Half-Life 2/ATI Bundle?

German site Gamestar.de (thanks HomeLAN Fed) has word (in German, naturally, here's the rough Babel Fish translation) has word from their sister print publication that the release of ATI's RADEON 9900 Pro video card will be bundled with Half-Life 2. They also have word that the game is expected to go gold on September 13, though they do not offer the basis for this claim, though they do point out that both the gold date and the ATI news add further confusion to recent stories about the game's release date (story and story) and an interesting wrinkle to discussions of video card support (story and story).
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110 ....
Aug 10, 2003, 10:44
110 .... Aug 10, 2003, 10:44
Aug 10, 2003, 10:44
Geezz, a solid one hundred and ten posts about *&^%$. God I love bluesnews.

(i'll wait for the ATI RADEON 10000 SuperPro, due in January)
Computers and airconditioners have one thing in common; they both stop working when you open windows
Mo Money.
Aug 7, 2003, 15:01
Mo Money. Aug 7, 2003, 15:01
Aug 7, 2003, 15:01
I dont intend on buying a new video card or upgrading my computer for a very long time - Costs so much now for such small gain. Besides, Im loosing interest in games nowadays, alot of people are. Game companies are just fuckin around takin their sweet time to make the game (Vavle, SOE). And when it comes out, its crap compared to what they said it would be. (i.e. SWG). So I bought a new vehicle to hold my interest. Soon everyone will realize the real thing is better than the virtual version. If only they made a good off-road 4x4 game.

Re: Video card's a video card.
Aug 6, 2003, 23:58
Re: Video card's a video card. Aug 6, 2003, 23:58
Aug 6, 2003, 23:58
must be nice to have enough money to throw away on one of each. let me know when you get the next best thing if u got one of those laying around un-used

Video card's a video card.
Aug 6, 2003, 20:15
Video card's a video card. Aug 6, 2003, 20:15
Aug 6, 2003, 20:15
Video card is a Video card boys and girls. One could look better and one could run a lil' faster, but in the end, Its still a video card capable of what all the other video cards can do. I for one dont care, I get whatever is on sale, or easiest to aquire. I have both a GeForce FX 5600 256MB Ultra in one of my machines and a 9800 PRO 256MB in the other. Performance wise they seem the same to me, I really dont care. But since Im in Canada, ATI is much much easier to aquire. It usually takes a couple months to get anything Nvidia, some parts of the country are still waiting for the 5800/5900's. I had to order my 5600 from the good ol' US of A.

Re: No subject
Aug 5, 2003, 23:33
Re: No subject Aug 5, 2003, 23:33
Aug 5, 2003, 23:33
Yeah, that has already been answered several times.. mainly by HellB. It's easy to spot the biggest fanboys.

@Ray: Must be nice to have the money and concience (sp?) to make that statement. heh Do you have to get permission to make such purchases?

Yeah, I know.. I'm posting a little late.

This space is available for rent
Re: No subject
Aug 5, 2003, 15:58
Re: No subject Aug 5, 2003, 15:58
Aug 5, 2003, 15:58
I Believe that you are wrong... The 9500/Pro is indeed a DX9 card check out the ATI website under discontinued products
This is a response to #24's post
EDIT: I didn't have time to read em all before work, it did occur to me that it may have been answered, but I wanted to post anyway. As for being a Fanboy, I do own a ATI card but, not because I'm a fanboy. I did some research and found that the 9700 was what i wanted plain and simple. The vid card i bought previous to that was a Rendition V2100, WAY back in the day.

This comment was edited on Aug 6, 03:43.
Re: The war with ATI/Nvidia #74
Aug 4, 2003, 18:30
Re: The war with ATI/Nvidia #74 Aug 4, 2003, 18:30
Aug 4, 2003, 18:30
Sorry Paranoid but you are wrong. The differences between ATi and nVidia in UT2003 and easy to notice once you know what to look for. nVNews recently did a blind test of two avi's render the same scene. People consistantly picked the ATi output as superior when they picked anything.

We know HL2 will look better because Valve themselves are recommending ATi cards for their game. Primarily because the shader performance is there.

As I said before you really should do some research Paranoid and appraise yourself more of matters.


Re: The war with ATI/Nvidia #85
Aug 4, 2003, 16:07
Re: The war with ATI/Nvidia #85 Aug 4, 2003, 16:07
Aug 4, 2003, 16:07
Long story, Ryan.
The latest one is [H] with a pretty biased position regarding the UT2003 nVidia's AF trilinear/not-that-triliear filtering.

Go visit forums like Beyond3D to check for more.

Re: The war with ATI/Nvidia #85
Aug 4, 2003, 14:42
Re: The war with ATI/Nvidia #85 Aug 4, 2003, 14:42
Aug 4, 2003, 14:42
I have a 9500 pro, and almost always have 16x AF on without any problems, and it does completely eliminate the 'halo' about 10 feet around you.

I use 4x AA in most games, and 6x in others, and am getting perfectly acceptable framerates and very good image quality.

I also don't see where you think [H]ardOCP is too nvidia biased, I'd sya they're pretty impartial.

Re: The war with ATI/Nvidia #85
Aug 4, 2003, 14:00
Re: The war with ATI/Nvidia #85 Aug 4, 2003, 14:00
Aug 4, 2003, 14:00
[T]ardOCP + Anand= too nVidia biased for my taste.

Re: The war with ATI/Nvidia #85
Aug 4, 2003, 13:50
Re: The war with ATI/Nvidia #85 Aug 4, 2003, 13:50
Aug 4, 2003, 13:50
Paranoid, and others discussing the AF thing, I should clarify that indeed the smoother AF levels with ATi don't exist across the board. Sometimes it a driver issue, sometimes it's a game issue. I don't want to sound like a fanboy here. AF looks much better in UT2k3, but I get that hard distinction in Planetside. But *overall* I've experienced cleaner AF and seen benchmark screenshots of cleaner AF and AA with the recent ATi cards.

Anandtech had a review a while back that compared these elements between the top two cards, and ATi came out on top--however, nVidia said that those screenshots weren't representative of final output because some additional things are done to the image after it leaves the buffer. They didn't specify, so it could be some proprietary algorithm or BS. Whatever the case, both high end cards will give you a great gaming experience, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if the NV40 polished up the AF to be on par or better than what ATi is doing.

Also, as it stands *right now,* nVidia's current lineup drops of significantly in AA performance after 4x. Take a look at Hardocp's reviews, or any other review that graphs all AA modes, and you'll see ATi goes on a relatively gentle downward slope, while nVidia drops off a cliff at 8xAA. It's a little odd, and disappointing since the high-end nVidia cards are the only ones that do 8xAA, IIRC.

That said, I'm looking forward to seeing the NV40 kicking some ass. All I'm interested in is the best bang for the buck, and that requires at least two companies duking it out neck and neck in order to keep prices out of the stratosphere and features on the cutting edge.

delay blahblah
Aug 4, 2003, 13:20
delay blahblah Aug 4, 2003, 13:20
Aug 4, 2003, 13:20
if it will run on Nvidia as well as ATi, or if it will indeed be bundled with ATi (big slap to Nvidia). *Sigh*

Well games have been bundled with cards before, it will still RUN on Nvidia ofcourse.. as for what we KNOW about the schedule, I KNOW its 9/30, until valve, and only valve, says different. Everything else is hysterical crap. the latest i heard from valve is that they were "extremely confident" with the 9/30 release. Rumors and misunderstandings have led to everything from christianity to satanism before, so i dont endorse it.

Listen to Turbonegro
This comment was edited on Aug 4, 13:22.
Re: The war with ATI/Nvidia #74
Aug 4, 2003, 13:13
Re: The war with ATI/Nvidia #74 Aug 4, 2003, 13:13
Aug 4, 2003, 13:13
also i see people on this very forum talk about having to downgrade their catalyst drivers to play certain games and other problems...
Actually I had to downgrade my Detonators for a long time because they weren't working right with XP.
Xombie x0mbie x0mb|e Xombie
H-L 2 Confusion
Aug 4, 2003, 12:35
H-L 2 Confusion Aug 4, 2003, 12:35
Aug 4, 2003, 12:35
After keeping all of the H-L 2 development a secret for so long, it all seems to be falling apart here in the last month or so. We don't know now if it's still on schedule for 9/30 or if it has been delayed, if it will run on Nvidia as well as ATi, or if it will indeed be bundled with ATi (big slap to Nvidia). *Sigh*

Re: The war with ATI/Nvidia #85
Aug 4, 2003, 11:41
Re: The war with ATI/Nvidia #85 Aug 4, 2003, 11:41
Aug 4, 2003, 11:41
He's not refering to the distant horizon. He's talking about 10 feet in front of you on the ground. I've noticed this too on my older nvidia card. Try turning on anis. filtering on your 9500 (if it supports it, I have a 9700 so I don't know if the 9500 can handle it) and compare it with it off. Anisotropic filtering gets rid of a rather annoying artifact that's been present for a long time.

Thanks for the tip! I'll have to try that one out...

Who lives near Blue? We need someone to drive by his house and make sure he's still alive...it's 10:40 and there's no update.

Supporter of the "A happy fredster is a muted fredster" fanclub.

Re: The war with ATI/Nvidia #85
Aug 4, 2003, 11:31
Re: The war with ATI/Nvidia #85 Aug 4, 2003, 11:31
Aug 4, 2003, 11:31
Drawing the distant horizon is almost always a mess unless the card fogs it out.

He's not refering to the distant horizon. He's talking about 10 feet in front of you on the ground. I've noticed this too on my older nvidia card. Try turning on anis. filtering on your 9500 (if it supports it, I have a 9700 so I don't know if the 9500 can handle it) and compare it with it off. Anisotropic filtering gets rid of a rather annoying artifact that's been present for a long time.

Re: The scoop from an (ex)CSer
Aug 4, 2003, 10:59
Re: The scoop from an (ex)CSer Aug 4, 2003, 10:59
Aug 4, 2003, 10:59
Oh man, I'll be buying this bundle in second

UT2003 fiasco
Aug 4, 2003, 10:21
UT2003 fiasco Aug 4, 2003, 10:21
Aug 4, 2003, 10:21
30% speed increase in UT2003 my ass.

Re: The war with ATI/Nvidia #74
Aug 4, 2003, 10:17
Re: The war with ATI/Nvidia #74 Aug 4, 2003, 10:17
Aug 4, 2003, 10:17

have only heard a FEW downgrade catalyst.. on the other hand, it is ROUTINE that detonator downgrading takes place.

also, nVidia cards are very muddy and blurry in 2d

Re: The war with ATI/Nvidia #85
Aug 4, 2003, 10:08
Re: The war with ATI/Nvidia #85 Aug 4, 2003, 10:08
Aug 4, 2003, 10:08
Sid, I have a 9500 Pro and it does the same thing on certain games. Drawing the distant horizon is almost always a mess unless the card fogs it out. Take BF1942 it just fogs out the edges at a certain distance. Video cards have always done this because it's also a matter of how the game engine is built. Yeah, some of them do it better than others. And I tend to like ATI a bit more than Nvidia at this time. But my Radeon 9500 Pro has texture tearing or other wierd shit going on at times too. It just depends on what game is playing. Take Raven Shield for example. I get missing texture so they appear as a solid black door or section of wall. Now that may just be the game engine and probably is. So again it just depends on so many other factors as to which is better and your opinion on that. But anyone stating that ATI always looks better is state an opinion not a fact. That is all I am saying. You can quote me frames per second and give me shader jargon until you are blue in the face. What I believe is what I see. And no video card is perfect they all have faults that will show on the screen. One thing is for sure... we have come a long way since the first few generations of cards. The one's that only ran certain games fairly well and looked like crap on most others.

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