Out of the Blue

It's just struck me that the blackout would have been a golden opportunity to get a great view of the ever-closer planet of Mars without the detriment of all the light pollution in the area, which is especially remarkable here in the vicinity of New York City. Over the next few days the red planet will achieve its closest proximity to Earth in anyone's (even Joan Rivers') memory, but I imagine the view would be that much more spectacular in the darkness. The lights here in the tower came on for Thursday's overnight before dying again Friday, but I hope some of those in the city remembered to take advantage of the unusual occasion of one of the brightest spots on earth becoming one of the darkest.

I got a couple of comments from readers who received a Gator pop-up dealie. There are few things I despise more than spyware installers, and this was not supposed to be running here. After learning about this, the powers-that-be were able to pinpoint the offending campaign where some weasel had slipped these in there, and it was killed. If this should happen again going forward, please be willing to drop an e-mail to me or a forum post about it so that the croc hunter can be sent after the offending reptile.

Play Time: Letterscapes. Thanks (Spooky42).
Stories of the Day: Thai ban for 'Big Flabby Buttocks'. Thanks Larry.
Mobster's smuggled sperm counts for extra 16 months in prison.
Write a Story, Go to Jail.
Wild Science: Japan ready to market robot suit.
Robot attends Czech state dinner.
Earth-like planets probably water-logged Simulation suggests formation of wet worlds is easy.
Weird Science: Genetic Tests in Your Bedroom.
Brain scans show why we always have room for dessert.
Tongue transplant patient released. Thanks Devicer.
Follow-up: Tampa drops face-recognition system.
Thanks Mike Martinez.
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Re: XP! 5600 Ultra!
Aug 24, 2003, 05:10
Re: XP! 5600 Ultra! Aug 24, 2003, 05:10
Aug 24, 2003, 05:10
here is some more information on converting to ntfs


also while looking for that i read a comment on a forum about taking a performance hit if you run a conversion as opposed to creating the partition from scratch as ntfs.. not sure if it's true though

Re: XP! 5600 Ultra!
Aug 24, 2003, 04:05
Re: XP! 5600 Ultra! Aug 24, 2003, 04:05
Aug 24, 2003, 04:05
and am i correct in assuming that you're saying i can go from FAT32 => NTFS without losing the data on a drive??

Yeah, you can use Microsoft's "convert" utility if you're familiar with the command line. Just run "convert /?" from the command line for a list of arguments for the utility. I'm sure there are loads of other freeware utilities out there that can do it, too.

As for benchmarks, the last one I ever used was 3D Mark, and I don't really like it. Using real games for benchmarking is how you should do it, but yeah, Quake 2 is a pretty old one.

Re: XP! 5600 Ultra!
Aug 23, 2003, 21:54
Re: XP! 5600 Ultra! Aug 23, 2003, 21:54
Aug 23, 2003, 21:54
aaah system restore.. about 9.5 gigs it was set to.. i slid it down to 6%

Re: XP! 5600 Ultra!
Aug 23, 2003, 21:51
Re: XP! 5600 Ultra! Aug 23, 2003, 21:51
Aug 23, 2003, 21:51
temporary internet files?

nope, cleansweep takes care of those weekly, that's why i mentioned it but i should have been more clear because not everyone knows what it does

Re: XP! 5600 Ultra!
Aug 23, 2003, 17:58
Re: XP! 5600 Ultra! Aug 23, 2003, 17:58
Aug 23, 2003, 17:58
go to the coontrol panel, then go load up System.
click on the System Restore tab.

system restore by default seems to take up about 12% of each of your partition/harddrive's space.

Also, just use mozilla or mozilla firebird(if you want ie style keyboard shortcuts), it blocks ad pop ups by default, and all the anoying java ads only seem to work on internet explorer, I dont see any.

Re: XP! 5600 Ultra!
Aug 23, 2003, 17:48
Re: XP! 5600 Ultra! Aug 23, 2003, 17:48
Aug 23, 2003, 17:48
thats odd... i wonder why my windows directories are so big..

temporary internet files? i set up IE to delete all files every time i close my browser...

- McG -

"I'll be your lightning rod of hate!"
-colin mochrie
- tron -
"tron is big and tron is full of action... it's a hell of a ride!"
-from the Tron 2.0 box
Re: XP! 5600 Ultra!
Aug 23, 2003, 17:42
Re: XP! 5600 Ultra! Aug 23, 2003, 17:42
Aug 23, 2003, 17:42
thats odd... i wonder why my windows directories are so big.. the only thing in those directories that I can think of taking up lots of space is the my music forlder that has 5 gigs in it... norton cleansweep dumps the temp stuff every week so that's not it... oh well..

wait you're still using windows 98?

Re: sigs
Aug 23, 2003, 16:01
Re: sigs Aug 23, 2003, 16:01
Aug 23, 2003, 16:01
bloody eyes are melting from the colour overload.
yes. Freakin' annoying.

phuck write of ewe type-o crytics
Psst: Dan = Fred. Pass it on.
Use your head, don't lose it - Don't feed the trolls!
Boycott Belligerent Boycotters!
Avatar 1066
No subject
Aug 23, 2003, 14:08
No subject Aug 23, 2003, 14:08
Aug 23, 2003, 14:08
Blue must have had a rough night of BOOZIN, cuz its 1306 hrs CST and still no site update!! Whats the DILLY YO!

Re: To Blue, re: new ad active content
Aug 23, 2003, 13:37
Re: To Blue, re: new ad active content Aug 23, 2003, 13:37
Aug 23, 2003, 13:37
Spend your $25 bones and get AD-Muncher.

To Blue, re: new ad active content
Aug 23, 2003, 13:33
To Blue, re: new ad active content Aug 23, 2003, 13:33
Aug 23, 2003, 13:33
I'm really sorry, Blue, but I've had to add the site to my "Restricted" zone. The quantity of Java, pop-up, and flash on the front page made it unreadable, and so it's impractical not to lock out everything but the site's content.

The takeover ad is not a real problem, nor is the need for larger viewable ads. It's the active content, either playing sound or executing code on my computer, that's most distracting.

For the record, I'd pay $30/year to access the site. It's better than a magazine subscription and you're a better writer than most gaming journalists.

Re: XP! 5600 Ultra!
Aug 23, 2003, 13:33
Re: XP! 5600 Ultra! Aug 23, 2003, 13:33
Aug 23, 2003, 13:33
Well, I did a little extra reading on NTFS this morning

hey, thanks a lot indiv! i appreciate all the info... i have a partition that right now is empty that i could put NTFS games on and benchmark them against the FAT32 drive.. and am i correct in assuming that you're saying i can go from FAT32 => NTFS without losing the data on a drive??

speaking of benchmarks... i know how to benchmark on Q2 but not many of the newer games being used like Dungeon Siege and Serious SAM and Unreal 2... anyone know of a good resource for finding out how to use these kinds of games as benchmarking tools?

- McG -

"I'll be your lightning rod of hate!"
-colin mochrie
- tron -
"tron is big and tron is full of action... it's a hell of a ride!"
-from the Tron 2.0 box
No subject
Aug 23, 2003, 12:47
No subject Aug 23, 2003, 12:47
Aug 23, 2003, 12:47
NTFS is faster to defrag than FAT32. So that has me right there.


***The information contained in this electronic transmittion is private discussion, memorandums and/or collaboration is the property of the sender. If in any case you have received this information or any part herein you are required by 24USC Part 31 from any further disclosure. Private messages, discussion and other communication is governed by the 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution. This disclaimer covers the messages contained within as well as the attachments, dates and times of execution as well as any other proprietary network information which could reveal locational information. Under no circumstances can this message or the related or attached messages be released to any media source or contractor, foreign government or representative there of, or any persons without the need to know the information contained within. Failure to comply with any or the aforementioned statements will result in criminal penalties. The information contained in this electronic communication, and any electronic attachment(s), is CONFIDENTIAL and protected by physician-patient privilege. ***

This comment was edited on Aug 23, 12:50.
Re: XP! 5600 Ultra!
Aug 23, 2003, 12:45
Re: XP! 5600 Ultra! Aug 23, 2003, 12:45
Aug 23, 2003, 12:45
hmmmm... well, actually i was watching TechTV and Leo gave a big lecture about how the structure of NTFS was more stable and whatnot, but he made it clear that it had slower access times than FAT32... he even specifically said that FAT32 was better for gamers. now i don't know what to believe. Leo is supposed to know his stuff, but you sound like you know what you're talking about as well.

Well, I did a little extra reading on NTFS this morning to find out if I missed anything, and I found a lot of sites referencing FAT32 being faster than NTFS, but I couldn't find any sites that actually provided any evidence for this claim (like a side-by-side benchmark, which would have been perfect to see the real-world performance). I did find http://www.digit-life.com/articles/ntfs/index3.html , which seems to have done some sort of benchmark comparison.

As for what I mentioned earlier about NTFS definately being faster, I did find an interesting tidbit that Windows 98 and above use some of the same optimizations that NTFS uses to increase the seek time (albiet not built into the file system, like with NTFS). That's interesting because it takes away NTFS's theoretical advantage.

Anyway, I'm really not on a crusade to get you to switch to NTFS, but I still maintain that if there's any performance issues, it'll be so infintesimal while you're playing a game that you won't notice.

Actually, if you're really interested in finding out what's faster on your system, and want to spend the time, you can run some benchmarks on the FAT32 partition. Then, convert that partition to NTFS and run some different benchmarks. Decide which one you like and switch it back (you can't go ntfs->fat32 without losing all data on the partition).

here's a question: can you have FAT32 in one partition and NTFS in another? if so - would it cause any problems?

No, it wouldn't cause any problems. Your operating system takes care of everything transparently, so you wouldn't even notice that one was NTFS and the other was FAT32. But hey, you've already got your system up and running, so might as well leave it alone unless you're really interested in this stuff.

Aug 23, 2003, 12:16
sigs Aug 23, 2003, 12:16
Aug 23, 2003, 12:16
bloody eyes are melting from the colour overload.

Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Re: XP! 5600 Ultra!
Aug 23, 2003, 12:13
Re: XP! 5600 Ultra! Aug 23, 2003, 12:13
Aug 23, 2003, 12:13
---- HI Rain-X ----

lol... i just now noticed your sig... :o:D:o

- McG -

"I'll be your lightning rod of hate!"
-colin mochrie

This comment was edited on Aug 23, 12:14.
- tron -
"tron is big and tron is full of action... it's a hell of a ride!"
-from the Tron 2.0 box
Re: XP! 5600 Ultra!
Aug 23, 2003, 12:09
Re: XP! 5600 Ultra! Aug 23, 2003, 12:09
Aug 23, 2003, 12:09
are you sure that only 9 gigs for your OS is enough? I use XP pro and my windows folder and documents and settings folder is 13 gigs

holy crap! yeah, 9 is plenty for me, i only had 2GB for Win98. however, i don't let windows put everything into the My Documents folder that it wants to. no movies, or music, or pictures, or programs in there... just school papers and other documents for me. stuff like pictures and movies/movie trailers get added and erased and moved around a lot, so i keep them on a "downloads" partition that i defrag more often. i install small apps to the OS partition, like DAP and WinZip, and i have my NVIDIA tech demos in there... but all big apps like Easy CD Creator go into the APPS partition. even with 1GB of NVIDIA demos on my OS drive, i only have 4.3GB (4.4GB free) used so far. i like to leave about 1GB for the swap file... i can't imagine what else i'd put in the OS partition that will be over 3GB...?

- McG -

"I'll be your lightning rod of hate!"
-colin mochrie
- tron -
"tron is big and tron is full of action... it's a hell of a ride!"
-from the Tron 2.0 box
Re: XP! 5600 Ultra!
Aug 23, 2003, 12:00
Re: XP! 5600 Ultra! Aug 23, 2003, 12:00
Aug 23, 2003, 12:00
i like putting my OS on it's own partition so that if i need to reinstall the OS i only need to format one small section

aah i never thought of that.. i could probably use 2 partitions as well just for that purpose

are you sure that only 9 gigs for your OS is enough? I use XP pro and my windows folder and documents and settings folder is 13 gigs :D... well i guess my my music folder is almost 5 gigs but still i wouldn't have enough space still because shouldn't i have a few gigs to spare on the OS drive?

i know it's impossible to put a program between 2 partitions i just wanted to put out a situation that i've always noticed with having more than 1 partition..

Re: XP! 5600 Ultra!
Aug 23, 2003, 11:51
Re: XP! 5600 Ultra! Aug 23, 2003, 11:51
Aug 23, 2003, 11:51
Yeah, My 200 gig HD is divided between Newsgroups, Games, and Music, and the other HD is just for OS and Apps.


***The information contained in this electronic transmittion is private discussion, memorandums and/or collaboration is the property of the sender. If in any case you have received this information or any part herein you are required by 24USC Part 31 from any further disclosure. Private messages, discussion and other communication is governed by the 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution. This disclaimer covers the messages contained within as well as the attachments, dates and times of execution as well as any other proprietary network information which could reveal locational information. Under no circumstances can this message or the related or attached messages be released to any media source or contractor, foreign government or representative there of, or any persons without the need to know the information contained within. Failure to comply with any or the aforementioned statements will result in criminal penalties. The information contained in this electronic communication, and any electronic attachment(s), is CONFIDENTIAL and protected by physician-patient privilege. ***
Re: XP! 5600 Ultra!
Aug 23, 2003, 11:44
Re: XP! 5600 Ultra! Aug 23, 2003, 11:44
Aug 23, 2003, 11:44
so what is wrong with having 1 partition? i never understood why i'd need more than 1

nothing is wrong with it! i don't need more than one - but i like it. first of all, i like putting my OS on it's own partition so that if i need to reinstall the OS i only need to format one small section. also, if i need to do that i don't have to back-up everything else, it is all safe on it's own partition. secondly, think of it as an organizational heirarchy one step above folders. i know which drive my OS is in, which my APPS are in, which my games are in, which my downloads are in, music... etc... and of course, defragging is faster on smaller drives. my OS partition doesn't need to be defragged as much as my downloads partition, for example.

1. also lets say i had more than one on my 80 gig drive and say i was running low on space and needed to install something that was 2 gigs. what if i had 1.5 gigs on each drive?

hmm... no you couldn't do that. a program can't be on 2 partitions at once. however, what are the chances of that happening? just put the program on whichever partition it fits on... and if it doesn't fit on either - then it's time for a bigger drive!

- McG -

"I'll be your lightning rod of hate!"
-colin mochrie
- tron -
"tron is big and tron is full of action... it's a hell of a ride!"
-from the Tron 2.0 box
130 Replies. 7 pages. Viewing page 1.
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