Final Fantasy XI Details

GameDaily Newsletter (thanks Frans) has word that the Windows version of Final Fantasy XI (though they've scrambled their Roman numerals) will be shipping to North America in late October. Word is: "The first edition of the popular series to go online has already been released in Japan and counts over 250,000 registered users to-date. Owners of the PC version will be able to play in the same world as those playing the game on the PlayStation 2. No new details were forthcoming on the console version of the game, which will be released “in conjunction” with the debut of the PS2’s hard disk drive, whenever that is."
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Re: re-BAH
Aug 12, 2003, 18:21
Re: re-BAH Aug 12, 2003, 18:21
Aug 12, 2003, 18:21
I started an argument on Blue's!!!
Yippi!!!... or...

I was an archaeology student for a couple of years and... Well, all of this stuff 'bout clock faces looking balanced and stuff might be right, don't know much 'bout clock-face making theory... Anyway, the additive way of writing roman numerals (that is, 'IIII') is the older form. The substractive writing (that is 'IV') was developed later.
Supposedly because there's less to write. (Remember, those ppl used to carve in stone. For those of you who haven't tried it, it's hard work; even a small saving in work is gonna seem like a big one) After that, the two methods were both used, but mostly the substractive.

Edit: Ok, so mr Blue has already covered all of this stuff...
I even vaguely remember that 'IIXX' business from one of my textbooks, although I couldn't possibly be bothered to dig it out right now...
This comment was edited on Aug 12, 18:27.
Re: re-BAH
Aug 12, 2003, 12:12
Re: re-BAH Aug 12, 2003, 12:12
Aug 12, 2003, 12:12
In case they're somehow missing the meaning -

fi·nal ( P ) adj.
Forming or occurring at the end; last: the final scene of a film.
Of or constituting the end result of a succession or process; ultimate: an act with both an immediate and a final purpose.
Not to be changed or reconsidered; unalterable: The judge's decision is final. See Synonyms at last1.

Something that comes at or forms the end, especially:
The last or one of the last of a series of contests: the finals of a state spelling bee.
The last examination of an academic course.

Re: re-BAH
Aug 12, 2003, 09:26
Re: re-BAH Aug 12, 2003, 09:26
Aug 12, 2003, 09:26
Well, again, as I said...... not all anime, and not even most anime, is stuff like sailor moon, dragonballz and yu-gi-oh. They are popular among kids, sure, and some others, but they hardly represent the end all/be all of anime. They inherently are standard mainstream sort of simple stuff. As I said earlier, there is a whole lot more variety to anime than just these kinds of shows...... what you're saying would be the equivalent of judging all American movies, for example, based on a handful of dumb yet popular movies made each year.

Re: *Chokes*
Aug 12, 2003, 09:07
Re: *Chokes* Aug 12, 2003, 09:07
Aug 12, 2003, 09:07
I almost choked on my dinner when I was reading this. You pay 40-50 for the game, then 13 a month (Which is the high end of the MMO market) and then you have to pay 1 dollar per character per month extra if you want more then 1 guy/girl?!? WTF are they thinking!

I think this move may inspire people to try and stick with and develop one character. I don't know a whole lot about MMORPGs, but in a regular final fantasy game I tend to put in around 40 hours or whatever, then toss it all away and start over again and play through with the wisdom I gained. The (non-numerical) experience I gain tends to make the story more enjoyable and help me make smarter decisions about items, strategy, leveling up etc. I just hope they'll let you erase a character you're done with. Hopefully this move also serves to make for smarter players who concentrate on their class and their character's abilities.

Also, to all you anime haters out there... I'm not saying at all that you are not entitled to your own opinion, but you are forgetting that FINAL FANTASY ISN'T REALLY ANIME, IS IT? Not since the SNES era really that is. Anyone who missed out on FF IV (2 in the us) or VI (3 US) missed out on something pretty special if you ask me. Although it does seem heavily influenced.

Re: re-BAH
Aug 12, 2003, 08:28
Re: re-BAH Aug 12, 2003, 08:28
Aug 12, 2003, 08:28
"SWG is $15 a month so..."

yes and its too bad it sucks and people STILL fork that cash out

the public will never learn

Re: re-BAH
Aug 12, 2003, 08:25
Re: re-BAH Aug 12, 2003, 08:25
Aug 12, 2003, 08:25
lmao, what a load of crap in that dumb ass article:

"Many clock historians claim that IIII is supposed to provide artistic balance, since you mentally pair it off with VIII on the other side of the dial. (Presumably you see how the otherwise economical IV would have trouble holding its own in this respect.) "

How the fuck do you pair it eh? Maybe they ment III paired with VIII
If you look at a clock face of the type being described, both IIII and VIII are placed in a mirrored location of each other, one notch 'under' the III and IX, respectively. So they do pair/balance that way, which is what they are getting at in that instance. In your example, III would pair with IX, while II would pair with X.

Of course, V would then 'balance' with with VII, which doesn't look 'balanced' to me, so I concur with your inference that it's not worth expending time on the balance argument.

phuck write of ewe type-o crytics
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Re: re-BAH
Aug 12, 2003, 08:24
Re: re-BAH Aug 12, 2003, 08:24
Aug 12, 2003, 08:24
most anime is particulary gay.

stuff like sailor moon and things like that. GenCon was full of dumbass anime people this year it was annoying as shit. Stupid goth chicks wearing ears and dumb tails and fucked up shit like that.

I like the artwork in Final Fantasy, just not that dumb ass anime like dragon ball Z or Yu Gi Oh

Aug 12, 2003, 03:15
re-BAH Aug 12, 2003, 03:15
Aug 12, 2003, 03:15
I admit I haven't seen enough anime to condemn all of it..but
look at this screenshot from the game and tell me this isn't
meant for little girls :[Tarutaru].jpg&credit=&media_name=&width=965&height=723&m=embed&adstring=

(you need to copy and paste for the link to work)

This comment was edited on Aug 12, 03:16.
Re: *Chokes*
Aug 11, 2003, 23:47
Re: *Chokes* Aug 11, 2003, 23:47
Aug 11, 2003, 23:47
SWG is $15 a month so...

Aug 11, 2003, 23:39
*Chokes* Aug 11, 2003, 23:39
Aug 11, 2003, 23:39
"PC owners will get a month of free online play, after which they will be required to pay a $12.95 per month subscription fee. Additional characters can be created for the charge of $1.00 per character per month."

I almost choked on my dinner when I was reading this. You pay 40-50 for the game, then 13 a month (Which is the high end of the MMO market) and then you have to pay 1 dollar per character per month extra if you want more then 1 guy/girl?!? WTF are they thinking!

Re: re-BAH
Aug 11, 2003, 23:25
Re: re-BAH Aug 11, 2003, 23:25
Aug 11, 2003, 23:25
"as a lot of the anime that a casual viewer would be exposed to really isn't very good at all (but is sometimes quite popular among a certain segment of the population)."

yeah and you could say the EXACT same thing about american movies... hell I'd bet these days they suck even more.

Re: re-BAH
Aug 11, 2003, 21:25
Re: re-BAH Aug 11, 2003, 21:25
Aug 11, 2003, 21:25
Thinking of the modern business you would belive they would put IV becuase they could save .0000003 of a penny in ink on every clock instead of putting IIII.


Re: re-BAH
Aug 11, 2003, 20:55
Re: re-BAH Aug 11, 2003, 20:55
Aug 11, 2003, 20:55
lmao, what a load of crap in that dumb ass article:

"Many clock historians claim that IIII is supposed to provide artistic balance, since you mentally pair it off with VIII on the other side of the dial. (Presumably you see how the otherwise economical IV would have trouble holding its own in this respect.) "

How the fuck do you pair it eh? Maybe they ment III paired with VIII

Seems like the tradition is from the old times, then people knew even less shit in US. Look at the site's domain name, explains everything.

Go to Italy/Rome and see for yourself what they use for "4"

Re: re-BAH
Aug 11, 2003, 20:46
Re: re-BAH Aug 11, 2003, 20:46
Aug 11, 2003, 20:46
Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to overreact there. Anyway, there is some good stuff out there. I think it's just one of those common rules, that the bulk of almost anything ends up being crap..... sometimes with certain things it just requires digging a bit deeper though. But I can certainly at least understand what can cause that attitude though, as a lot of the anime that a casual viewer would be exposed to really isn't very good at all (but is sometimes quite popular among a certain segment of the population).

Re: re-BAH
Aug 11, 2003, 20:44
Re: re-BAH Aug 11, 2003, 20:44
Aug 11, 2003, 20:44
Zadillo, I dont think "all anime is crap" but everything I saw to date is, I know it's all the industrial anime, targeted at returds in US and in EU(not as much here, but there is).

Re: Scrambled?
Aug 11, 2003, 20:43
Re: Scrambled? Aug 11, 2003, 20:43
Aug 11, 2003, 20:43
Actually, Blue is right about that, about clocks with roman numerals having IIII instead of IV. It's traditional, and the common explanation I've heard is that it has to do with making the clockface look more balanced. Not to say that I completely understand it, but there you go (and this isn't unique to the US, but has been traditional with clocks for quite a while).

The Straight Dope even covered this topic, it seems, if you're interested:

Reading through all of the letters Cecil got on that subject, you can see there's a lot of debate about the WHY.... but there's no question that it has been that way for a very long time, and Blue's original point was correct.

One especially interesting point that is brought up there is that the IV rendering of the number 4 is actually more modern..... someone who knows more could verify it, but it also does perhaps at least partially explain why that tradition started, and why it kept up from there.
This comment was edited on Aug 11, 20:49.
Re: Scrambled?
Aug 11, 2003, 20:34
Re: Scrambled? Aug 11, 2003, 20:34
Aug 11, 2003, 20:34
Umm no Blue, sorry but clocks dont have IIII, because it's incorrect... well maybe in US they do

Re: re-BAH
Aug 11, 2003, 20:34
Re: re-BAH Aug 11, 2003, 20:34
Aug 11, 2003, 20:34
You know, there is an awful lot more variety to anime than I imagine you have probably seen. Just because the anime you've seen was poorly animated or had cheesy stories doesn't mean much.... a lot of the anime that is popular in the US is that kind of crap.... but you can't judge anime as a whole based on that (any more than it would make sense to judge American animation based on Hanna-Barbara). Like anything, there is a lot of junk, but there are also some incredible animated works from Japan. I realize you already have your anti-anime bias in place, but perhaps at some point you may realize there is a bit more out there than just some of the crap you've probably seen. Some of the best anime frankly doesn't even make it to the US at all.

Anyway, I realize there is a very popular anti-Japanese and anti-anime backlash, with the kind of responses posted here (i.e. all anime is poorly animated, all anime has cheesy stories, etc.), and that's to be expected. But seriously, there are some great works out there.... anime isn't all stuff like DragonBall Z, Sailor Moon and Pokemon and their ilk. There are a number of examples with truly beautiful animation, and very complex and well-crafted stories.... if you ever do get interested, a few titles I might recommend would be RahXephon, Now And Then Here And There, Berserk, Cowboy Bebop, Crest of the Stars, Vision of Escaflowne, Grave of the Fireflies, Record of Lodoss War, Wolf's Rain, Last Exile, Macross Plus, 12 Kingdoms, Spirited Away, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Jin-Roh, etc...... these are all works that I would say defy some of the stereotypes many people have about Japanese animation.....

But again, if you'd rather just keep your "all anime is crap" attitude, that's up to you. Just try and remember that it is simply a broad term to describe any animation from Japan.... and all anime isn't the same any more than all video games are the same, all movies are the same, all American animation is the same, or all comic books are the same.

Anyway, just felt like saying that. I'm sure though that you are already quite convinced that it's all crap, so this was probably a pointless post on my part...:)
This comment was edited on Aug 11, 20:41.
Re: Scrambled?
Aug 11, 2003, 18:51
Re: Scrambled? Aug 11, 2003, 18:51
Aug 11, 2003, 18:51
I'm learning something interesting on bluesnews every day...

Re: Scrambled?
Aug 11, 2003, 18:45
Re: Scrambled? Aug 11, 2003, 18:45
Aug 11, 2003, 18:45
i suppose the alleged 'scrambling of roman numerals' is a reference to ff x-2.

No, I already explained this earlier.

there is no such thing as 'IIII' or 'VIIII', only 'IV' or 'IX', respectively, is correct.

This, and the similar post before it, are not accurate. Here's a bit from

The strict rules about Roman numerals have been used only relatively recently. In earlier periods, although the subtractive principle was used, it seems that it was an alternative rather than compulsory and other forms such as VIIII for 9 and even IIXX for 18 are found. At any date exceptions can be found, as these four examples from different periods and all in Rome itself, show.

BTW, almost all clock faces with Roman numerals use IIII for 4.

This comment was edited on Aug 11, 18:47.
Stephen "Blue" Heaslip
Blue's News Publisher, Editor-in-Chief, El Presidente for Life
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