DOOM 3 at QuakeCon

DOOM 3 Deathmatch Playable at QuakeCon 2003 is the press release announcing that id Software's upcoming shooter will be on display at the upcoming LAN extravaganza (thanks Tim Kraemer). Here are a couple of bits:
Prepare for DOOM 3(TM)! id Software(TM) and Activision, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI - News) are bringing DOOM 3 to QuakeCon 2003. The world's most legendary multiplayer gaming event will host the first-ever opportunity for fans to play DOOM 3 multiplayer. In Dallas at the Adam's Mark Hotel from Aug. 14 - 17, QuakeCon attendees will go toe-to-toe at the Activision/id Software booth in the ultimate sneak preview of the most anticipated game ever.
QuakeCon attendees will have the chance to play DOOM 3's four-player Deathmatch on a level co-developed by id Software and U.K.-based developer Splash Damage, Ltd. Splash Damage has most recently worked with id Software on Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, and will be co-developing DOOM 3's multiplayer levels.
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Re: Hmmm
Jul 29, 2003, 04:09
Re: Hmmm Jul 29, 2003, 04:09
Jul 29, 2003, 04:09
Maybe people are starting to realize, that first they bitch and moan about id never doing anything different, then suddenly when id DOES do something different, they bitch about the change?

Maybe it's not the same people.

Re: Anybody here?
Jul 26, 2003, 14:22
Re: Anybody here? Jul 26, 2003, 14:22
Jul 26, 2003, 14:22
I cant believe you would post such a proposition!!!!!!!!!!
I'll take you if you buy my gas and smuggle my grass!!!!!!!!!


you know someone is fucked up when...
Jul 25, 2003, 14:21
you know someone is fucked up when... Jul 25, 2003, 14:21
Jul 25, 2003, 14:21
He writes something like "DOOM 3(TM) blablabla" on a forum's thread.

WorldWar3, yes thats you. U suck.
cock climber aka rock climber
Re: Hmmm
Jul 25, 2003, 13:45
Re: Hmmm Jul 25, 2003, 13:45
Jul 25, 2003, 13:45
Aw, damnit. There's not enough whining about "4 player only!?" deathmatch in this thread. Maybe people are starting to realize, that first they bitch and moan about id never doing anything different, then suddenly when id DOES do something different, they bitch about the change?

Four player DM (in Doom3) could work out nicely, quite nicely. More detailed environs, light and shadow, slower pace, etc. The atmosphere could be (read: COULD BE) perfect for it. I just hope there are good bots (out of the box). There will of course be other games out there that still offer large scale team play.

Re: Hmmm
Jul 25, 2003, 13:31
Re: Hmmm Jul 25, 2003, 13:31
Jul 25, 2003, 13:31
>> Let us also not forget that Source will have several months of exposure before we even see DOOM 3 hit shelves. Lot's of people are hungry to write mods, and Source tools will be in front of them way ahead of the DOOM 3 tools.

With the map editor build into the engine I know people that are aleady creating new maps for Doom3 using the leaked alpha build.

It also includes tools to create light and bump maps from lightware models.

D3 alpha also include a pretty simple and effective camera system. I've already created a simple map and added a camera to fly around the map on load up.

Re: Doom 3
Jul 25, 2003, 12:34
Re: Doom 3 Jul 25, 2003, 12:34
Jul 25, 2003, 12:34
Reply to 41:

"S t a l k e r
Better graphics and lightning than D3."

And then you woke up and realized that it was just a dream.

Doom 3
Jul 25, 2003, 08:44
Doom 3 Jul 25, 2003, 08:44
Jul 25, 2003, 08:44
Reply to 16:
S t a l k e r
Better graphics and lighting than D3.

Reply to 20:
Natural Selection is crap.
Just like the HL engine is today.

Re: Hmmm
Jul 25, 2003, 08:24
Re: Hmmm Jul 25, 2003, 08:24
Jul 25, 2003, 08:24
I wonder how much the interface of Radiant (the mapeditor) has evolved to make creating so much detail a bit easier than it would in the Quake3 version (GtkR 1.3).

Good news for you on that front. The map editor is now built into the game. You can drag objects around inside of the game engine and see the actual in-game lighting effects in real time.

This comment was edited on Jul 25, 08:24.
Avatar 6134
Re: Hmmm
Jul 25, 2003, 07:00
Re: Hmmm Jul 25, 2003, 07:00
Jul 25, 2003, 07:00
Why the hell do people think that Source will cure cancer, make your dick larger, and all sorts of insane things?

Guess what: Source doesn't make textures for you. Source doesn't model for you. Source doesn't map for you. Those are very time consuming things that CAN'T be fixed by an engine.

Re: Hmmm
Jul 25, 2003, 06:21
Re: Hmmm Jul 25, 2003, 06:21
Jul 25, 2003, 06:21
I believe there's a minimum of something like 5 pieces of artwork that go into making just a single texture or skin in the Doom 3 engine. Texture map, bump map, normal map, specular map... can't remember the last one. Point is, creating content for this game is a LOT of work.

I think those will be generated when you make a 3d version of the texture in a modelling program. That's how Id makes them.

It's not going to be harder to mod the game, but it will be a lot more work to create new content.
Mappers will be depending much more on what textures and models are supplied with the game, and what moddellers and texture artist create, instead of making the models and textures themselves.
I wonder how much the interface of Radiant (the mapeditor) has evolved to make creating so much detail a bit easier than it would in the Quake3 version (GtkR 1.3).

DOOM 3(TM) is going to be yet another step back from fast and furious gameplay, I wonder how many people will still be playing Quake3 in a year.

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» « Updated December 25th
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» « Updated April 17th 2009
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Off Topic-ish
Jul 25, 2003, 02:10
Off Topic-ish Jul 25, 2003, 02:10
Jul 25, 2003, 02:10
Just noticed the "28 Days Later" banner at the top of the screen.
Great film.

Modding will clearly be specialised for Doom3. That's never been in doubt. But just like everything else there will be editors made available that will take the science out of creativity. I'm sure that's what everyone involved with the game is having to use.
I worked in games for some time as a lead artist.
An artist must remain an artist. To expect everybody to be both artistic and technical is a bit ambitious.

One thing tho. First time out of the box for this game will be a stunning experience.
It's wether it can stand the test of time.
I still play Doom (w. zDoom) today!

Re: Hmmm
Jul 24, 2003, 23:47
Re: Hmmm Jul 24, 2003, 23:47
Jul 24, 2003, 23:47
Modding in Doom3 will be harder. NOT because of programing, but because of the ammount of work that needs to go into the levels/models/textures.

Exactly. I believe there's a minimum of something like 5 pieces of artwork that go into making just a single texture or skin in the Doom 3 engine. Texture map, bump map, normal map, specular map... can't remember the last one. Point is, creating content for this game is a LOT of work.

Avatar 6134
Doom3 test?
Jul 24, 2003, 23:28
Doom3 test? Jul 24, 2003, 23:28
Jul 24, 2003, 23:28
I hope there will be Doom3 test!!! I bet some japanese fuckers will try to sell it.

Re: Hmmm
Jul 24, 2003, 21:39
Re: Hmmm Jul 24, 2003, 21:39
Jul 24, 2003, 21:39
Modding in Doom3 will be harder. NOT because of programing, but because of the ammount of work that needs to go into the levels/models/textures. I think that's what they ment when they said it will be harder to mod then Q3. Programming wise it will be about the same...

Source was built from the start with modders in mind... so if it isn't the easyist to mod then something went wrong.

Re: Hmmm
Jul 24, 2003, 21:33
Re: Hmmm Jul 24, 2003, 21:33
Jul 24, 2003, 21:33
Peronally, I just wish we could skip August all together. Maybe even September as well. This will be a great fall/winter for FPS gamers with or without DOOM 3. I'm kinda stoked to pick up Tron next month though. The single player might be kinda cool. The multiplayer demo wasn't bad at all.

He cut the possum's face off then cut around the eye socket. In the center of the belt buckle, where the possum's eye would be, he has placed a small piece of wood from his old '52 Ford's home made railroad tie bumper. Damn, he misses that truck.
Re: Hmmm
Jul 24, 2003, 21:06
Re: Hmmm Jul 24, 2003, 21:06
Jul 24, 2003, 21:06
BDA, I said Source will probably be easier to mod, not that DOOM3 will be unmoddable, dork. I've been involved in online FPS gaming starting with day 1 of Quake(Qtest.exe). I don't need you to give me a history lesson on id, junior. I too played the beer can barrel mods for DOOM. They weren't designed to be modded though, people just sorta started doing it by poking around in the WADs.

Let us also not forget that Source will have several months of exposure before we even see DOOM 3 hit shelves. Lot's of people are hungry to write mods, and Source tools will be in front of them way ahead of the DOOM 3 tools.

This comment was edited on Jul 24, 21:31.
He cut the possum's face off then cut around the eye socket. In the center of the belt buckle, where the possum's eye would be, he has placed a small piece of wood from his old '52 Ford's home made railroad tie bumper. Damn, he misses that truck.
Re: Hmmm
Jul 24, 2003, 20:36
Re: Hmmm Jul 24, 2003, 20:36
Jul 24, 2003, 20:36
Let's think about this... id created the concept of fan modding FPSs. doom (and doomII) was modded like crazy (in a crude WAD style). Heretic, hexen, heretic II, Quake, Quake II, Quake III, all Quake[123] varients, and other id games have been modded. And in general, the modding has become easier over the years (for a number of different reasons). Now, id will throw out 10 years of modding by making modding "MUCH harder than modding Quake 3."



This comment was edited on Jul 24, 20:37.
Re: Hmmm
Jul 24, 2003, 18:31
Re: Hmmm Jul 24, 2003, 18:31
Jul 24, 2003, 18:31
Everything I have read to date indicates that modding DOOM 3 will take some serious programming. I could be wrong. We haven't heard jack or shit about DOOM3 modability for over a year. Last year the word was that it will be MUCH harder than modding Quake 3 was. That might have changed, who knows?]

Thats kind of odd tbh as i remember watching some interview with John Carmack over a year ago where he said that Doom 3 will be alot EASIER to mod than quake 3 ever was

This comment was edited on Jul 24, 18:33.
Re: Hmmm
Jul 24, 2003, 18:24
Re: Hmmm Jul 24, 2003, 18:24
Jul 24, 2003, 18:24
Everything I have read to date indicates that modding DOOM 3 will take some serious programming. I could be wrong. We haven't heard jack or shit about DOOM3 modability for over a year. Last year the word was that it will be MUCH harder than modding Quake 3 was. That might have changed, who knows?

I do know, from reading official statements from Valve, that Source was built from the ground up to cater to the modders out there. Valve knows where the majority of their money has been coming from the past several years, and they built Source to continue that legacy. If you haven't read about some of the killer things they have done to make Source mod/mapper friendly, then you need to get caught up. The fact that you applying textures to objects also makes the object take on the appropirate physical attributes is a big one. Want a wooden door that will interact in the game world like a wooden door? Simple, apply a wood texture. That's huge by itself....

It's just speculation on my part, but I would be willing to bet Source is WAY easier to write good solid mods for.

Want an example of an engine that isn't mod friendly? Unreal. How many working mods are there for Unreal Tournament 2003 after 6 months? Very, very few, which is why they are having the "Make Something Unreal" contest.

He cut the possum's face off then cut around the eye socket. In the center of the belt buckle, where the possum's eye would be, he has placed a small piece of wood from his old '52 Ford's home made railroad tie bumper. Damn, he misses that truck.
So Blue...
Jul 24, 2003, 16:36
So Blue... Jul 24, 2003, 16:36
Jul 24, 2003, 16:36
will we see you at QuakeCon this year?

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