Comcast Eying Vivendi?

Comcast shows its intent on Vivendi (thanks Shawn Wallace) has word that another suitor is calling at Vivendi Universal's door, going so far as to call this rumor "serious." Here's a bit: "Comcast, the largest cable company in the US, has underlined its serious intent to bid for the entertainment assets of Vivendi Universal by reportedly hiring former Universal Studios boss Frank Biondi as a consultant."
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Oh crap.
Aug 8, 2003, 00:23
Oh crap. Aug 8, 2003, 00:23
Aug 8, 2003, 00:23
Well, since Comcast is basically the Devil, this is a bad thing.

No subject
Aug 7, 2003, 11:56
No subject Aug 7, 2003, 11:56
Aug 7, 2003, 11:56
I've been following this because I'm a roller coaster fan.

Vivendi wants to sell everything at once, not in pieces.
They're being "French" about the whole thing. They screwed up going in debt, and now they think they can get 3 billion extra just because.
I doubt this sale will happen soon. Vue is gonna string everyone out, piss everyone off, and will probably sell in pieces when noone cares anymore.

Re: Games?
Aug 7, 2003, 11:05
Re: Games? Aug 7, 2003, 11:05
Aug 7, 2003, 11:05
Technically, it's not - but it's not being included as part of the ongoing auction. Vivendi's trying to sell it separate.

Aug 7, 2003, 10:08
Games? Aug 7, 2003, 10:08
Aug 7, 2003, 10:08
If I remember correctly, the VU properties sale is seprate from the Gaming division's sale?
I like the Quake 3 Arena.
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