Out of the Blue

You would think that Hudson the wonder dog would have gotten tired of getting skunk spray in the mouth long before I got tired of cleaning her off, but nooooooooooooo....

R.I.P.: Star Trek Enterprise designer dies.

Link of the Day: Diablo 3 Item Generator. Thanks Mankale.
Stories of the Day: Full sentence for virus writer after appeal fails.
Hidden in every brain there lurks a poet. We just might not know it.
Wild Science: Simulation shows effects of media on public opinion.
Star survey reaches 70 sextillion.
Pentagon Wants to Make a New PAL.
Weird Science: Capture of 200 dolphins sets off uproar.
Image of the Day: Dolphin Stress Test. Thanks anon@
Follow-ups: The On-Again, Off-Again Space Wedding.
Thanks Mike Martinez.
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23 Replies. 2 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: Enterprise
Jul 23, 2003, 22:37
Re: Enterprise Jul 23, 2003, 22:37
Jul 23, 2003, 22:37
To put it concisely-there's a massive amount of waste on redunancy which is intentionally created by the MIIC in the first place in order to keep the money rolling in.

Beyond that you have all of the black line budgets the pentagon runs.

Don't get me wrong here, if you have a public that is as adverse to combat fatalities as ours is you need to invest in a push button military in order to get the job done.

The problem with no oversight is you get something along the lines of a bad Chevy Chase movie:


My spoon is too big!
Avatar 10139
Hero Machine
Jul 23, 2003, 21:10
Hero Machine Jul 23, 2003, 21:10
Jul 23, 2003, 21:10
I have noticed the ads for the Hero Machine on the site. I recommend checking that out. It's pretty cool.

There was only one catch and that was Catch-22
Who knows but that, on the lower frequencies, I speak for you?
http://citizenb.com/ - Now at v1.1
Re: 70 sextillion stars
Jul 23, 2003, 19:06
Re: 70 sextillion stars Jul 23, 2003, 19:06
Jul 23, 2003, 19:06
It should be noted though that in the article, they lie. "Astronomers say there are more stars than grains of sand in all of Earth's deserts and beaches."
Well, the people who DID say that, it was never accurate, and they never believed it to be accurate, they were just trying to show their is a shit load (scientific term). But, of the known universe, and double or triple that, more grains of sand...sorry!

I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
- W. C. Fields
Avatar 15513
Full sentence for virus writer
Jul 23, 2003, 18:45
Full sentence for virus writer Jul 23, 2003, 18:45
Jul 23, 2003, 18:45

Re: Enterprise
Jul 23, 2003, 18:15
Re: Enterprise Jul 23, 2003, 18:15
Jul 23, 2003, 18:15
yeah! that way with a lower tech military a LOT more lives would have been lost in afghanistan and iraq!

Hardly. You need to understand the whole MIIC (Military Industrial Intelligence Complex) system to understand the waste involved.
To put it concisely-there's a massive amount of waste on redunancy which is intentionally created by the MIIC in the first place in order to keep the money rolling in.

That aside, the most lives lost in Afghanistan and Iraq (both immoral acts of aggression-but that's another issue entirely) have overwhelmingly been civilians.

Discretionary spending and accountability are what's required here. Not more money wasted on redunant crap.

Midget soothsayer robs bank. Small medium at large.
"And then, suddenly and without warning, it turned into a real-life case of hungry, hungry hippos."
- Stephen Colbert
Re: Enterprise
Jul 23, 2003, 17:30
Re: Enterprise Jul 23, 2003, 17:30
Jul 23, 2003, 17:30
Military spending should be slashed massively anwyay.

yeah! that way with a lower tech military a LOT more lives would have been lost in afghanistan and iraq! and hey - that would in turn create new job openings, stimulating the economy and creating a perfect utopia where the sound of children's laughter would echo from the gold-plated buildings.

uh... sorry... got carried away there.

- tron -
"tron is big and tron is full of action... it's a hell of a ride!"
-from the Tron 2.0 box
Re: Enterprise
Jul 23, 2003, 16:32
Re: Enterprise Jul 23, 2003, 16:32
Jul 23, 2003, 16:32
So you want more people in the military but less money going to them? If technology can perform the job of a headquarters company the end result is a much more mobile and flexible Battalion headquarters. It also means that fewer resources need to provide security for the Battalion HQ and more resources can be allocated to accomplishing the mission.

I agree that this is a rather gadgety idea, that it probably won't work the way it is meant to. But if it did work it would greatly increase the performance and flexibility of combat troops by streamlining the command and control systems.

70 sextillion stars
Jul 23, 2003, 16:15
70 sextillion stars Jul 23, 2003, 16:15
Jul 23, 2003, 16:15
...70 sextillion....give or take a Billion eh?

I'll take a chance and say there just MIGHT be sentient life out there....

"Both the “left” and the “right” pretend they have the answer, but they are mere flippers on the same thalidomide baby, and the truth is that neither side has a clue."

- Jim Goad
Avatar 10137
Re: Enterprise
Jul 23, 2003, 15:48
Re: Enterprise Jul 23, 2003, 15:48
Jul 23, 2003, 15:48
So instead of a piece of software you'd rather have a headquarters company of 100 people, each of which needs a paycheck? Okay...

Given the massive unemployment out there, yes I'd rather see the money going to people working. The economy needs people working, not money wasted on ridiculously overpriced gadgets. It's like the Navy and their 300 dollar ashtrays. At least those 100 people will be putting money back into the economy much more efficiently than the team of 10 overpaid programmers to that will design this wasteful oftware.
Military spending should be slashed massively anwyay.

Midget soothsayer robs bank. Small medium at large.
"And then, suddenly and without warning, it turned into a real-life case of hungry, hungry hippos."
- Stephen Colbert
Re: Diablo 3 Item Generator
Jul 23, 2003, 15:26
Re: Diablo 3 Item Generator Jul 23, 2003, 15:26
Jul 23, 2003, 15:26
Phat Fish

86 - 123 Damage
Grants 1337 53rv3r 4cc355


Dolphins: When are people going to f'ing realize that you can't move animals around in a balanced ecosystem. Those fishermen are going to die of starvation only after they realize that they fucked up the waters they fish in. You might as well say goodbye to the dolphins while you're at it.

Dumbasses couldn't even get a better price for them. Some dogs cost more than $260 (Hudson?)

Makes me want to buy a shotgun to use on stupid people.

Re: Diablo 3 Item Generator
Jul 23, 2003, 15:24
Re: Diablo 3 Item Generator Jul 23, 2003, 15:24
Jul 23, 2003, 15:24
r are making me mad

fly boy i will save you
Re: Diablo 3 Item Generator
Jul 23, 2003, 14:54
Re: Diablo 3 Item Generator Jul 23, 2003, 14:54
Jul 23, 2003, 14:54
Your item is:
Abused Waffle of Feces
45 - 89 Damage
Hit causes monsters to seek counseling
Re: Enterprise
Jul 23, 2003, 14:52
Re: Enterprise Jul 23, 2003, 14:52
Jul 23, 2003, 14:52
30 mil for some PDAs the guys at the Pentagon will never use anyway

So instead of a piece of software you'd rather have a headquarters company of 100 people, each of which needs a paycheck? Okay...

Jul 23, 2003, 14:26
Brilliant Jul 23, 2003, 14:26
Jul 23, 2003, 14:26
Hey, Fredrickson; I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Blue is NEVER going to post anything you send him, you twit.

Re: Enterprise
Jul 23, 2003, 13:08
Re: Enterprise Jul 23, 2003, 13:08
Jul 23, 2003, 13:08
So that's where the term "Jefferies' Tubes" came from...

Whew, for a moment there I thought that might have been a penis joke.

30 mil for some PDAs the guys at the Pentagon will never use anyway, or be obsolete by the time they get them. The waste of tax dollars on the military never ceases to boggle the mind.

Midget soothsayer robs bank. Small medium at large.
"And then, suddenly and without warning, it turned into a real-life case of hungry, hungry hippos."
- Stephen Colbert
Re: Diablo 3 Item Generator
Jul 23, 2003, 12:29
Re: Diablo 3 Item Generator Jul 23, 2003, 12:29
Jul 23, 2003, 12:29

fly boy i will save you
Diablo 3 Item Generator
Jul 23, 2003, 11:51
Diablo 3 Item Generator Jul 23, 2003, 11:51
Jul 23, 2003, 11:51
Envious Spaniard
0-4 Damage
Party members wish they were you

Tattooed Stapler of the Anarchists
-1 - 0 Damage
Tattoo (40/40 charges)
2% to have government hunt you down

Nylon Slut of Jimmy Stewart
4 - 8 Damage
-3 to coolness
You can now attack Deckard Cain and kick his ass

Sugary Arkansas Toothpick of Fluffy Compassion
0 - 900 Damage
+8 glucose
Hit causes monsters to cuddle

Puppy of Ameobic Dysentary
-120 - 4 Damage
Just don't use this item. Trust us.

There was only one catch and that was Catch-22

This comment was edited on Jul 23, 11:52.
Who knows but that, on the lower frequencies, I speak for you?
http://citizenb.com/ - Now at v1.1
Re: Skunked again!
Jul 23, 2003, 11:50
Re: Skunked again! Jul 23, 2003, 11:50
Jul 23, 2003, 11:50
How about we get a new Blues News logo, With a dog (colored blue of course) chasing a skunk through the blues news text?!

I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
- W. C. Fields
Avatar 15513
Re: Skunked again!
Jul 23, 2003, 11:38
Re: Skunked again! Jul 23, 2003, 11:38
Jul 23, 2003, 11:38
You have to look at it from Hudson's point of view: Defending territory is a tough job, but it has to be done. As soon as you let one skunk across your borders, you might as well move out and let the skunks have the place. It's about RESPECT, damnit!

Really, Blue! Hudson doesn't see YOU out there patroling for skunks.

Supporter of the "A happy fredster is a muted fredster" fanclub.

Skunked again!
Jul 23, 2003, 11:32
Skunked again! Jul 23, 2003, 11:32
Jul 23, 2003, 11:32
You have to look at it from Hudson's point of view: Defending territory is a tough job, but it has to be done. As soon as you let one skunk across your borders, you might as well move out and let the skunks have the place. It's about RESPECT, damnit!
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