Is absolutely the finest single player experience in a first person shooter EVER. I got it and played through straight in 12 hours, my wife actually had to force me to stop for 15 minutes so I could eat something.
While 12 hours may indicate that it's short, I felt it was a good length. I'm one of the "it can never be too long" school of thinking, as I'm always a bit disheartened when I complete a game (I often replay, but the magic just isn't there when you play a game for the 2nd - 11th time), but the story makes good sense, no corners are skipped, and there is an abundance of levels and missions to complete. You won't feel cheated on this game, as you might have on some others.
The whole downloading / interface thing is great, as is the levelling up process, although I think that some of your abilities simply aren't as useful as the rest (weapon efficiency, for example, is pretty much a waste to put build points in). It's fun to watch yourself become stronger and able to dispatch your enemies more easily. There is an abundance of programs you can load, and you can definitely make a few different "builds" of yourself, either going solo disc, specialized disc, weapons, or stealth.
Graphically the game is stupendous. Funny enough, when you first start the game, the Glow isn't really apparent, and I found myself browsing through some previews to see if maybe the game had shifted to needing a DX9 card for the Glow to work properly, but that lasted for exactly one level. Once you see the red sectors, you'll DEFINITELY notice just how awesome that glow is.
Sound wise it's great too, and the voice acting is top notch.
The light cycles are cool, well implemented in the single player game (it's not all just games, sometimes you'll have to traverse a lightcycle grid just to get to another section, and trust me, you haven't driven a lightcycle until TANKS start shooting at you
), and the tournament light cycle vs bots is pretty tricky.
Shit, what more can I say, this game is the BEST first person shooter since Deus Ex, and I'd put it in my top 5 of best games all time. Absolutely awesome. Half Life 2 better be one fantastic piece of software if it wants to claim the "best FPS" crown, because Tron 2.0 is firmly at the top right now.
To summarize :
GO GET IT! Creston