If not for the fact that licenses are all over the place.
Hopefully they'll get together and produce some more quality RPGs. I actually wouldn't have cared if Baldur's Gate 3 had been about a different storyline, it's one of the best RPGs ever made! It HOWLS for more!
Come to think of it, I think I read something about Bioware quite awhile back saying that they were interested in doing an RPG not based on any existing franchise, but a la Baldur's Gate. So, they'd build a completely new world, and have you adventure in that. Hopefully something like that is still in the works, has anyone ever heard anything about that?
As for Bioware's ability to still make quality RPGs, NWN's single player campaign was a fucking joke, plain vanilla, nothing original in it, nothing cool, just boring Bard's Tale / Might and Magic crap. However, the engine itself, and what can be done with it, is pretty spectacular. For those of you who are interested in playing a seriously cool series of NWN single player adventures, check this guy out
http://adamandjamie.com/nwn/His Shadowlords campaign is cool, but his Dreamcatcher campaign will blow you away. Seriously. Want to actually RIDE a Dragon? This guy will get you there. What he accomplishes with the Aurora engine is stuff that Bioware didn't even know was possible. Viewed in that light, NWN is actually pretty good.
But still, I want something else out of Bioware. A GOOD roleplaying game, instead of their pathetic NWN OC. And I want KotOR for the PC, and I want it now dammit!
I think the next RPG to come out of Bioware will be pretty spectacular (insofar as KotOR already isn't..)