This is because of the sinful, human nature of human-kind. Every single person does things every single day which are not the best for them or for society.
Give a cat a sniff of a cigarette or a dog a sniff of alcohol. They know the stuff is poison & don't want anything to do with it.
Some people embrace this human nature & become the result. In war, there will be people who will lay their bodies on a grenade to save their friends. There will also be people who will rape a 9yr old girl & hack off her father's arms to the elbow with a machete.
This human nature is a balance of freewill. But the ability to freely choose to pollute yourself or destroy others is usually more enticing than the choice to do anything of good use or of sacrifice. We would all rather watch a movie about a killing than we would watch a movie that teaches us something about moleculor density & inter-relationships of all matter.
At the last, we will all discover that God was reality & He created this world of choices. Why would He do this? Why not just make a perfect place? The answer of course is simplicity itself; why have slaves when you could have people you created learn about you & come to love you through choice instead of by force?
I'm a Christian because as a writer I cannot think of anything more profoundly original & utterly beautiful than a God becoming a man to die for humanity to give them back their perfection so that they can go to heaven & live forever. This perfection is in the soul. My mind, still chooses every moment. My soul is saved but my mind is still a mess just like yours. At any rate, what's to lose if it isn't real? At least I believed in something interesting. It is only cliche' or boring because people view it that way. But in reality, it is very amazing to find so much understanding about the human condition & the reasons for who you are & what you are & what you are becoming. I drink, smoke, lie, have sex out of marriage, & would probably do worse if provoked, but I'm still a Christian. I attempt to make my life better by my beliefs & eventually the small amount of time I spent doing what God wanted me to do will add to what my soul will equal when I go to heaven.
In heaven, I will not be a carbon copy of everyone else, a Christ clone, but instead I will be without free will again & all that I ever did in the Holy Spirit will be my soul; that, and also aspects of my personality such as my curiosity. If I wish to visit the edge of the universe, I will travel at the speed of thought & be there instananeously & see it for myself, spend a million years there learning about it, & coming back to a huge reception of friends in heaven that will welcome me back from my adventures. I will ask God questions & get answers. It will be wonderful.
Interestingly, most people are raised to believe in evolution. Even though, some of the brightest scientists in history believed in God, these people sometimes suggest that religious belief is for the uneducated.
Still others think that hell is beyond comprehension. Indeed, I did. Now, I see it as a cleansing. I don't believe that people live forever in hell, or die forever. I think that like those who go to heaven & have their sinful nature burned away before entering, those who haven't believed have their sinful nature burned away as well; only there is nothing left because they didn't believe in Jesus & they don't have a redeemed soul.
Whether you want to believe in God or not is up to you. But you have to admit that it is rather odd that the most intelligent beings on the planet are also those that are the most destructive & capable of the greatest evils.
If you wish to talk more of this, do so, or email me. I don't monitor my mail much, but I'll see it in a week or so. Take care. & Think for yourselves. Make up your own mind. No one here will care if you aren't here tomorrow. No one cares if you hurt. But when you feel good or bad, it matters *ALL* to you. This is you. This is all for you. Make what *you* will out of it & make your own free will choice.