It's been with great interest that I've been gauging the reaction to the
takeover ads that are appearing here. I guess this will be a talking point here
for a few days, so I won't try to cover the whole thing in one mouthful (though
this update is so long it looks like I did). First, just to be clear, there is
another new intrusive ad unit that will appear as of today -- this will
represent the completion of this process, so while its appearance is probably
no more welcome, that will be the end of this (I don't want anyone to
think that a new ad unit is going to be added every day).
As was discussed in the forums yesterday, the deal with the takeover ad is that
the most any one user should be able to encounter it is once per 24 hour period.
This works via a cookie, and as far as I've been able to tell, this has worked
as promised. I've had one report from someone with a technical difficulty,
please let me know if you are having one yourself (if you do, please include as
much pertinent system info as you can). The deal with these other ads, which
will be of the pop-up variety, is that no one should receive more than a single
one per visit, and none of them will do any of that annoying open a new window
when you try to close it dealie.
As I alluded to yesterday, these are not moves that have been made lightly, they
are meant to ensure the survival of this site, which if I may be brutally frank
has been losing money for over two years now (since the dot-bomb). I resisted
pop-up type ads as being greedy when they were worth a king's ransom back
when the site was in the black. I resisted them during the dark days of the past
couple of years as not worth bothering everyone with if they still weren't
allowing the bills to be paid. Now that a middle ground is achievable here, it
seemed like it was the way to go. I fought hard to lay down parameters that will
keep the frequency of these reasonable, and made everyone involved crazy by
standing my ground to not allow for the possibility that these frequencies could
increase for the foreseeable future. I can only hope that the end effect is
indeed reasonable for most of you, and that, as I said yesterday, you find these
trade-offs acceptable.
Finally, at the risk of the longest OotB EVAR (and I didn't even get to the new
e-mail worm), I have seen the hue and cry for a system that allows users to pay
for a site with no such ads... I will do a little investigating and report to
you what the near-term possibilities are in this regard. There's also been more
stirring from supporters of the idea of a PayPal donation link. Breaking my
(eerie to some) silence on this topic, I guess the time to consider that will be
after the dust settles from all this (it wouldn't seem fair to do that first and
hit you with the new ads).