You know, there is an awful lot more variety to anime than I imagine you have probably seen. Just because the anime you've seen was poorly animated or had cheesy stories doesn't mean much.... a lot of the anime that is popular in the US is that kind of crap.... but you can't judge anime as a whole based on that (any more than it would make sense to judge American animation based on Hanna-Barbara). Like anything, there is a lot of junk, but there are also some incredible animated works from Japan. I realize you already have your anti-anime bias in place, but perhaps at some point you may realize there is a bit more out there than just some of the crap you've probably seen. Some of the best anime frankly doesn't even make it to the US at all.
Anyway, I realize there is a very popular anti-Japanese and anti-anime backlash, with the kind of responses posted here (i.e. all anime is poorly animated, all anime has cheesy stories, etc.), and that's to be expected. But seriously, there are some great works out there.... anime isn't all stuff like DragonBall Z, Sailor Moon and Pokemon and their ilk. There are a number of examples with truly beautiful animation, and very complex and well-crafted stories.... if you ever do get interested, a few titles I might recommend would be RahXephon, Now And Then Here And There, Berserk, Cowboy Bebop, Crest of the Stars, Vision of Escaflowne, Grave of the Fireflies, Record of Lodoss War, Wolf's Rain, Last Exile, Macross Plus, 12 Kingdoms, Spirited Away, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Jin-Roh, etc...... these are all works that I would say defy some of the stereotypes many people have about Japanese animation.....
But again, if you'd rather just keep your "all anime is crap" attitude, that's up to you. Just try and remember that it is simply a broad term to describe any animation from Japan.... and all anime isn't the same any more than all video games are the same, all movies are the same, all American animation is the same, or all comic books are the same.
Anyway, just felt like saying that. I'm sure though that you are already quite convinced that it's all crap, so this was probably a pointless post on my part...:)
This comment was edited on Aug 11, 20:41.