the right attitude towards this, they are allot more used to the concept that they shouldnt have to run anything to use someones product, and that the voice of the customer should be more important than worrying about the people that steal games, in other words dont piss off your real customers to get rid of people that are copying your software.
I buy allot of games, I dont buy allot of other software actually sometimes I copy other software, but my computer room at home is almost overloaded with bought video games boxes, most that I will never play again.
There is so much software that tries to do shit like this now adays. The guy that said that everytime you install crap like this and it runs in the backround makes the chances of having PC problems allot more, is RIGHT ON TARGET here. You install windows and you right away have a dame MS Instant Messager on the task bar running, you need to turn off, then there are like 100 other programs that somehow think that they deserve a space on your taskbar...
Most Mail programs (I know Netscape did this)
There are tons more, feel free to add to this list.
I spend most my time affter a install figuing out haw to get the dame icon off the task bar, and make sure it dont run anything in the backround. I know that RealAudio used to run the actual app pretty much in the backround the whole time, just not showing itself, why? because it makes it start faster when you click a real audio video link. Like as if I want that thing running all the time, I might watch Real Audio/Video once a month if that, let the app start up right then for christs sake! I am sure Microsoft Media player does this anyway, but its now built in the OS so much it is probally always runnnig or something.
It always makes me laugh when I go checkout someones pc and the taskber is just filled with shit, and they are having computer problems. And now to play a certain game they want to make you run something like that all the time, shit!
Its like everyone is tring really hard to get a spot on that task bar. I to doubt this will hinder in anyway peopel that really want to copy this game. this sounds more of a way for Valve to keep track of its customers, we are living in a highly comercialized and marketed worl that stuff like this is just everywhere and it gets upsetting.
This comment was edited on Sep 12, 10:49.