I forgot the parachute. Maybe you can't ditch the pack, or you lose your parachute. Still, ditching it won't be a good idea since you'll most likely be shot coming down slowly with your chute.
They should edit the game so that the parachute has it's own health. As it loses health from bullets and such, holes should begin to appear and you start decending faster and finally to complete free fall. That would be pretty cool.
It's going to be hilarious to watch a plane collide with a rocketpack player in mid-air, you know it's going to happen. I've seen two planes hit where one plane exploded from fire and starts dipping down to crash. At the same time there was a friendly aircraft low to the ground and was pulling up to avoid land just as this dead plane landed on top of it. It's hard to describe how it exactly happened, but if you saw it, you'd have to think to yourself on the chances of what just happened were nearly impossible.
This comment was edited on Aug 5, 00:07.